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  • Thread Starter Himansu


    I read installation in customization document also see demo json file that attach in documents.
    I create new plugin named ‘grbrains’ and i create new i18n-config.json file in ‘i18n-config\plugins\grbrains’ folder and call that file in Configuration Files integration in WordPress admin panel.
    JSON file code as below.

    "admin-config": {

    But it’s not working i made same change in root json file but not apply any changes.
    When i do changes in new plugin pages that it’s working fine.

    Thread Starter Himansu


    I solve that.It’s because of Unicode-8.
    I create new plugin and create languages file in that plugin.

    When i add $locale='ar'; in config file than translation display but when i change arabic language using qTranslate X language chooser than new plugin translation not working.
    Help me for that.

    use do_shortcode('[social_share]') for display social share anywhere on site.
    In woocoomrce Product page use this code in content-single-product.php file.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Website Logo] Not showing

    There is some mistake in installation description.
    For display this logo use [site_logo] or do_shortcode('[site_logo]')

    For remove Social Login on edit profile page comment or remove below code in oa-social-login/includes/user_interface.php file

    add_action ('show_user_profile', 'oa_social_login_add_social_link');

    For remove Social Login on comment form remove or comment below code in oa-social-login/includes/user_interface.php file

    add_action ('comment_form_top', 'oa_social_login_render_login_form_comments');

    Here if you wan to get upload image url use below code

    Here $image_id = attachment id that use in Alchemist Ajax Upload plugin post data.

    Replace below script in unattach-and-reattach.php file for display drop down only on media library

    jQuery(document).ready(function() {
    $ = jQuery;
    if($('.wrap h2').text() != 'Posts Add New'){
    $('<option>').val('unattach').text('<?php _e('Unattach')?>').appendTo("#posts-filter select[name='action']");
    $('<option>').val('reattach').text('<?php _e('Re-Attach')?>').appendTo("#posts-filter select[name='action']");
    $('<option>').val('unattach').text('<?php _e('Unattach')?>').appendTo("#posts-filter select[name='action2']");
    $('<option>').val('reattach').text('<?php _e('Re-Attach')?>').appendTo("#posts-filter select[name='action2']");
    $('#doaction, #doaction2').click(function(e){
    if ( $(this).val() == 'reattach' ) {

    For add pagination on both side change script as below in paginated-effects-gallery.php file

    jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
    				//user settings
    				var thumbsPerPage = <?php echo max( get_option( "thumbnails_per_page" ), 1 ); ?>;
    				var maxPaginatedLinks = <?php echo max( get_option( "paginated_links" ), 3 ); ?>;
    				var hideEffect = "<?php echo get_option( "hide_effect" ); ?>";
    				var showEffect = "<?php echo get_option( "show_effect" ); ?>";
    				var effectSpeed = "<?php echo get_option( "effect_speed" ); ?>";
    				var count = 1;
    				//handles multiple galleries on page
    				var galleryCount = $( "[id^=gallery-]" ).each( function() {			
    					var galleryId = "#" + $( this ).attr( "id" ) + " ";										
    					//select initial thumbnails to show
    					var totalThumbs = $( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).size();
    					var pagination = Math.ceil( totalThumbs / thumbsPerPage );
    					$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).hide();
    					$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).slice( 0, thumbsPerPage ).show();
    					//clean up break tags
    					$( galleryId + " br" ).remove();
    					$( galleryId + ".gallery-item:last" ).after( "<br style='clear:both;' />" );
    					//wrap the gallery so it does does not collapse when we hide/show
    					$( galleryId ).wrap( "<div class='gallery-wrap'/>" );
    					$( galleryId ).parent().height( $( galleryId ).height() );	
    					//generate our pagination
    					var html = "";
    					html += "<span id='pagination-first'>first</span> ";
    					for ( var i = 1; i < Math.min( maxPaginatedLinks + 1, pagination + 1 ); i++ ) {
    						var id = "pagination-" + i;
    						//determine the current selected page
    							var currentPage = "";
    							if( i == 1 ) {
    								currentPage += "class='current-page'";
    							html += "<span id='" + id + "' " + currentPage + ">" + i + "</span> ";
    					html += "<span id='pagination-last'>last</span> ";
    					$( galleryId ).parent().after( "<div id='peg-" +  count +"' class='pagination'>" + html + "</div>" );
    					$( galleryId ).parent().before( "<div id='peg-before-" +  count +"' class='pagination'>" + html + "</div>" );
    					//pagination callback function
    					$( "#peg-" + count ).add("#peg-before-" + count).on( "click", "span", function() {
    						var pagination_id = $( this ).attr( "id" ).substr( 11 );
    						var sliceFrom = 0;						
    						//Determine thumbnails to show
    						if( pagination_id == "first" ) {
    							sliceFrom = 0;
    							pagination_id = 1;
    						else if( pagination_id == "last" ) {
    							sliceFrom = ( pagination - 1 ) * thumbsPerPage;
    							pagination_id = pagination;
    						else {
    							sliceFrom = ( pagination_id - 1 ) * thumbsPerPage;
    						//hide and show the new gallery
    						if( hideEffect == "none" ) {
    							$( galleryId ).hide();
    							$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).hide();
    							$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).slice( sliceFrom, sliceFrom + thumbsPerPage ).show();
    							if( showEffect == "none" ) {
    								$( galleryId ).show();
    							else {
    								$( galleryId ).show( showEffect, effectSpeed );
    						else {
    							$( galleryId ).hide( hideEffect, effectSpeed, function() {
    								$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).hide();
    								$( galleryId + ".gallery-item" ).slice( sliceFrom, sliceFrom + thumbsPerPage ).show();
    								if( showEffect == "none" ) {
    									$( galleryId ).show();
    								else {
    									$( galleryId ).show( showEffect, effectSpeed );
    						//update pagination
    						var html = "";
    						html += "<span id='pagination-first'>first</span> ";
    						for ( var i = Math.max( 1 , Math.min( pagination_id - Math.floor( maxPaginatedLinks / 2 ), pagination - ( maxPaginatedLinks - 1 ) ) ); i < Math.min( Math.max( 1, pagination_id - Math.floor( maxPaginatedLinks / 2) ) + maxPaginatedLinks, pagination + 1 ); i++ ) {
    							var id = "pagination-" + i;
    							//determine the current selected page
    							var currentPage = "";
    							if( pagination_id == i ) {
    								currentPage += "class='current-page'";
    							html += "<span id='" + id + "' " + currentPage + ">" + i + "</span> ";
    						html += "<span id='pagination-last'>last</span> ";
    						$( ".pagination").html( html );

    For remove that content on URL remove this code from your ajax-page-loader.js file

    if (push != 1) {
    			//TODO: implement a method for IE
    			if (typeof window.history.pushState == "function") {
    				var stateObj = { foo: 1000 + Math.random()*1001 };
    				history.pushState(stateObj, "ajax page loaded...", path);
    			} else {
    				if (AAPL_warnings == true) {
    					alert("BROWSER COMPATIBILITY: \n'pushState' method not supported in this browser, sorry about that!");
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