Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: 6.7 load_theme_textdomain desn’t workthanks so much. it does work, even though i still get the notice that Translation loading for the <code>gutrs</code> domain was triggered too early. but everything work and display the translation. hopefully this notice will be fixed somehow.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: 6.7 load_theme_textdomain desn’t worki tried to chenge the prefix…. then i get an error it loaded too soon? should i use the init hook instead of after_setup_theme?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: 6.7 load_theme_textdomain desn’t workdo i need to prefix the files created by poedit with the prefix gutrs- ? cause i have tried to move the files there and it did not worked
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: error while scafolding a new blockok i fixed the issue running:
npm install --save-dev ajv@^7
i assume this should be fixed so we will not need to do it manually
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: error while scafolding a new blockso now i even started a whole new clean installation of wordpress and copy pasted this command with the same result!
any idea what can be the issue?
- This reply was modified 3 months, 4 weeks ago by derrida.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: error while scafolding a new blockhi
i obviously know the hand book, i alsop created blocks before with create-block. is there something specific that i have missed? because just for the test, i copy pasted their todo list example and run it…. and got the same error.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: editor freeze while changing page template if it contain a patterni have just tested it on a different machine with clean installation and the same issue:
- create a pattern in the site editor, and use alignfull and alignwide, because when i insert the pattern into a page those are not respected, and the entire design is a mess.
- insert this pattern into a page.
- now try to change page template, and the screen freezes!!!
- those issues must be fixed. i thought the new editor is totally react app so assumed wp got rid of jQuery!!!!
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: can’t access custom field in the meta jsonit has the same result. but i found the answer was, that in my custom post type i must add:
'supports' => ['custom-fields']
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] translations works partially on the fronthi, i have installed wordpress and changed its language to hebrew. then installed woocommerce. i thought it should automatically use habre (as it is in the editor). is there a way to install specifically an hebrew version?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] translations works partially on the fronthi, first obviously i check these issues on a local machine and not on production sites. i only use woocommerce and the twenty twenty four theme.
if i use the shortcode, indeed everthing is translated but the down side is that one loose the design flexibility of the blocks version.
i have tried the storefront theme. first, it is not a block based theme, and secondly, the translation issues persists.
so i have treid a different block theme, and the same issues.
this needs to be checked and fixed, becaues it is crucial one can use woocommerce with other languages except english.
hopefully, you would fix it soon.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] translations works partially on the fronthi, thanks for answering. but first of all, the plugin also doesn’t translate all strings. second, i cannot find a way to how to use the default templates instead of the blocks one. i removed all customizations, but it still uses the block ones.
also, if i go to the “manage all templates” i see two files “Page Cart 2” and “Page Checkout 2”. i cannot remove them, and when i try to edit them i see a notice “e.substr is not a function”.
and in any case both ways are not ideal:
1- i i will be able to use legacy templates, i lose the design flexibility of the blocks version.
2- i should not have to use another plugin to translate strings. when in your repository of translations hebrew is set to 97%. you should check what is the cause translations are not working out of the box.
please, let me know how can i use the legacy templates at least for testing that this will work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] translations works partially on the frontso i made a clean local install of woocommerce and default twenty twenty four theme, nothing else, the issue persists.
here are the images: in the editor everything is translated to hebrew, but on the front end, some are translated some are in english. this is a huge problem!
any help?
hi, sorry for the delayed response. i have this function that allows to edit products with gutenberg.
this is the code for allowing products to be edited in the wordpress editor:
function activate_gutenberg_product( $can_edit, $post_type ) { if ( $post_type == 'product' ) { $can_edit = true; } return $can_edit; } add_filter( 'use_block_editor_for_post_type', 'activate_gutenberg_product', 10, 2 );
also i do have the layout content size and wide size in the theme.json file. and it works for posts and pages.
i am testing locally so i have no link to give you.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] translations works partially on the fronthi i assume the strings are translated since in the editor they are in hebrew, so the issue is not to translate the strings, but that something doesn’t function correctly in the front end.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WooCommerce] creating a template in the full site editoryes, my template does support it, and i have the same experience. so for now it is not possible, unless i change the template that comes with woocommerce. i hope it will be added cause it gives more flexibility to the users.
by the way, also it will be nice if the add to cart button will be a block on its own. actually, it would be better if all elements would be on its own: the content, each meta….and so on