16 years, 1 month ago
nice site
maybe you can use “max-width” and “max-height”. but in ie6 it doesn’t work so well.
search code in your index.php for “posted in” and <?php the_category(',') ?>
<?php the_category(',') ?>
try is_home(),like: if(is_home()){//load style_index.css }else{}
maybe width900px?maybe 860px? i realy have no idea,in my wordpress i set width=960px,. en,there is some themes can resize with browser size automatic.
Clean design. Could use a bit more customization tho.
yes.with that theme can customization easy
just check your plugin.php,i think its because this file is with BOM,delete the BOM,it maybe works well.
is there <!–more–> in your content? en,in there is no <!–more–>,wordpress will show whole posts
thanks for sharing
i think you need to modify style.css (line 308) #footer p {padding:20px 0;},if padding:18px 0;then on firefox its working well,but safari and ie, i have no idea.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function the_tags() in /home/anwokesblog/public_html/blog/wp-content/themes/kitten-in-pink/index.php on line 18
i think this maybe caused by wordpress version,the_tags() was first available with WordPress Version 2.3.