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@flabernardez no worries, thank you so much! Your help has been very great ??
Sorry I may have not explained it well, currently it displays the total points of the user instead of what is indicated in the CSV entry. Attached is an example, I uploaded two CSVs differently, one for the Test 1 and another for the Test 2.
Both imports are worth 3,000 diamonds but on the second one, it reflects 6,000 which is the total from the two CSV imports. Is there a way to only show the points gained from the CSV entry?
Thank you so much!
Thank you so much it is reflecting now! However I would just like to ask one last thing, the points displayed is the cumulative sum, is it possible to only display the amount of points that is awarded at that instance, just like how it displays when I award points through Bulk Awards?
DennisI tried using this code but it does not seem to work. Is there any error?
DennisThanks for getting back to me. I am pertaining to the import tool, not the bulk awards. I already set the rank to be awarded one the points balance is reached. As I mentioned, ranks of some users do not update even if they meet the required points balance if I use the import tool. Manual input through bulk awards is working fine, but import tool sometimes occur this issue.
Regarding the logs, it is perfectly working for me except for the fact that the logs for imported user points are in private thus it does not display in my [gamipress_earnings] shortcode. Here are screenshots to support my explanation:
Thanks so much for your help!