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  • Thread Starter DevDesk


    The following link helped me understand the nature of the Advanced Custom Field (ACF) global settings and how they can be modified via “filter”:

    RESOLUTION: The next link shows the correct way to register the Google Maps API key in WordPress for both ACF & ACF PRO:

    The FUNCTIONS.PHP file (in \wp-content\themes\YOURTHEME) requires the following filter

    function my_acf_google_map_api( $api ){
    	$api['key'] = 'xxx';
    	return $api;
    add_filter('acf/fields/google_map/api', 'my_acf_google_map_api');

    Since this modification is Theme-Specific, it may be good practice to setup a Child Theme instead to keep it separate from theme changes.

    Or install a custom functions plugin (such as: My Custom Functions by Space-X Chimp or similar) which will allow custom functions to remain independent of the theme and plugins.

    Thread Starter DevDesk


    After digging into the code, I figured out the script calling Google Maps is being generated by the dependency plugin (required at install) “Advanced Custom Fields” in the following file:


    For whatever reason I’m not able to see any of these custom fields from the “Advanced Custom Fields” plugin admin page (might be due to trying to install StoryMaps before I had installed ACF?)

    Anyway, I played around with ACF, adding a custom field “google_api_key” with a default value set to my key, but could not get this to work.

    In the end, I changed Line 89 & 90:

    // construct url
    $url = add_query_arg($api, '');

    appending the following directly after /js within the final quote

    This gets the map to load, but would still like to know what the “proper” way to update the key is rather than this hack that made it work?

    Any ideas?

    Full original file code:

