Thank you for documenting this. I agree with you that changing the structure isn’t an ideal solution.
My biggest concern is if your site has been up for a while you will be destroying any page ranking you may have. Basically search engines will see these as new pages (at least from my experience). This has been a known problem since 2.5.0 and I am bummed to see that it doesn’t appear to be on the 2.6.1 release. That means that it will be several more months before it gets corrected.
In 2.5 there was a hack around it but I haven’t seen anything for the last two versions. I tried raising the status of the bug but it just got reset.
As a PHP hobbiest I tried to determine the solution myself but unfortunately the rewrite section is above my skill level.
If anyone can shed some light and expidite a solution please let me know how.