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  • Thread Starter devra


    The Get Help link is unavailable. Is support only available for Premium accounts?

    Thread Starter devra


    Hi, Sunny.

    Thank you so much for responding. Somehow this issue has been marked as resolved, which it is not. But I seem unable to change that status.

    We do not have any plugins which mess with permalinks. The plugin which causes the problem is s2Member. And the problem only exists for non-Admin users. Unfortunately, I reported above that I had fixed the problem on our beta site, but it’s broken again.

    Thanks for the link. I’ll open a ticket with



    In your first comment, you wrote:
    There is an option in the backend to have the persistence clear after submit? Are you using that?

    I looked in the Form settings and in the Gravity Forms setting for something about clearing or persistence, but I found nothing. How can I have the form clear automatically after submission?




    I have the same issue. I can’t find the setting in the dashboard. Can you please give more complete instructions?


    Thread Starter devra


    Thank you very much. I didn’t realize my version was out of date. I purchased the new version of Raw HTML Pro, and that did the trick. My visual editor is working correctly in both those plugins.

    Thread Starter devra


    When I click in the dashboard on Settings > ITRO Popup, I get the following JS console messages in Firefox Firebug JS Console when the page appears:

    ReferenceError: rawhtml_placeholder_image is not defined
    .init() tinymce…0150910 (line 11)
    ed = Object { documentBaseUrl=””, settings={…}, id=”custom_html”, more…}
    url = “https://www.hollywoodball…-html-pro/editor-plugin”
    e() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    n = “ws_rawhtml_plugin”
    n() tinymce…0150910 (line 2)
    e = [“charmap”, “colorpicker”, “hr”, 16 more…]
    n = e(n)
    r = [“charmap”, “colorpicker”, “hr”, 16 more…]
    S.prototype.init() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    S.prototype.render/t/<() tinymce…0150910 (line 9)
    n/this.loadScripts/p/<() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    e = Object { scope=n, func=function()}
    n() tinymce…0150910 (line 2)
    e = [Object { scope=n, func=function()}]
    n = function(e)
    r = [Object { scope=n, func=function()}]
    n/this.loadScripts/p() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    n/this.loadScripts/p/</<() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)
    i() tinymce…0150910 (line 4)

    var placeholderSrc = rawhtml_placeholder_image; tinymce…0150910 (line 11, col 8)

    When I then click on the Text Tab, I get the following js console error message:

    TypeError: this.getDoc(…) is undefined

    …dy:function(){return this.bodyElement||this.getDoc().body},convertURL:function(e…
    tinymce…0150910 (line 10, c

    Here are the error messages I get from the Firefox regular js console. A bit easier to read:
    When ITRO Popup plugin rendered page:

    ReferenceError: rawhtml_placeholder_image is not defined tinymce-plugin.js:11:8

    .init() tinymce-plugin.js:11
    e() tinymce.min.js:9
    n() tinymce.min.js:2
    S.prototype.init() tinymce.min.js:9
    S.prototype.render/t/<() tinymce.min.js:9
    n/this.loadScripts/p/<() tinymce.min.js:4
    n() tinymce.min.js:2
    n/this.loadScripts/p() tinymce.min.js:4
    n/this.loadScripts/p/</<() tinymce.min.js:4
    i() tinymce.min.js:4

    When I clicked from Visual tab to Text tab:

    TypeError: this.getDoc(…) is undefined tinymce.min.js:10:4225
    S.prototype.getBody() tinymce.min.js:10
    S/o.$<() tinymce.min.js:9
    t() tinymce.min.js:3
    l() plugin.min.js:1
    <anonymous> plugin.min.js:1
    i() tinymce.min.js:7
    .fire() tinymce.min.js:7
    S.prototype.hide() tinymce.min.js:10
    d() load-scripts.php:732
    b/b/<() load-scripts.php:732
    i() tinymce.min.js:2
    m() tinymce.min.js:2

    I greatly appreciate any help you can give me on this.

