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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Real Cookie Banner: GDPR & ePrivacy Cookie Consent] Real Cookie BannerHi @pfanniroland,
Thank you for your inquiry. Your web host has already given you a correct tip that the WP REST API, a secure standard interface in WordPress, must not be blocked.
Unfortunately, you have already activated Real Cookie Banner on your website, so I can’t look at the problem. Could you please activate it again?
You can find common causes and solutions for the problem you have named at
Best regards,
JanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Real Media Library: Media Library Folder & File Manager] Sort/Filter by nameHi Carmelo,
Yes, you can sort images within a folder alphabetically with this plugin. Check out the screenshot to see where you find this feature in Real Media Library.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Best regards,
Hi @aggk,
Thanks for your request. We must point out that the following statements do not constitute legal advice. Therefore, I can only give you evaluations from our intensive experience with the EU legal regulations in practice and a technical assessment of the situation.
In the EU, you not only need consent to set/read cookies (in accordance with the ePrivacy Directive), but also to process personal data (Art. 6 GDPR). This also includes the IP address of your website visitors, which you share with Google when embedding Google Maps (whether via an iframe or JavaScript SDK). Consequently, the scanner suggests Google Maps to you so that you can comply with your legal obligations.
Further information on when and why you need consent can be found at
Best regards,
Hi @pictibe,
Thank you for your request. The new Google requirements to be applied in the EEA relate to the use of Google Consent Mode v2.
We are already working on the implementation of Google Consent Mode v2 so that you can convert your website to it by March 1, 2024 and continue to use all the features of Google services. Google Consent Mode v2 will be a feature in the PRO version of Real Cookie Banner.
We will inform you here as soon as the feature is read!
Best regards,
Hi @mlplus,
Thank you for your interest in the Real Media Library. Unfortunately, your feature request cannot be realized for sure due to the limitations of the WordPress core. We have provided you with further details at
Best regards,
Hi @nazelisargsyan,
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, even after rechecking the code of Form Marker, it is technically incomprehensible to us why the cookie for storing, editing, and deleting should be technically essential within the meaning of EU Directive 2009/136/EC Recital 66. Unfortunately, we cannot find an explanation of the technically essential data processing procedure in your answer.
In a comparison with form plugins from other developers that work without such a cookie for security and technical data storage purposes, it is also not clear to us why this is fundamentally different for Form Marker in terms of technology.
I also take from this thread that Form Marker has no interest in adapting the plugin so that it works without this cookie. We therefore conclude that Form Marker should not be used by EU website operators, if they wish to comply with the applicable data protection regulations, this will be done accordingly in our Consent Management System Real Cookie Banner.
Thank you for your time and effort, anyways!
Best regards,
JanHi @nazelisargsyan,
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately, I do not understand the benefits for safety.
User IP:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Site URL: (cam only be changed by the website operator)
MD5 hash of concatenated values: 9d295784dacba7a1c2de218fcda2a9a2When I restart my router, my IP address changes (dynamic allocation by the ISP). When I update my browser, my user agent changes. A real website visitor will not be able to prevent both in every case and this leads to a change in the MD5 hash.
What happens if one of these cases occurs? Can forms from Form Marker then no longer be sent by this website visitor?
I also wonder what the security benefits are of having only one website visitor submit a second form if they used exactly the same technical parameters for the first submission. Can you please explain the security benefits of this again?
Thanks for your time!
Best regards,
JanJust a quick update:
Unfortunately, we have not been able to find a hook in WordPress to block
until consent is given. Therefore, we currently see no possibility to use Form Maker in the EU in compliance with data protection regulations.We would therefore be all the more pleased to receive an answer in order to find a solution for users from the EU.
Hallo Dominik,
im Rahmen des Supports auf kann und darf ich keine Prüfung deines Einzelfalls vornehmen. Daher kann ich dir nur auf die technischen Fragen antworten, die du hier stellst. Solltest du ein nicht ?ffentliches Support-Ticket er?ffnen wollen, um weitere Informationen bereitzustellen, kannst du dies jederzeit unter tun.
was muss in die Felder eingetragen werden dazu sind bei einem Iframe keine Informationen zu,zu finden:
Technische Handhabung
Code bei Opt-in ausführen
Code bei Opt-out ausführen
Code beim Laden der Seite ausführen ?Wie im Artikel “Wie erstelle ich einen individuellen Service?” beschrieben, musst du bei bereits eingebetteten Inhalten wie einem Widget hier nichts eintragen, da du keine zus?tzliche Scripts laden m?chtest. Stattdessen m?chtest du die bereits eingebundenen Scripts bis zur Einwilligung blockieren, wozu du einen Content Blocker ben?tigst.
kurze Frage noch dazu div[id^=”bookingAffiliateWidget_”] muss ich den Code bzw. Iframe vor dem hochladen noch in ein div mit ID einpacken damit das greift?
