Forum Replies Created
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Migrating to VPS from Shared Hosting**Update** another issue I ran into (when DNS finished populating) was on VPS & Dedicated Servers mod-rewrite tends to be disabled by default (and in a few ways), so any commands your .htaccess files have will be completely ignored, oh, and this also means ONLY YOUR MAIN PAGE will load. To fix this you just need to enable mod-rewrite on your apache server.
To make sure mod-rewrite is enabled:
– send command “a2enmod rewrite” to your server either through terminal or web interface to ensure it is enabled server-side
– SCP/SSH/File Manager into your VPS and go to “/etc/apache2/sites-available/”
– Edit either the “default” file which would make all changes sitewide or one specifically made for just your wordpress install if there is one (if you used a script to install there would be)
– Change any instances of “AllowOverride None” to “AllowOverride All”
– Restart VPS or at a minimum restart Apache serverYour website should now be fully functional!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Migrating to VPS from Shared HostingPretty much everything 2niner2niner said is true, but i ran into a few problems with SQL compatibility (ERROR 1062 (23000) at line XXX: Duplicate entry ‘XXX’ for key ‘PRIMARY’); and rather than zipping/extracting and wasted steps you can:
– Login though FTP and download your wordpress directory
– Backup your Database through myPhpAdmin to SQL (Required Settings: UNCHECK “AUTO_INCREMENT” under create table options, and CHECK “Truncate Table before insert” and “INSERT IGNORE statements”. Optional: Select the datatbase system compatibility)
– Install wordpress on new site
– Upload your backed up wordpress directory over your new install
– Update settings in wp-config.php (check wp from your new install, if installed through your server or script it might already have the settings you need)
– Import your SQL dump
– Update your DNS settings to reflect your new siteEnjoy!