3 years, 2 months ago
You are welcome ))
Hi @rcmteam
Im sorry for inconvinance. Pmease change it to
#ypmcboxLoadedContent {padding: 20px 20px 20px 20px !important;}
We have changed the prefix yrm to ypm
Please update it and let me know results
Dear @griego62
I checked your video and found you are a PRO user. This forum for the free users. Please contact us via [email protected]
Did you do that steps?
I checked and seems Disable page scrolling option was off. Could you please send popup options screnshot ?
Hi @griego62
Could you please share a URL where you have that issue?
Thank you for connecting us. Could you please share a URL where i can see that issue
Hi @usersprofile1
Thank you for connecting us. We have implemented that feature and will be included on our next update.
Dear @boyanov
Thank you for the url. We fixed that without version check. Please delete popup plugin and install it again clear your browser cache and check it.
That changes we will include on our next update
Hi @boyanov
Thank you for connecting us Could you please share a URL where i can see that isshue?
Thank you for connecting us. That’s strange, could youbplease deactivate your plugins one by one
I think one of your plugings or theme affect to our plugin
Hi @newyearpopup
Thank you for connecting We have fixed that issue we will include on our upcoming update
3 years, 3 months ago
Hi @translationwp
Thank you for connecting us. Currently we dont have that feature, but it we will do on our next update. When you will have any new feature suggestiond please write in a new tread
Hi @christmaswebsite
Thank you for connecting us. Cuurently we done have like that feature and popup could work only in WordPress.
Hi @pizzastore1
Thank you for connecting us. We dont have any known issues. Do you havd an issue?