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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BuddyPress Default Data] Multisite IssueThanks, that helped.
Had the same problem but found out I had to re-upload an images to have the watermark show up. So first step is setting up a watermark and after that to upload images to the library – it does not work for images already uploaded. Thanks for the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gwolle Guestbook] GDPR checkboxSorry but I am unable to find the checkbox – It is about:
Sorry, found it….. Thanks.- This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [GDPR] Not working: jquery conflictUpdate: the older version 1.4.7 does work. So will try not to update although I do not know what I am missing. Hope this will be solved in future update?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gwolle Guestbook] add forms conflict with contact 7Hi there, just a follow up. Managed to deactivate the sidebar for this page so the contact7 form is not loaded on this page and this helps. Now it is possible to add a post. Although technical this is not solved, the workaround is good for me.
Thanks, kind regards,
MeindertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Descriptions removed after updateSorry but your replies are not that clear. Placing the line direct after line 67 gives me a blank page. Please have a look at my former reply. My question is about and on that page there are no javascript errors. Kind regards, Meindert
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Memphis Documents Library] Descriptions removed after updateThanks for your reply – But I am struggling with your description. I can add the line of code below line 67 but it seems I need to rule out some lines to make this work? Can you explain which lines I need to deactivate or delete?
And you wrote “Look for this array value and see if there is any data in it:” But where to look for this value?
Yes, it is strange only the descriptions from certain category are removed. So this could maybe be caused by conflicting plugin which I deactivated (after which I entered the descriptions from other category….)Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front-end Category Management] edit categories for editorsOk, found a partial solution to this by changing statement in:
if ( is_user_logged_in()
Result: existing categories cannot be changed, but user can add extra categories. Not bad.Thanks Jaco fro bringing this up again. This readyGraph thing is pure spam and should be removed from every WordPress listing. We should not accept this kind of spam to become part of our WordPress core. The clarification about “ready graph main page” is nonsense and just a diplomatic way of saying: we are not planning to remove ReadyGraph ourselves. We do not want ReadyGraph, we never asked for it so it should not have a place in any WordPress install. Pure spam.
Sorry but I see a filter, not a pre-filter. How to enter settings for pre-filter?
Problem with readyGraph is still here. (Multisite); After installing subscribe2 on multisite, readygraph tabs are visible on all sub sites where subscribe2 is activated. We didn not and will not connect to readyGraph and still all our users are seing the links. Even worse: when they click on “subscribe2” they are redirected to the readygraph page. We want to have this deleted. Why did you integrate thi sin subscirbe2 and how to delete?
Kind regards,
MeindertForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enable Media Replace] Link to replaced media does not change in page code.Same problem here: on multisite installation. Media replace works but the links on pages are not changed so they are all linking to 404 file not found error. So we need to manually change all the links which makes te plugin useless. It is possible this stopped working after a wordpress update.
Hope there will be a solution.This is the code Firebug shows. Changing the 166px in this code to 566px would help. But how?
<div class="fb-like fb_edge_widget_with_comment fb_iframe_widget" data-action="recommend" data-show-faces="false" data-width="800" data-layout="button_count" data-send="1" fb-xfbml-state="rendered"> <span style="height: 20px; width: 166px;"> <iframe id="f33bf7e8fb051" class="fb_ltr" scrolling="no" name="f2117891c2f98f" style="border: medium none; overflow: hidden; height: 20px; width: 166px;" title="Like this content on Facebook."...... etc
I looks like something is solved as I started with 126px. This is because I changed “like” to “recommend” which hase more letters….. But: still not solved….
Hope still to find a solution. Please have a look at and please see how to change this iframe showing up after clicking the like button. Or should I just disable the iframe popup to show up? How?
Thanks for your reply terrytsang but I did not manage. I tried a lot with the extra css especially with Firebug but cannot find a wya to get this solved. I was seeking for the js file handling this 126px with but even this I cannot find at the moment. Shouldn’t I set this in an API with facebook? Hope you can help me out otherwise I need to find an other solution.