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@padovano2022 if you want to migrate your site, then please have a look at the following FAQ item:
- How to migrate a large site on a limited host?
If you just want to create backups, then you need to filter out some files so that the backup will be much smaller.
@tanmaymeh if the other plugins are working well, you need to find out why Duplicator isn’t able to create the mentioned table on your system. I tested the installation of the plugin and didn’t get any errors, so this is something specific to your system.
One thing you could try is to create the table wordpressone.wp_duplicator_packages manually and activate Duplicator.
@edodemo does the database user have all the permissions to access and make changes to the database? If not, you have to grant all the privileges.
@aeroweb thanks for the feedback.
@tanmaymeh does the database user have enough permissions? From the error message above, it seems to me that Duplicator isn’t able to create a table, which is required for it to function normally.
@aeroweb a 500 level error is related to the server. Have a look at the following FAQ item for more information about this.
- How to fix installer web-server 500/502/503/504 issues?
@padovano2022 this might be related to the big archive size, could you try to filter out some files to have a smaller archive and retry the build?
@padovano2022 for DupArchive it is the limit of 500 MB, but on ZipArchive there is no limit.
@joehann there seems to be a bug with the latest version of mysql which causes mysqldump not to function correctly. Downgrading the mysql version resolves the issue.
@padovano2022 The errors are not specific enough to give you a direct answer on how to resolve it, but it might be related to the big archive size. Try to filter out big files or try to create a database only package to see if it is working normally.
Also, the recommended value for max_execution_time is around 30 setting it too high can cause problems for package builds.
@sinergyinaction if you are not able to enable shell_exec you can enable the PHP ZipArchive extension or extract the archive manually and continue with the installation, like the error message suggests.
@karolinaaug checking off the option “Delete Plugin Settings” for the “Uninstall” setting at Duplicator > Settings > General and then uninstalling and reinstalling the plugin again might help.
@joehann please change the setting SQL Mode to PHP Code at Duplicator > Settings > Packages. This should resolve the issue.
@efquintana did you change the original archive name, if so that might be the issue.
@olliejones With Duplicator you have the option to filter out folders, files by path and extensions. All this is done in the build Step 1 where you can specify what should be filtered out. However, we don’t support the communication between two plugins.