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  • Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: WP Directory Pro

    I bought it awhile ago when the owner was paying attention. I think he had some family tragedies that stopped development and I assume he’s ignoring the project for now. That’s a shame, but that’s how it goes sometimes. However, taking money and not providing a product/service is not acceptable.

    I haven’t implemented the software in my site yet and now that 3.0 is out, I’m thinking of using custom post types to accomplish the same thing assuming it doesn’t slow down db performance.

    Not to be rude, but you need to read the documentation. BP is a group of plugins each of which can be enabled or disabled. Further, when running on WPMU, YOU decide whether users can add whole blogs or not. Lastly, BP will now (as of version 1.2) run on regular WP where there is only one blog anyway. Yes, BP can be as unwieldy as ning, but you can also make it as simple as a blog with an extended profile for users. You get to choose. Now, head over to and read the docs and their forums.

    It’s all explained there.

    Thread Starter designodyssey


    solved it with an inelegant SQL. I’ll worry about optimization later. Hope this helps someone.

    $query = sprintf("SELECT wp_1_posts.post_title, wp_1_posts.ID, a1.meta_value as address,
    			c.meta_value as city,
    			s.meta_value as state,
    			z.meta_value as zip,
    			latitude.meta_value as lat,
    			longitude.meta_value as lng,
    			( 3959 * acos(
    			cos( radians( '%s' ) ) *
    			cos( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) ) *
    			cos( radians( CONVERT( longitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) - radians( '%s' ) ) +
    			sin( radians( '%s' ) ) * sin( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) )
    			 ) ) AS distance
    			FROM wp_1_postmeta as latitude, wp_1_postmeta as longitude,
    			wp_1_postmeta as a1, wp_1_postmeta as c, wp_1_postmeta as s, wp_1_postmeta as z, wp_1_posts
    WHERE 	(wp_1_posts.ID = latitude.post_id
    			AND latitude.meta_key = 'lat' )
    AND 	(wp_1_posts.ID = longitude.post_id
    			AND longitude.meta_key = 'lng' )
    AND 	(a1.post_id = latitude.post_id AND a1.meta_key = 'address')
    AND 	(c.post_id = latitude.post_id AND c.meta_key = 'city')
    AND 	(s.post_id = latitude.post_id AND s.meta_key = 'state')
    AND 	(z.post_id = latitude.post_id AND z.meta_key = 'zip')
    			HAVING distance < $radius
    			ORDER BY distance".$limittext,
    Thread Starter designodyssey


    Solved it with an elegant sql:

    $query = sprintf("SELECT wp_1_posts.post_title, wp_1_posts.ID, a1.meta_value as address,
    			c.meta_value as city,
    			s.meta_value as state,
    			z.meta_value as zip,
    			latitude.meta_value as lat,
    			longitude.meta_value as lng,
    			( 3959 * acos(
    			cos( radians( '%s' ) ) *
    			cos( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) ) *
    			cos( radians( CONVERT( longitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) - radians( '%s' ) ) +
    			sin( radians( '%s' ) ) * sin( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) )
    			 ) ) AS distance
    			FROM wp_1_postmeta as latitude, wp_1_postmeta as longitude,
    			wp_1_postmeta as a1, wp_1_postmeta as c, wp_1_postmeta as s, wp_1_postmeta as z, wp_1_posts
    WHERE 	(wp_1_posts.ID = latitude.post_id
    			AND latitude.meta_key = 'lat' )
    AND 	(wp_1_posts.ID = longitude.post_id
    			AND longitude.meta_key = 'lng' )
    AND 	(a1.post_id = latitude.post_id AND a1.meta_key = 'address')
    AND 	(c.post_id = latitude.post_id AND c.meta_key = 'city')
    AND 	(s.post_id = latitude.post_id AND s.meta_key = 'state')
    AND 	(z.post_id = latitude.post_id AND z.meta_key = 'zip')
    			HAVING distance < $radius
    			ORDER BY distance".$limittext,
    Thread Starter designodyssey


    I sorta solved it. The following query will get rows with the post_title, post_id and distance. However, I’m stuck trying to use a while loop and get_post_custom_values($key, $post_id); to try and get custom values for each key.

    SELECT wp_1_posts.post_title, wp_1_posts.ID,
    ( 3959 * acos(
    cos( radians( $lat ) ) *
    cos( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) ) *
    cos( radians( CONVERT( longitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) - radians( $lng ) ) +
    sin( radians( $lat ) ) * sin( radians( CONVERT( latitude.meta_value, DECIMAL( 10, 6 ) ) ) )
     ) ) AS distance
    FROM wp_1_posts
    LEFT JOIN wp_1_postmeta AS latitude ON ( wp_1_posts.ID = latitude.post_id
    AND latitude.meta_key = 'lat' )
    LEFT JOIN wp_1_postmeta AS longitude ON ( wp_1_posts.ID = longitude.post_id
    AND longitude.meta_key = 'lng' )
    WHERE wp_1_posts.post_status = 'publish'
    HAVING distance < $radius
    ORDER BY distance";
    Thread Starter designodyssey


    Haven’t solved it yet, but wanted to help someone help me.

