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  • Dexter733


    Hi danielhagelin,

    you can try the follow solution:

    please have a look under

    “Gallery” –> “other options” –> “lightbox effects” –> “(Show advanced settings)”

    Their you’ll find a dropdown checkbox with the various lightboxes.

    Check their for even lightbox (lightbox, fancybox, Shutter, Shutter2, Thickbox) the URL pathes to the stylesheet folders and the Javascript folders. They have to look like this examples (here for Fancybox):

    For Stylesheet:

    For Java:


    If your pathes not look like these examples, the lightboxes and also the Sliders will not work.

    Also have a look to the documentation of NextGEN on the Site of photocrati:


    I will push this post up because I have the same question…

    Hi alex-sf!

    I’m not nextgen but i want to try to help. I’ll hope i have truly understood your problem. I think you want to put a singlepic or thumbnail into a site or an article that will be open the gallery by clicking that?

    Have you already try this to do with an album? Have a look here:

    Create a new album under “Gallery” “Manage albums” and put the gallery into this album with the template “compact album”. Than you can place this album within the ATP button or an shortcode on every site/article you want.

    That will create a thumbnail an after clicking this thumb it will open the gallery with your disered settings like lightbox.

    If you need shortcodes for NGG 2.0 and higher versions please have a look on this helpfull documentation sites of NextGEN:

    Hi Paola,

    I have had a look on your site (really very nice pictures) and i can’t find any failure about the slideshow’s. Everything is running fine.
    I used the Firefox 23 and also IE8 because i’am on work an we are not really up-to-date with our browsers ;).

    Hi Clancy.bird

    that is really simple to do. Have a look into the gallery settings into the dashboard. You will find there the option “customize the display settings” for thumbnail galleries.

    At the last position you will find the option “Show slideshow link”.
    Set this option to “no” and the link for slideshows above your thumbnail galleries will not be displayed longer.

    You can set this option into the general settings for every gallery. Or you can set this for several galleries if you insert a thumbnail gallery with ATP into sites/articles.

    Also have a look to the documention of NextGEN under this link:

    Thread Starter Dexter733


    Are you shure that this effects only for flash slideshows? But why can i flash disable and enable into the settings?

    And why did NGG shows effects when flash is disabled?

    I have created one testsite with 8 different slideshows among the other with ATP. And i have choose for every slideshow another effect and i have in the ATP “Enable to flash slideshow” set to “no”. On this testsite every slideshow have another effect. And that works fine.

    So i thought, that this are jquery slideshows and not flash. Have i got it all wrong?

    Thread Starter Dexter733


    Hi tizz,

    thanks for answering.

    No, i mean not a random jquery slideshow.

    I want to change the effects from the jquery slideshow within a shortcode.

    Into the gallery settings under “NextGEN Basic Slideshow” is a dropdown-field to choose 8 effects for the jquery slideshow (fade, blindX, cover, scrollUp, scrollDown, shuffle, toss and wipe).

    What i need is a code snippet for the shortcode that changed or overwrite the set value of the primary gallery effect settings.

    Just imagine i will put three slideshows in one widget and everybody from them shall be another effect showing…

    Thread Starter Dexter733


    @ – Cais

    many thanks for your answer. Okay, i think i have more problems with the english language than i thought so i will try it once more to explain :D. I have need a view days to trying solving myself my problem with the helpfull site that you linked. But i doesn’t succeed it really.

    ATP works fine on normal sites and articles, but sometimes i’ll need slideshows in widgets and that doesn’t work with ATP (isn’t it?). And sometimes i need slideshows with several effects in the same widget or on special sites.

    I don’t need a new effect but i want to change the basic-effect parameter within a shortcode so that i can use it into a text widget. For example from the “fade” effect what is now enabled in my gallery settings to the Effect “shuffle” for the slideshow what i want to use in the widget.

    What i need is the right parameter inside the shortcode to change the used effect like [ngg_images gallery_ids=”xxx” display_photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” flash_enabled=”1″ flash_shuffle”1″] but not for the flash-slideshow rather for the normal included basic-slideshows-effects.

    Is that possible? I’ll hope that you now can understand what my really request is ;).

    Many thanks for your helpfull work!


    Hi jamminjames,

    I’ll hope i can help you with my tip:

    have a look into gallery –> “other options” –> “Image Options”
    Here you will find “What’s the default sorting method?”
    open the left dropdown-field and choose “custom”
    save your settings.
    Now the sorting of the galleries into the albums shall be sorted as you want.

    I had also need a little bit of time to find this solution ??

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