Forum Replies Created
Thank you very much for your reply and especially confirming that Gutenberg should work with nginx and Let’s Encrypt. While trying out the configuration settings you posted I stumbled upon a configuration line in my config file that would add a slash to the end of each url that didn’t contain a dot:
rewrite ^([^.]*[^/])$ $1/ permanent;
That line was the culprit. After commenting out this line and restarting nginx Gutenberg worked.
Thank you very much!!!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF to REST API] ACF Relation shows up as empty array in JSONSOLUTION:
I found the solution to this problem. For anyone that is interested: the plugin works fine and you don’t need the recursive plugin in this case. After trying a lot of scripts from GitHub and also giving another plugin (ACF to WP-API) a try I concluded that the relationship field always comes back as empty array []. So I checked the field configuration for the relationship field in ACF and found a setting “Return Format” (Frontend). In my case it was configured to “Post Objects”. I changed it to “Post IDs”. After changing it everything in the backend stays the same, but in the JSON File I finally see the IDs of the related custom post types. Hope this helps someone with the same problem in the future.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ACF to REST API] ACF Relation shows up as empty array in JSONUpdate:
I discovered your ACF to REST API Recursive Plugin ( and installed it. Than I integrated your code snippet (from into my theme:add_filter( 'acf/rest_api/recursive/types', function( $types ) { $slugs = (array) cptui_get_post_type_slugs(); $types += array_combine( $slugs, $slugs ); return $types; } );
But the relation field still remains empty, showing only the brackets []. Any help appreciated.
Hi @wfasa,
I just checked the WordFence Plugin (with the same browser) on another WordPress Site. There I don’t have this issue, so you are right. I will close the ticket. Thanks!
@jessepearson Problem is now solved. Must have been one of the WooCommerce Updates that solved it. I was referring to “Tags”.
I am not sure, if this is related, but the last Custom Sidebars Update wiped out all configured sidebars. I had to role back and watch now this Support Forum. I am running the latest WordPress Version, but don’t have any problems as long as I don’t update this plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Version 7 notification won’t go awaySame problem here. I will have to deactivate the plugin. I get this message on every screen in the WordPress Backend and can’t dismiss it.
When I run the SQL-Statement I get this:
mysql> SELECT option_value FROM wpai_options WHERE option_name='theme_my_login'; ERROR 1146 (42S02): Table 'xxx.wpai_options' doesn't exist
By the way: I am running a Multisite WordPress if that helps.
Hi @madeincosmos,
your understanding is correct.
I used the taxonomy found in the WooCommerce menu. I gave it a name, nothing fancy here. And than I added the taxonomy to the WooCommerce products.
I use WooCommerce on a Multisite, but the plugin is only activated in one of them. I use WordPress in german, if that might be relevant?
Hi @madeincosmos,
thanks again for replying! I am not sure if I understand what you mean with “make sure that the custom taxonomy is registered only for the product post type rather than default”
But I did this:
In the WooCommerce Taxonomy Backend I don’t see how to register it for the product post type.
I checked my WordPress categories and taxonomy and I had a WordPress category with the same slug “podcast”. So I changed the WooCommerce taxonomy to “podcast-produkte”, but the problem remains.
By the way I updated today to WooCommerce 3.3.2, but it didn’t solve my problem.
Hi @madeincosmos,
I tried to change the if-statement to the following (according to your snippet):
if ( !is_woocommerce() ) {
But the taxonomy-page still is dequeuing the styles and scripts.
And to your question: it is the default woocommerce taxonomy page (not using a shortcode. And it is not a woocommerce category). The shop page from WooCommerce by the way looks good (because it doesn’t dequeue the styles and scripts). You can see it here: (it’s assigned to WooCommerce, but doesn’t use a shortcode)Unfortuantely switching the theme and deactivating all other plugins is not an option for me at the moment as it is a live site and I don’t have a test environment available at the moment.
Thanks anyways for your support!
Hi @madeincosmos,
thank you for your feedback! I didn’t know about is_product_taxonomy(). I got the conditional tags from: and there it isn’t mentioned.
Unfortunately it doesn’t solve the problem. I tried including it in the statement:
if ( !is_woocommerce() && !is_shop() && !is_product_category() && !is_product_tag() && !is_product() && !is_cart() && !is_checkout() && !is_account_page() && !is_wc_endpoint_url() && !is_product_taxonomy() ) { ...
and also tried only this statement without the other conditional tags:
if ( !is_product_taxonomy() ) {
Seems that neither of the conditional tags can identify that it is on a product_taxonomy page.
As soon as I comment out this line (deactivating the dequeue function) the taxonomy page looks perfect:
//add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'child_manage_woocommerce_styles', 99 );
But this also would mean that all the woocommerce styles and scripts are included on all pages. This hurts loading times, so I have to activate the function again.
You are right. Thank you!
Is this true? Will these former free features be paid upgrades? The WooCommerce integration was one of the main reasons I choose to go with LifterLMS. I am still in the process of setting up the course with LifterLMS, but now I am unsure if I continue or have to switch to another plugin.
I recently have contributed (for free) 538 german translations (see and was looking forward to the new version (with my translations). Please delete my contributions if it is true and you are suddenly changing your basic concept and take out the free WooCommerce integration.
I think I might have an idea what’s going on. The number is matching exactly with my WooCommerce Sales from Monday until now (Friday). But these sales consist of PDF-Downloads and other digital downloads, not courses.
I have already activated WooCommerce integration as I am planing to use this feature (because of the other products that are already sold through WooCommerce). But it doesn’t matter if I switch the WooCommerce Integration on or off. The number is still showing new members for this week.
Note: I didn’t configure a SKU Course Product until now. Neither in LifterLMS nor in WooCommerce.
Thanks for your reply. As I said it’s no problem, just wanted to let you know, so you can improve it.