Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Runcloud needs updateHi rbendit,
First, thanks for the amazing review! It’s always nice when someone appreciates your work!
Unfortunately the problem that you have raised is completely outside of our control! We have been wanting to add the ‘OpenLiteSpeed’ option since RunCloud added it to the dashboard months ago!
Our plugin can only provide services that are available via a providers API. Unfortunately RunCloud have not made this option available through their API so we cannot include it in our plugin!
We have raised the issue with them on a number of occasions and the response is the same “they are working on adding it to the API”. I have just checked their API documentation and it hasn’t been updated since February!
Sorry that my response cannot be more helpful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Deprecated???Hi,
Thank you very much for your feedback. We will fix the issues raised in the next release of the plugin.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] AWS Lightsail SSL CertsHi,
Not at the moment. It is intended in a future release. It will be incorporated as we add the ability to deploy more applications.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] AWS Lightsale API SettingsHi,
I’m pleased you managed to get going with the plugin! Taking each of your questions in turn;
1. We cache the results unless there is no data, or a new server has been created, in which case we perform a new GET of the list of servers. If you’re not seeing your servers when the plugin is newly installed, and you already have servers, then it could be a bug – I will investigate this and get it fixed in the next up date.
We also perform a regular update of all data. Did it eventually work ok?
2. At the moment the WP Cloud Server plugin needs to be installed on the same WordPress website as the WooCommerce or EDD install. We may use APIs in the future to allow different sites to be used, but this will be in the future!
I hope this helps? I am going to close this thread now because I think we have covered the initial issue.
Please feel free to raise a new query if you have more questions.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] AWS Lightsale API SettingsHi,
Ok. I understand know what you’re asking! First, you need to set-up an administrator account on AWS as described in the link I sent previously.
When you log-in to this account you need navigate to ‘My Security Credentials’ and open the section titled ‘Access keys (access key ID and secret access key)’. Now you can set-up an ‘Access Key ID’ and ‘Secret Access Key’.
Now. In the WordPress dashboard of the site running the WP Cloud Server plugin click on the ‘WP Cloud Server’ menu. This will take you to the module overview page.
If you don’t have ‘AWS Lightsail’ activated then click the ‘Activate’ link. This will add an ‘AWS Lightsail’ option in the left-hand menu, under modules. Click this option.
You will now see a page with three tabs. The first is ‘Settings’ here you will see two fields one labelled ‘Access Key’ and the other ‘Secret Key’. Paste in the values you created in your AWS account and click save settings.
Now AWS Lightsail is configured. You will see a WordPress menu called ‘Cloud Servers’. If this is the only module active clicking it will take you to the AWS Lightsail control panel.
Inside the control panel you will be able to see and manage instances that exist in your AWS Lightsail account, or use the ‘+ Add Instance’ tab to manually create servers.
The main power of the plugin is enabled when you install and activate WooCommerce or Easy Digital Downloads. You will see a new menu section where you can create server templates and view clients.
A template defines a servers settings. If you create a WooCommerce product there is a new ‘Web Hosting Plan’ tab where you can select a module and a template you previously saved.
When someone purchases the plan the AWS Lightsail server matching the template is created in your account, so you can manage client servers.
I hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] AWS Lightsale API SettingsHi,
Thanks for contacting us. You can set-up a root user account and then use the Identity and Access Management (IAM) console to create a user with Administrator access.
Have a look at this AWS guide for more information.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Vultr TemplateHi Sean,
That is already on our list of features to add! We’ve spent a lot of time sorting out the core framework, how everything works together, and trying to make the control panel easy to use!
Now we’re looking at new features for all modules.
What do you think of the plugin? We like user feedback. Anything missing? We know bugs exist in the current version that will be fixed in the next release!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Vultr TemplateHi Sean,
Thanks for raising a ticket and I’m sorry that we didn’t respond to your ticket earlier! I am very pleased that you managed to solve the problem though!
The next release of the plugin, due in the next few days, moves the templates on to their own menu link making them easier to access and on to their own page away from the servers. We are also moving the server settings e.g hostnames, start-up scripts, and SSH Keys, so they appear in the main cloud provider panels.
Please contact us if you have anymore queries or concerns!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Client Page/Affiliates/Cloud ProvidersHi Limevanilla,
Excellent! We like to hear that users want to use our plugin! We have spent a lot of time building the core functionality. I think we have a good base to build on, so each release should now see new features being added!
