15 years, 11 months ago
16 years, 1 month ago
I changed links, my host got happed and lost all the work…lol…anyway i’ve recreated the website here…still the same problem.
You need a resolution bigger then *1024 best seen in firefox: My Error
The white “thing” at the bottom shouldn’t be there…
Anyone can explain how can i do it, a small step by step guide would be useful. ??
Thank YOu
stvwlf : thx for the answer…i can’t have there not even the title of the page…nothing…and i use for the other pages all kind of tags ratings….etc
dekraan, thanks ??
yeah…how do i add my home.php to be the index for the blog so the first page loaded won’t be index.php (WP file)
or how did you do it, lol?