    Thread Starter devra


    Thanks so much for your reply. It works. I’m not sure why they set it up with this .ai1ec-day-stretcher, but I’m so glad you knew about it.

    Thanks also for the tip about hiding the date. I may want to do that for another client.

    Thread Starter devra


    When I updated NextGen to 2.0.57, my dropdown menus started working again. This worked on Reverie theme. Good luck with your theme.

    Thread Starter devra



    For the Reverie theme, NextGen 2.0.57 fixes the dropdown problem.

    Thread Starter devra


    Hi, Telfia. Thanks so much for sticking with me.

    This is really making me nuts. I tried the 999 value above and it had no effect. I tried playing around with get_posts() and setup_postdata. No go.

    Then I started looking at another site we have, also with a custom theme, where page content is searched. The working site has no additional functions for searching in functions.php. It uses a simple searchform and search.php. Using these in the new site, I still was not getting search results for pages.

    Then I started playing around with page content. Here is where it gets interesting. Most of our page content is not placed in the Text Editor window. It is placed in page custom fields which are then strategically placed in the page layout. Their value is echo’ed to show on the page. Content that goes directly into the page Text Editor IS found. Content that goes into custom fields which are then echo’ed onto the page is NOT found. Also, content in custom templates is not found.

    So now we have built a custom theme which uses custom fields. These allow a sophisticated page layout, and allow the user to modify page content in the custom fields. But, our page content can’t be searched.

    Any idea if there is a way to search template content and custom fields in the regular search box?

    Thread Starter devra


    Here is my search.php:

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <section id="mainContent" class="cf">
    	<article id="editorial" class="cf search-results">
            <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>
        		<p class="page-title"><?php printf( __( '<span class="smallertext">Search Results for:</span> %s', 'willoughby' ),
    				'<span><strong>' . 	get_search_query() . '</strong></span>' ); ?></p>
        	<?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
        		<div <?php post_class() ?> id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>">
            		<h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
            		<div class="entry">
                		<?php the_excerpt(); ?>
                		<div id="customcontinue"> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><span> read more...</span></a></div><!-- End of customcontinue -->
            		</div><!-- End of the excerpt -->
        		</div> <!-- End of single search result -->
         <?php endwhile; ?>
         <?php else : ?>
        		<p class="page-title"><?php printf( __( 'Sorry. No search results found for: <span class="redtype"> %s </span>', 'willoughby' ),
    				'<strong>' . get_search_query() . '</strong>' ); ?></p>
        <?php endif; ?>
    </section><!-- End of #mainContent-->
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter devra


    Hi, Telfia.

    I put
    add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'filter_search');

    This is the same code I have in functions.php. I removed it from functions.php as well, but that didn’t make a difference. I didn’t even make it conditional on is_search(), I just added it to the top of the page or footer.

    Any ideas?

    Thread Starter devra


    I tried putting the add_filter in the template, then in the footer. It makes no difference.

    I am at a loss.

    I am running WP 3.5.1.
    I am using the WP default search widget in the footer.
    I do not have a custom searchform.php. It comes from general-template.php.
    I do have a search.php.

    When I search, I get results for Posts but not Pages, which is what I need.

    I added this code to functions.php as well, but it had no effect.

    /* 	2/26/13 - Try adding pages to search function.
     According to forum helper,
    	this should be working. */
    function filter_search($query) {
        if ($query->is_search) {
        $query->set('post_type', array('page','post'));
        return $query;
    add_filter('pre_get_posts', 'filter_search');

    I tried the most recent version Search Everything plugin, but it has no option in Settings for Pages, as it is supposed to have. No response from author.

    Anyone have a suggestion of what I am doing wrong?

    We are also using Ajax Event Calendar. Expiration time goes backwards 4 hours each time the post is saved. Our clock is set to New York.

    Expiration is set to Draft, but no posts have changed to Draft yet.

    Is anyone else having this weird behavior in WP 3.5.1?

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