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  • Thanks for the information Zenig.

    By the way, i am not finding the working version of this plugin into download section. Then where is the working version?

    Dear Zenig,

    I am using this plugin for last 5 months without any issue. Though i have modified the original a little bit. Few of my friends and other users also using this plugin without any issue.

    I will test the plugin with IE8 and IE9 again for the issue you have mentioned here.


    Hello Scriptonite,

    I have sent you the working plugin at the above mentioned email address.


    Hello Scriptonite,
    It will be a great honor for me. Also, i thank you for this great plugin.

    Where do i need to post the file and my info? Can you give the link or any email address?


    Hello everyone,

    Sorry, i was not able check the forum posts earlier. If anybody require any help for this plugin from me, feel free to post here. I will try to help you all (if the original developer has no issue with this).

    DES_mon, are you still having problem eith the plugin or fixed that? sorry, i was out of station. So, could not get back to you.

    Hello DES_mon,

    Yes, of course i can email you the revised plugin. Let me know your email address.

    Fixed the other issue regarding Admin download option…


    1) On ListAdminFiles function (functions.php page) replaced old download link with the below line inside <td>

    2) On getDownloads function (user_files.php page) added the below lines after get_currentuserinfo();




    $file = $_GET[‘theDLfile’];

    $url=$upload_dir[‘baseurl’].’/file_uploads/’.$current_user->ID .’/’;

    $file = $theDLfile_array[1];

    $url=$upload_dir[‘baseurl’].’/file_uploads/’.$theDLfile_array[0] .’/’;

    This is how i fixed the issues.

    Also there was an issue regarding file names. If the file name is “abcd efgh.doc” , there will be an error for the space. So, i used str_replace on upload option. This will have to use on bothe the files.

    Anyways, thanks to the original developer for this nice plugin. Helped me a lot and saved my time.

    Fixed the other issue regarding Admin download option…


    1) On ListAdminFiles function (functions.php page) replaced old download link with the below line inside <td>

    2) On getDownloads function (user_files.php page) added the below lines after get_currentuserinfo();




    // echo “

    $file = $_GET[‘theDLfile’];

    $url=$upload_dir[‘baseurl’].’/file_uploads/’.$current_user->ID .’/’;

    $file = $theDLfile_array[1];

    $url=$upload_dir[‘baseurl’].’/file_uploads/’.$theDLfile_array[0] .’/’;

    This is how i fixed the issues.

    Also there was an issue regarding file names. If the file name is “abcd efgh.doc” , there will be an error for the space. So, i used str_replace on upload option. This will have to use on bothe the files.

    Anyways, thanks to the original developer for this nice plugin. Helped me a lot and saved my time.

    Hello everyone,

    I have fixed few issues. Here goes those.

    1) Delete file (for user):

    On functions.php file i edited the manage_files_function function.
    Added $file_path=$upload_dir[‘basedir’].’/file_uploads/’.$current_user->ID .’/’.$_GET[‘deletefile’];

    And called the variable on unlink.

    Thats it and fixed the issue. Though, it should work as it was coded earlier by original developer. But i have no idea why it was not working.

    2) Download of files (for normal user) :

    Modified this two lines on functions.php (line 40)

    $dnlLink = curPageName().’?page=manage-files-user&theDLfile=’.$Thefile;
    $DelLink = curPageName().’?page=manage-files-user&deletefile=’.$Thefile;


    On user_files.php modified function getDownloads() .

    Firstly, the if condition was wrong . It will be if(!$file) ..

    Secondly, inside the else of above if loop add this .


    And call that on readfile($full_file_path);

    Also i am not using this header(‘Content-Length: ‘ . filesize($file)); as its returning 0 bytes each time.

    thus the user can download the files.

    Working on Download option from admin panel.

    Yes, the file is correct size on the server. Its not a corrupted file.

    And , also i am using PHP5.

    I am using the following plugins:

    1) Featured Articles Lite
    2) Cforms
    3) Flexi pages widget
    6)Wp user registration.

    I also tried on a new wordpress site. This is a fresh install of WP 3.2.1 and installed only one plugin that is User files 2.0.7 . And found the same issue.

    I was going through the files and fixed few issues.

    1) Delete file (for user):

    On functions.php file i edited the manage_files_function function.
    Added $file_path=$upload_dir[‘basedir’].’/file_uploads/’.$current_user->ID .’/’.$_GET[‘deletefile’];

    And called the variable on unlink.

    Thats it and fixed the issue. Though, it should work as you coded it earlier. But i have no idea why it was not working.

    2) Download of files (for normal user) :

    Modified this two lines on functions.php (line 40)

    $dnlLink = curPageName().’?page=manage-files-user&theDLfile=’.$Thefile;
    $DelLink = curPageName().’?page=manage-files-user&deletefile=’.$Thefile;


    On user_files.php modified function getDownloads() .

    Firstly, the if condition was wrong . It will be if(!$file) ..

    Secondly, inside the else of above if loop add this .


    And call that on readfile($full_file_path);

    Also i am not using this header(‘Content-Length: ‘ . filesize($file)); as its returning 0 bytes each time.

    thus the user can download the files.

    I am working on Admin download option. If i succeed i will post the procedure.

    Thanks a lot for this plugin and your help.

    Also, if you found a better solution please post and help me to fix on admin.

    Hello Everyone,

    Even i am using wp 3.2.1 and user file 2.0.7 . I can create the category. But am having problems on File Download option. Also user can not delete the uploaded file whether admin can delete a file.

    The files are getting uploaded fine on user’s folder, but there is no category on this folder (for eg. the file path is /uploads/file_uploads/55/abc.doc). After downloading, its showing 0 bytes.

    Hello everyone,

    I am using wordpress 3.2.1 and userfiles plugin (2.0.7). The files are getting uploaded from admin and user end fine with full content. User can see their files on the list. But, when a user clicks on “Download” option, the file gets downloaded without any content (File size is displaying 0 byte). The admin also faces this problem. Also, admin or user can not delete the file by clicking on “Delete” option.

    Please help me on this or let me know what i have to do. I was going through the functions.php file for a solution. Not yet succeeded.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Alvaro,

    I just want to confirm about one thing. I have added the required fields of mine. Also tested the same using “Sandbox” which is working absolutely fine.

    But, when i set the settings to “Live with PayPal”, i am getting an mail regarding “FATAL ERROR No Reply at all Posted IPN variables in order received” when user tried to donate an amount. I searched for the on “Google” and get to know about some important information from the below links.

    I have gone through the coding part to check their internal process. But, not yet modified anything of this.

    Did you get the same error? If so, can you please explain how to fix this issue?

    Hi Alvaro,

    Can you please explain the procedure to add more fields using the donate- plus plugin?

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