    Could I use something like the following in my while loop

    $address = get_post_custom_values('address', $row['ID']);
    $zip = get_post_custom_values('zip', $row['ID']);

    Found that idea at the link below, but because the plugin is so complex, I wanted some feedback before I try it.

    Purpose: Improve CMS capabilities to cement WordPress as most flexible/extendible platform.

    Methodology: Focus on simplification and integration while adding 50-100 “easy fixes” to community annoyances (e.g. admin screens)


    • Ensure setting up WordPress with multiple blogs (i.e. MU) is simple and/or that any complexity is transparent to the intermediate user who will give it a try.
    • simplify the process of creating, using and managing custom content types and frankly explain why they are better to use than “post” if all the data is still in the post tables anyway.


    • Better integrate your existing projects in terms of installation, setup and configuration (WPMU, Buddypress, bbPress) as many users will be adding these “canonical” plugins.
    • Bring CMS flexibility/functionality (e.g. different “types”) across projects into core of those projects and so they work together with roles/capabilities. (e.g. forum-types, blog types, group-types, member-types, friend-types, private message types)
    • Create APIs for extending the above.

    Easy Fixes:
    This is to appease the annoyed masses who want this or that.

    1. Compile the list.
    2. Create a 2×2 matrix with ease of fix and pain alleviated as the axes.
    3. Do 20+ of the high pain/easy fix type
    4. Do 1-3 of the high pain/difficult fix type, time permitting only.
    5. Don’t do any others for this milestone.
    6. Do some of the low pain/easy fix ones along with tagged releases.
    7. Don’t do the low pain/difficult fixes at all.

    This methodology should move WordPress and Automattic along and please those waiting masses that want to drop other platforms and use wordpress more as a CMS which is clearly happening in droves already.

    Another note: It would be wise to divert some resources to making wordpress more accessible so the community could do more of the work.

    • Clean up the codex. Take suggestions and then put someone on this. Also figure out how this will be updated after significant changes.
    • Clean up Better link to all Automattic projects and probably have a page that gives an overview of all of them with example integrations from the showcase.
    • Clean up the plugins repository. Currently relevance is so much better than “recent” I end up with dead plugins that are relevant. We should be able to filter within results or something to deal with plugins from 2005.
    • Absolutely do the canonical plugin thing. I’d make this primarily for bloggers who want some cool feature that is difficult to maintain through release changes, but everybody (who blogs) wants. Give it an API to be extended. Maybe in this round, keep Buddypress and bbpress the only two unless you want to more with video/audio/images.
    • Do video tutorials. Get someone to do some good videos on coding for WordPress. Take some of the codex best practices and turn them into a video tutorial series. You can even link to community members who do this on their own.

    That’s alot, but if most of this happened by Q3 2010, it would be an amazing boost for the whole community.

    From the files, it looks like you must add the custom fields yourself each time. Or, you can use a plugin like flutter or magic fields to customize the write panel for these fields. That’s what I plan to do. If the author doesn’t, I think I will upgrade this plugin to v3 of Google maps, but it might lose the google earth options which are cool.

    Absoluely experiencing the same (vimeo only) The developer appears to be saying that vimeo might be periodically blocking having the video stream through IP addresses that include your website.

    Essentially, nothing he can do.

    I’m not buying it, but that’s what I heard. If that’s the case (don’t have that problem with youtube) I need to figure a different player or find a way to get a 30 minute video on Youtube.

    OK, I suck at this, but I believe I know why it works for some and not others.

    1. it appears that the database entries are just a cache and get overwritten when the page is refreshed.
    2. it appears that plugin uses a regular expression to try and “match” the location written in the shortcode with an actual path.

    Here’s the variable. var $IMAGE_PATTERN = "/image\s*=\s*([\"\'])\s*.+\s*([\"\'])/i";

    Looks like this is the function.

    function getImage() {
    				preg_match($this->IMAGE_PATTERN, $this->content, $match);
    				if (!empty($match[0])) {
    					return preg_replace("(image=)", "", preg_replace("/[\ \'\"]*/", "", $match[0]));
    				return '';

    I suck a regex, so it’s time for me to read up and probably change how the path is indicated in the shortcode. If I figure it out, I’ll post.

    Thread Starter designodyssey


    Think the issue is delay on vimeo’s side in changing how API works with different thumbnails. They compound this problem by delaying when the change is populated through the API. I believe when I changed the thumbnail on their site, it wasn’t registered immediately in however the plugin connects through the API.

    It’s working now and I’m not going to touch a thing.

    Except now, I need to get proplayer’s custom preview image to work which is why I tried all this in the first place.

    BTW, using Hybrid theme and “Old School” child theme.

    Having the same problem and don’t think it’s wise to be digging through the code at my level. Can’t get my preview images to work and it sounds like they are not being saved to the table which would make sense. Does anyone know where in the code this sql is located or how I could fix this?

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