Hello Casey,
ok I’ll do my best.
The website is https://www.volleybalxl.nl.
What we want is create a video/product content of 100 volleybaldrills. But in order to see all 100 video’s you must be a member of the site. Most members will be vollleybalcoaches. So to help these coaches we want to create something calles trainingsmodule. The idea is simple: after member logged in, he gets his own memberpage (for example: myvollleybalxl.com) He gets to see all videocontent and he can place the video’s he want from the main website into his own memberpage. So he creates his workout for that teamtraining. A clock on his page so he can press start as soon as the training starts and after 15 minutes gets a alarm bel that says STOP this excercise and do the next one.