    if( ! class_exists('acf_field_google_map') ) :
    class acf_field_google_map extends acf_field {
    	*  __construct
    	*  This function will setup the field type data
    	*  @type	function
    	*  @date	5/03/2014
    	*  @since	5.0.0
    	*  @param	n/a
    	*  @return	n/a
    	function initialize() {
    		// vars
    		$this->name = 'google_map';
    		$this->label = __("Google Map",'acf');
    		$this->category = 'jquery';
    		$this->defaults = array(
    			'height'		=> '',
    			'center_lat'	=> '',
    			'center_lng'	=> '',
    			'zoom'			=> ''
    		$this->default_values = array(
    			'height'		=> '400',
    			'center_lat'	=> '-37.81411',
    			'center_lng'	=> '144.96328',
    			'zoom'			=> '14'
    	*  input_admin_enqueue_scripts
    	*  description
    	*  @type	function
    	*  @date	16/12/2015
    	*  @since	5.3.2
    	*  @param	$post_id (int)
    	*  @return	$post_id (int)
    	function input_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
    		// localize
    			'Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation'	=> __('Sorry, this browser does not support geolocation', 'acf'),
    		// bail ealry if no enqueue
    	   	if( !acf_get_setting('enqueue_google_maps') ) {
    	   	// vars
    	   	$api = array(
    			'key'		=> acf_get_setting('google_api_key'),
    			'client'	=> acf_get_setting('google_api_client'),
    			'libraries'	=> 'places',
    			'ver'		=> 3,
    			'callback'	=> '',
    			'language'	=> acf_get_locale()
    	   	// filter
    	   	$api = apply_filters('acf/fields/google_map/api', $api);
    	   	// remove empty
    	   	if( empty($api['key']) ) unset($api['key']);
    	   	if( empty($api['client']) ) unset($api['client']);
    	   	// construct url
    	   	$url = add_query_arg($api, '');
    	   	// localize
    		   	'google_map_api'	=> $url
    	*  render_field()
    	*  Create the HTML interface for your field
    	*  @param	$field - an array holding all the field's data
    	*  @type	action
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	function render_field( $field ) {
    		// validate value
    		if( empty($field['value']) ) {
    			$field['value'] = array();
    		// value
    		$field['value'] = wp_parse_args($field['value'], array(
    			'address'	=> '',
    			'lat'		=> '',
    			'lng'		=> ''
    		// default options
    		foreach( $this->default_values as $k => $v ) {
    			if( empty($field[ $k ]) ) {
    				$field[ $k ] = $v;
    		// vars
    		$atts = array(
    			'id'			=> $field['id'],
    			'class'			=> "acf-google-map {$field['class']}",
    			'data-lat'		=> $field['center_lat'],
    			'data-lng'		=> $field['center_lng'],
    			'data-zoom'		=> $field['zoom'],
    		// has value
    		if( $field['value']['address'] ) {
    			$atts['class'] .= ' -value';
    <div <?php acf_esc_attr_e($atts); ?>>
    	<div class="acf-hidden">
    		<?php foreach( $field['value'] as $k => $v ): 
    			acf_hidden_input(array( 'name' => $field['name'].'['.$k.']', 'value' => $v, 'data-name' => $k ));
    		endforeach; ?>
    	<div class="title">
    		<div class="acf-actions -hover">
    			<a href="#" data-name="search" class="acf-icon -search grey" title="<?php _e("Search", 'acf'); ?>"></a><?php 
    			?><a href="#" data-name="clear" class="acf-icon -cancel grey" title="<?php _e("Clear location", 'acf'); ?>"></a><?php 
    			?><a href="#" data-name="locate" class="acf-icon -location grey" title="<?php _e("Find current location", 'acf'); ?>"></a>
    		<input class="search" type="text" placeholder="<?php _e("Search for address...",'acf'); ?>" value="<?php echo esc_attr($field['value']['address']); ?>" />
    		<i class="acf-loading"></i>
    	<div class="canvas" style="<?php echo esc_attr('height: '.$field['height'].'px'); ?>"></div>
    	*  render_field_settings()
    	*  Create extra options for your field. This is rendered when editing a field.
    	*  The value of $field['name'] can be used (like bellow) to save extra data to the $field
    	*  @type	action
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	*  @param	$field	- an array holding all the field's data
    	function render_field_settings( $field ) {
    		// center_lat
    		acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
    			'label'			=> __('Center','acf'),
    			'instructions'	=> __('Center the initial map','acf'),
    			'type'			=> 'text',
    			'name'			=> 'center_lat',
    			'prepend'		=> 'lat',
    			'placeholder'	=> $this->default_values['center_lat']
    		// center_lng
    		acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
    			'label'			=> __('Center','acf'),
    			'instructions'	=> __('Center the initial map','acf'),
    			'type'			=> 'text',
    			'name'			=> 'center_lng',
    			'prepend'		=> 'lng',
    			'placeholder'	=> $this->default_values['center_lng'],
    			'_append' 		=> 'center_lat'
    		// zoom
    		acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
    			'label'			=> __('Zoom','acf'),
    			'instructions'	=> __('Set the initial zoom level','acf'),
    			'type'			=> 'text',
    			'name'			=> 'zoom',
    			'placeholder'	=> $this->default_values['zoom']
    		// allow_null
    		acf_render_field_setting( $field, array(
    			'label'			=> __('Height','acf'),
    			'instructions'	=> __('Customize the map height','acf'),
    			'type'			=> 'text',
    			'name'			=> 'height',
    			'append'		=> 'px',
    			'placeholder'	=> $this->default_values['height']
    	*  validate_value
    	*  description
    	*  @type	function
    	*  @date	11/02/2014
    	*  @since	5.0.0
    	*  @param	$post_id (int)
    	*  @return	$post_id (int)
    	function validate_value( $valid, $value, $field, $input ){
    		// bail early if not required
    		if( ! $field['required'] ) {
    			return $valid;
    		if( empty($value) || empty($value['lat']) || empty($value['lng']) ) {
    			return false;
    		// return
    		return $valid;
    	*  update_value()
    	*  This filter is appied to the $value before it is updated in the db
    	*  @type	filter
    	*  @since	3.6
    	*  @date	23/01/13
    	*  @param	$value - the value which will be saved in the database
    	*  @param	$post_id - the $post_id of which the value will be saved
    	*  @param	$field - the field array holding all the field options
    	*  @return	$value - the modified value
    	function update_value( $value, $post_id, $field ) {
    		// Check if value is an empty array and convert to empty string.
    		if( empty($value) || empty($value['lat']) ) {
    			$value = "";
    		// return
    		return $value;
    // initialize
    acf_register_field_type( 'acf_field_google_map' );
    endif; // class_exists check
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