Hi Michael,
Sorry for the delay in responding to your message!
I was hoping to attach a screen shot in here to show where I mean so I’ll try and explain.
I guess really, I’d like to change all instances of where it says WordPress to be the name of our company. When a new member signs up and receives the emails prompting them to activate the account, informing them that membership is pending, or any other email that might come from our company. It currently says that the email is coming from WordPress and only in some instances will it include the company name in the subject line (while still also including WordPress).
You were correct about the areas I inquired changing regarding the denial emails, but after you pointed out the following:
….”One thing to note is that denying a user also deletes the user entry from the WP install.”
I realize that is not what we want to happen either so we are working out another way to solve that issue. Thank you for clarifying that point!