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  • Dev Danidhariya


    Dear jeangodecoster.
    i think problem with your database replacement.u download live db.than u add this in ur server.

    please try this link Click here to download file and relapse your database. before run this file make backup your database.
    following this step.
    i)download zip file.
    i)unzip download file & upload in your folder(root folder eg.wp-config.php location).
    ii)run this folder.
    iii)first run as dry run.if any change is found than run as live.
    replace:your old path.
    with:your new path



    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear comicBookGuy .
    At the end of the footer.php file no script,session,global data not working.
    So,You Add js File in ur theme function.php file
    like this

    function add_stayle(){
    wp_enqueue_script( 'script-name', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/example.js', array(), '1.0.0', true );
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts','add_stayle');

    example.js is ur js file name.



    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear kellyjeanine

    you can do that adding this code in the file functions.php located in wp-content/themes/your-theme-name/:

    add_action( 'template_redirect', 'wc_custom_redirect_after_purchase' );
    function wc_custom_redirect_after_purchase() {
    	global $wp;
    	if ( is_checkout() && ! empty( $wp->query_vars['order-received'] ) ) {
    		wp_redirect( '' );


    Thread Starter Dev Danidhariya


    Dear Scott.
    Thank’s For Replay.
    u r right.
    relay nice plugin.

    Many Thanks,

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear LeMaThra.

    What u say i not understand.please gave me more idea.
    u theme is uplode in wp-content\themes\ folder.???

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear deplower.
    write costume css in style.css file.


    // ur css Attribute put here

    some css Attribute requited !important .

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear yousrakasmi.

    u using ajax to fix this.

    <form action=”” id=”Form1″ name=”Form1″ method=”post”>
    <select id=”category ” onChange=”javascript:change_data(this.value);” name=”category “>
    <option value=””>Please select your category </option>
    <option value=””>Education </option>
    <option value=””>game</option>
    <div id=”return_form”></div>
    <script type=”text/javascript”>
    function change_data(send_data)
    url: “ajax_page_url”,
    type: “POST”,
    data: {category : $(“#category”).val()},
    cache: false,
    success: function (result) {
    Ajax File

    $contition = $_POST[‘category’];

    if($contition == “Education”){
    $form = “your Education Form Put Here”;
    echo $form;

    if($contition == “game”){
    $form = “your game Form Put Here”;
    echo $form;

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear Andrew.

    Sorry For that.i am new in WordPress support forums.i am not more idea about support police.

    really Sorry.

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear hcurry84.
    i not understand what u say.
    i think u ask root folder.????

    i)extract zip file.
    ii)upload this file in your website upload folder.
    iii)than run this file.

    -> domain name)
    ->run this is upload folder)


    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear PlanetNerdling.

    please try to use is provide to costume url share.

    Following step
    i)login in addthis.
    ii)create your app.
    iii)this is get the code.and put in your php page.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Simple Order Form
    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear hryhryhry.

    your site is full shopping cart than i suggest to use WooCommerce lot’s of plugin available to get the order notification in gravity forms plugin.

    if your site simple shopping cart than u create template and ease to do using core php.

    Enjoy ..!!

    Dev Danidhariya


    Dear hcurry84.

    i think problem is in your database replacement.please try this link Click here to download file and relapse your database. before run this file make backup your database.
    following this step.
    i)uplode download file in your folder(root folder eg.wp-config.php location).
    ii)run this folder.
    iii)first run as dry run.if any change is found than run as live.


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