Forum Replies Created
My mistake. Actually cloudflare cache is the issue. After purging cache from cloudflare, issue is solved
OK, I got it after studying the plugin source code.
You can mark this topic as resolvedSo far tried this but none works in my case –
add_action( 'um_user_register', 'my_user_register', 10, 2 ); function my_user_register( $user_id, $args ) { um_fetch_user( $user_id ); UM()->user()->approve(); }
add_action( 'um_after_save_registration_details', 'my_after_save_registration_details', 10, 2 ); function my_after_save_registration_details( $user_id, $submitted ) { um_fetch_user( $user_id ); UM()->user()->approve(); }
Please suggest.
ok, I have clicked the button to repair the DB and it is showing “Some minor DB errors were detected” as a result. But it is not telling me whether the plugin itself have fixed the errors or I have to manually fix the errors.
I tried clicking the repair button more than once and each time it shows “Some minor DB errors were detected”.
Please suggest what would be my next step. Do I have to manually repair the db or it’s done.- This reply was modified 7 years, 8 months ago by Devgun.
@morphman – I agree with you
@nigrosimone – It’s not working because the js file is not hosted on my site.
@smartyp – No, am not using ad blocker. Right now I am using “Auto Minify” and this really making my website fast to load.
:-O oh! yes, there is also “manual” option and using this options my Infolinks ad are back. But adding all those .js and .css file one by one is pain and there are plenty in wordpress & plugins. Beside it is also skipping other .js file for e.g. google fonts on google’s server, etc.
And this also decrease my Pagespeed/ Yslow rank as per GTmetrix scan comparing to “auto minify”.
I will request the developer to add easy options in w3tc to skip third party .js file from minifying.
Thanks.- This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Devgun.
omg! I thought I will have to create a function to make the template work but this is easy. Simply create a template and named it “single-{$post_type_slug}.php”, that’s all.
Thanks for pointing it out.In my source code of my Registration page, it appears like this –
<script type='text/javascript'> var RecaptchaOptions = { theme : "clean" }, gglcptch_path = "", gglcptch_error_msg = "Error: You have entered an incorrect CAPTCHA value.", gglcptch_private_key = "6LfDauo__my_private_key______z"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Please suggest how to fix the issue.
I have found the cause, I think it’s a bug.
When you install the plugin (version 1.02) for the first time, it works fine. But if you disable it for moment and then re-enable it, the worse thing happens. All the url to question shows error page (page not found). Only deleting the plugin and installing it anew helps to get your URL back in work.
Second thing, the posting ‘time’ does not seems to work well. Whenever I create a new question and submit it, it shows ‘posted 17 hours ago’. I have rolled back to old version. (I had similar problem with another plugin which I managed to resolve myself. see here – hope Admin will suggest the cause.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Shows wrong posting date – "Posted 44 years ago"Finally I fixed it by editing the php code of the plugin.
Actually it is plugin conflict (I guess so). I have one more plugin “DW Q&A” so when I disable this plugin, the date/time reflect perfect in WP Job Manager but since both plugins are important to me, I can’t disable any one of them, so I made changes in WP Job Manager’s code.I would request Mike to see the changes I have made (to point what I am doing is OK or not)
I have edited – content-single-job_listing.php
<date><?php echo human_time_diff( get_the_time( 'U' ), current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) . ' ' . __( 'ago', 'job_manager' ); ?></date>
<date><?php echo human_time_diff( get_post_time( 'U' ), current_time( 'timestamp' ) ) . ' ' . __( 'ago', 'job_manager' ); ?></date>
similarly I have made same changes in – content-summary-job_listing.php And content-job_listing.php
After making the changes, the job’s posting date/ time is showing the accurate one (such as – Posted 10 minutes ago instead of Posted 44 years ago).Please Mike suggest me, is the changes I made is fine.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Shows wrong posting date – "Posted 44 years ago"Please see a screenshot here –
I need to fix it urgent.