Nein. Laut deinem Support-Ticket ist
<div id="bookingAffiliateWidget_cca52434-ae60-4a8d-864f-04172d3b89d9"> </div>
ein Bestandteil des Scripts, dass wir blockieren wollen. Die Regel besagt, dass jedes<div>
blockiert werden soll, dessenid
beginnt.Sollten die Regeln wider Erwarten nicht ausreichen für deinen Einzelfall, er?ffne bitte ein Support-Ticket auf unserer Website unter Angabe deiner Website und wir werden uns das gerne im Einzelfall ansehen!
Viele Grü?e
Hallo Dominik,
danke für deine Anfrage. Wir müssen darauf hinweisen, dass die folgenden Aussagen keine Rechtsberatung darstellen. Ich kann dir daher nur Einsch?tzungen aus unserer intensiven Erfahrung mit den Rechtsvorschriften in der Praxis und eine technische Einsch?tzung der Lage geben.
Allgemein kannst du Services und Content Blocker für jeden beliebigen Dienst einfach selbst in Real Cookie Banner anlegen. Im Folgenden haben wir dir ein paar Anleitungen zusammengestellt, die dir helfen werden, alles korrekt zu konfigurieren:
- Wofür ben?tige ich Einwilligungen?
- Wie erstelle ich einen individuellen Service?
- Wie erstelle ich einen individuellen Content Blocker?
- Wie finde ich alle Services (Cookies) auf meiner Website?
Im konkreten Fall zu deinen Fragen:
Content Blocker
- URLs / Zu blockierende Elemente: Dort solltest du z.B. folgende Regel definieren, um alle drei HTML-Elemente (und nicht nur das erste <script> Element) bis zur Einwilligung zu blockieren. So kann auch ein visueller Content Blocker anstelle des <div> Elements gerendert werden.
*var BookingAffiliateWidget*
div[id^="bookingAffiliateWidget_"]- Verbundene Services: Dort musst du deinen Service hinterlegen, den du für das Affiliate System angelegt hast. Erst wenn eine Einwilligung in diesen erteilt wird, darf der Content Blocker den Content freigeben.
- Technische Handhabung: Schau dir bitte in Ruhe den Artikel “Wie finde ich alle Services (Cookies) auf meiner Website?” an. In diesem führen wir dich Schritt-für-Schritt durch den Prozess, um diese Informationen aus deinem Browser auszulesen.
Viele Grü?e
- This reply was modified 1 year, 4 months ago by GmbH. Reason: Formating mistakes
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Real Cookie Banner: GDPR & ePrivacy Cookie Consent] Own CSS defines?Hi @mikeknappe,
Thank you for your kind words. If you would like to do us a favor and help more website owners find Real Cookie Banner, please give us a rating at
The CSS selectors are kept so general as one of several measures to ensure that your cookie banner is not blocked by adblockers and cookie banner blockers.
You can store your own CSS in your WordPress backend under Cookies > Customize banner > Custom CSS, which we integrate into this generic anti-adblocker approach. You can only see the class names such as
in the preview in the customizer. You can use your browser’s inspector to find the class names where you can enter the custom CSS. I have recorded a video below to show you exactly how to do this.Video:
Best regards,
JanGreat to hear that you were able to solve the issue.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Hi @fpmtinc,
If you have deactivated the plugin, buttons technically can no longer be displayed. I must therefore assume that you still have the plugin active in some form and that removing it in step 3 would not help you, as the MySQL functions would be created again directly.
Please create a private support ticket at in which you give us temporary access to your website, and we will be happy to take a look at what is going wrong with your setup.
Best regards,
JanHi @fpmtinc,
It’s great that you’ve already found your own solution in the meantime!
In general, if you deactivate the plugin under “Plugins” in your WordPress backend, all of the plugin’s code will be deactivated. This means that you will no longer find any additional UI elements from Real Media Library.
The data from the database will not be deleted, so that if you have temporarily deactivated the plugin, not all settings and especially folder structures are irrevocably lost. However, you can also delete everything from the Real Media Library database using the steps you have outlined.
If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to let us know!
Best regards,
JanHi @magicmandi,
Thank you for your request. This option is no longer available with Real Cookie Banner, as our solution is built in such a way that all scripts can be loaded correctly even without a reload. A reload is a disruptive element for your website visitors, which is why it should be avoided.
Which script exactly on which website do you have the problem with? If you don’t want to share this information publicly, you can also open a private support ticket at
Best regards,