I will close this thread. If you have any more questions then please start a new thread. We always try to answer as quickly as possible!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Client Page/Affiliates/Cloud ProvidersHi Limevanilla,
Thanks for contacting us. Sorry for the slower then usual response! Taking each of your questions in turn;
1. Can I just check that you mean the ‘MainWP WordPress Manager’ plugin? If yes then I can confirm that we are looking at adding support inside our plugin. It’s early days and we’re still looking at how we can achieve this!
At the moment there are two shortcodes ([client_websites] and [client_servers]) which can be added to a user account page. They are configurable and display information about clients websites and servers.
We are currently working on a number of new shortcodes that will allow you to give clients access to server controls, such as reboot, power-off, power-on, delete, etc. As well adding new websites and servers. These are in development and testing at the moment.
The WordPress websites created using the various services e.g. ServerPilot are accessible like any WordPress website. You can certainly use MainWP to update themes and plugins. We are also looking at adding the capability to specify themes and plugins to be automatically installed when creating a site!
2. You need to create a normal WooCommerce product via the ‘Products’ admin menu. You will see a new tab called ‘Web Hosting Plan’, which has a checkbox to enable the hosting plan, as well as two dropdowns. The first is for selecting the module e.g Vultr, the next is to select the template to be used to create the website/server. The remaining settings e.g. cost are exactly the same as for any new product in WooCommerce.
3. We’ll take a closer look at Layerstack. We always like to hear ideas for new services from users.
Thanks for contacting us. I hope the answers have helped. We are prioritising the creation of more documentation and videos at the moment!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Woo add-onHi Alexsina,
I’m going close this and mark it as resolved. WooCommerce is available, but please raise a new support request if you find any problems.
Thank you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Woo add-onHi Alexsina,
Thanks for contacting us. I am pleased to confirm that WooCommerce support has been built-in to the plugin since version 2.2.0, alongside EDD support.
All you need to do is install and activate WooCommerce. If you create a new product via the WooCommerce ‘Product’ menu and scroll down to the product data box you will see a new tab named ‘Web Hosting Plan’.
Clicking on this tab will show a page with a checkbox to enable the ‘Web Hosting Function’, then two dropdowns.
The first dropdown allows you to select a module from a list of all of the modules you have activated e.g DigitalOcean.
The second dropdown will list the templates created for the module you selected. Select the one that you want to use for this product.
The ‘WP Cloud Server’ plugin behaves the same regardless of the eCommerce option you have activated. With WooCommerce activated you will see new tabs that allow templates to be created, etc.
I help this helps? Let me know if you have more queries?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [menu shortcode] New Maintainer Request?Hi Snakeyd,
More than happy to help out! If you can give me more info about the problem and paste the shortcode you are using I will take a look!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Showing Server DataHi WPClover,
We have just released version 2.1.0 of the plugin. This release includes the usual bug fixes but now includes two new shortcodes.
Website Info Shortcode
[client_websites] – this displays a table containing any websites created and managed using ServerPilot.
[client_servers] – this displays a table containing any servers created using DigitalOcean.
This version of the plugin also includes new server management features. Click the ‘manage’ link next to a server in the ‘Cloud Server’ view and a new modal displays server info. New buttons are displayed allowing the server to be rebooted, power-cycled, powered on, or off, and deleted.
New shortcodes will be added over the next few releases. I will close this ticket as this release covers the issue raised.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Cloud Server] Showing Server DataHi WPClover,
Thanks for asking your question.
At the moment the hosting plan details are displayed in the purchase history the same as a normal EDD download. The plugin is designed to remove references to downloads in emails, etc. Much like the ‘Downloads as a Service’ extension.
In version 2.0.0 of the plugin just released there is no means of displaying server data to clients. We have been concentrating on getting the core functionality and the control panel working correctly.
All being well version 2.0.1 of the plugin should have basic shortcodes and one of the first will be for displaying client server data, as you asked.
The next version of the plugin will also have vastly improved server management for rebooting, deleting servers, etc.
It is difficult to confirm dates for releases due to testing, but we hope to have it out in the next 3-4 weeks! We want to release updates frequently while we are missing important functionality.
At the moment we have many different requests for functionality to be added, and we are very happy to hear peoples thoughts, comments, and ideas!
I hope this helps? Thank you for going to the trouble of contacting us.