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  • I’m see both errors as well after updating a few minutes ago.

    Had to disable the plugin as the errors were showing on front-end as well.



    That did not work. Not only that, but I tried to do a clean install by deactivating the plugin, erasing it, then reinstalling it.

    Before I reactivated it, I deleted the old WP user and created a new one using a new/different username.

    I confirmed on the front-end that the test item I had created using the old “vendor” username no longer showed that it was associated with that username. So far so good.

    But then I reactivated the multi-vendor plugin. And this test item showed on the front end that it was owned by the old vendor wpuser…the one that no longer exists!

    I also noted that the plugin must not clean up the DB on uninstall, as the options I had set before were still set after the new install.

    Please let me know the tables this plugin uses and any fields it may modify in other tables so I can manually go in and remove them to start fresh.





    I have tried it and no luck. Same issue is appearing. I have tried this on a couple different development servers to try and rule out any underling configuration issues, but they all display the same results.




    The WordPress user is set as the user role”Vendor” (the other relevant option here seems to be “Shop Manager” which I tried as well, but has too much access to the WP backend).

    Inside the “Vendors” admin panel (created by this plugin), the WP user is set as the “Vendor Shop Owner” as well.

    So the “Vendor” role appears to be set in both places.




    Thanks for the fast reply. I have done that a few times (including just now again), but no luck.



    Also, the order in question is the “suborder.”

    I can change the user to shop manager and they can access everything (both order and suborder). But switching them back to vendor doesn’t allow access to the suborder.



    Hi Yithemes,

    I’m also seeing this behavior on the free v1.9.2.

    User setup as “vendor” in a brand new, simple WP install (no user permissions editing plugins, etc.).

    Vendor has single product assigned.

    When logged in as vendor (chrome incognito window), everything seems to work fine EXCEPT 1) the view order section 2) Vendor Profile.

    In the order section I can see a test order (which only contains the one product this particular vendor owns). But when I try and view the order details, I get a WP error screen saying:

    “You do not have permission to edit this product. Click here to view and edit your products.”

    Which doesnt make sense, because I can directly edit the product with this user. I can also see the commissions area and the commission attached to this order fine…its just the “order” view that doesn’t seem to work.

    The second issue is when I go to Vendor Profile section, I can’t edit any of this data. The fields let me change them, but when I hit “save vendor information” the page refreshes and the changes are erased. No error message here. I can make changes with the admin login and they persist, so this seems to be another permissions issue.

    FYI: this user can edit/save the regular WP profile fields without issue.


    This is exactly what I needed. Thanks Andrel!

    Thread Starter dhewlette


    My mistake. I forgot to check the gallery settings page and override wordpress’ default “large” size. The update must have overridden this setting. I jut changed it back to what it was before and everything is fine.




    I covered something like this a few months ago when I was setting up a membership site based off wordpress. I used Register Plus to begin with, but found it had some severe issues and switched out to CIMY User Extra fields. Either way, the process for displaying this info on Alkivia is essentially the same. I’ve included a link below to how I did it, including a method for allowing some info to be public while hiding the rest for logged in users only.

    Here is the link.


    Thread Starter dhewlette


    Anyone know about changing the number pagination to an alphabet based one? I’d really like the ability to either search through members using a search box or via some sort of alphabet instead of numbered pages that could appear arbitray to a site visitor.


    Thread Starter dhewlette


    Well I managed to figure it out on my own. Its probably really ugly code, but I’ll explain whats going on.

    First off, to recap: I’m using CIMY user extra fields and Alkivia Open Community plugins to expand wordpress’ built in user profile feature. CIMY plugin is for collecting, storing, and displaying any custom user data I want…Alkivia is for displaying custom member profiles publicly.

    Display CIMY user extra fields data on an Alkivia “profile page.” This is an issue because Alkivia calls of its information based on usernames which it pulls from the URL of the profile page (eg, the profile page is something like …profiles/user/JBlow).

    CIMY user extra field uses user_ID to display data.

    FIX (don’t laugh if this is obvious to you!):

    add the following code to the top of your Alkivia profile page

    <?php $user1 = get_userdatabylogin($username);
    		$useridnum = $user->ID;
    <?php $user_ID = $useridnum ;?>

    This will set the “user1” variable to the user_ID of the member of the profile page you are looking at. The rest of the code just renames this variable to the standard “user_ID”

    Now, you call CIMY and set its return to a given variable using the following code

    <?php $cimyphone = get_cimyFieldValue($user_ID, 'PHONE') ;?>

    Here I simply ask CIMY for the value of the user extra field called “PHONE” (give teh user ID of the owner of this profile page) and set it equal to “$cimyphone” for later use. I do this because I want to do one more little trick before I display the results to the world…

    Now, using that newly created cimyphone variable, I do the following to display it wherever I want:

    if ( is_user_logged_in() && ! empty($cimyphone) ) {
        _e('Phone: ', $text_domain); 	echo cimy_uef_sanitize_content($cimyphone); }

    Here I check to see if the person viewing the profile page is logged in and to see if there is anything in the user extra field called above (“PHONE”). If both of these are true (user is logged in and there is stuff in this field), then I go ahead and display the information.

    I’ve done this to make sure public site visitors who are not members can not get sensitive member information. However, some fields are public (like name) and thus don’t have the Is_user_logged_in part. What’s great about this though, is that the information won’t display if the CIMY user extra field is blank.

    And you can just repeat this for all of your CIMY fields, ensuring they have a unique variable when they are called:

    <?php $SomeVariable = get_cimyFieldValue($user_ID, 'PHONE') ;?>

    Hope that helps some else out there, because I struggled with it for a while.


    Thread Starter dhewlette


    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter dhewlette


    I guess I should mention that I’ve got register plus v3.5.1.

    Why are you running 2.8.5? That seems like it was released a long time ago.

    I’m having the same issue I think. Everything works fine, except I can not change the custom user fields as administrator. The only way I can alter these fields is if I log in as the user I’m trying to change. Thus, I think this is just a permissions issue, but I have not clue how to check to make sure the admin user has the proper permissions.

    Anyone know?

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