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  • @wbwired (and potentially @tobaco), the behaviour you described of “trying” to reach a Facebook URL actually occurs under normal circumstances as well. Given this, I have a question:

    During any of these attempts, do you recall ever going through the full oAuth process of logging in with Facebook and giving your app certain permissions to your WordPress blog? You can check which apps you’ve given permissions to here:

    If you answer yes to this question, then the “trying” to reach Facebook is the expected behaviour in order for you to be presented with a list of pages to choose from. But bear in mind that only pages which you are an admin of and which have been enabled for Instant Articles.

    Let us know if this helps.

    Hi @soeezauto. Thanks for the feedback.

    Can you check in the “Settings” of your Facebook App ( if you’ve configured your URL into both of these fields?

    – App Domains
    – Platform > Website > Site URL

    Those are necessary steps when setting up an app as well.

    Thanks @errawr. I’m marking this as resolved to avoid duplication. We’ll followup on GitHub.


    Hi, ungeruehrt. Thanks for the feedback.

    The problem is most likely related to markup in your post (generated by the Custom Field) which isn’t recognized by the plugin. Context:

    Our plugin makes use of the Facebook Instant Articles SDK for PHP which contains a Transformer that does all the heavy lifting of converting general markup into valid Instant Articles markup. The way that it knows how to transform source elements into the valid Instant Articles markup is by a set of rules which defines the mapping of how to parse the content of the post/page.

    Our plugin contains Rules which have been pre-defined to satisfy the most common WordPress source markup. Your content may contain elements which are not covered by the packaged ruleset.

    Fortunately, you can override and/or define your own rules in the Settings page of the plugin under: Plugin Configuration > Publishing Settings > Custom transformer rules.

    For more information please see the Selector Rules section of our Quick Start guide.

    With this, if you are able to generate your own custom rule, go for it! If not, could you provide some more information, such as:

    – What’s the debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)?

    Along with:

    – What version of the plugin are you using?
    – What version of WordPress are you using?
    – What version of PHP are you using (if known)?

    Thanks again!

    Hi, agk4444. Thanks for the reporting this with clear reproduction steps and code snippets!

    We’ll attempt to reproduce this case and will get back in touch for some more information if we aren’t able to reproduce on our end.

    Thanks again!

    Hi @djtechtools. Thanks for the feedback.

    You’re right in that this is most likely caused by the transformer not recognizing some markup within your post.

    Without seeing your source markup, it’ll be hard to say for sure. Could you provide the debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)?

    I expect it’ll be something along the lines of:

        "rules" : [
                "class": "SocialEmbedRule",
                "selector" : "p",
                "properties" : {
                    "socialembed.url" : {
                        "type" : "string",
                        "selector" : "iframe",
                        "attribute": "src"

    Hello wbwired & Duke.

    I think Duke’s comment hits on the cause of the problem: when the source markup is empty. This issue has also been reported here:

    The latest version of the plugin (v2.9) should resolve problems when a post’s content is empty. Could you verify that you have the latest version of the plugin and try again?

    I’m marking this as resolved, but if the issue still reproduces, please reopen and comment with some more information, such as:

    – The plugin version
    – The version of WordPress
    – Your PHP version (if known)
    – The debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)


    Hi @invlol. Thanks for the suggestion. This isn’t supported by our plugin at the moment, but it’s noted it as a feature request:

    If it’s ok with you, I’m marking this thread as “resolved” to avoid duplication.


    Hi zaferceyhun. Thanks for the feedback and that’s great to hear ??

    I’ll mark this issue as resolved for now. Please reopen or open a new issue in the future if necessary.


    Thanks for the feedback, Lars.

    I suspect this is related to a known issue:

    Hi @equalizer2k9. I’m so glad you found a fix with custom Transformer Rules ?? !

    For your second question, it involves creating an additional rule specifically to target the caption tag. Does something like the following work?

        "class": "ImageRule",
        "selector" : "div.article_image",
        "properties" : {
            "image.url" : {
                "type" : "string",
                "selector" : "img",
                "attribute": "src"
        "class": "CaptionRule",
        "selector" : "div.image-description",
        "properties": {
            "caption.default": {
                "type": "exists",
                "selector": "div"

    I’ll mark this as resolved for now. Please re-open if necessary.

    Hello everyone.

    The latest version of the plugin (v2.9) should resolve problems when a post’s content is empty. Could you verify that you have the latest version of the plugin and try again?

    I’m marking this as resolved, but if the issue still reproduces, please reopen and comment with some more information, such as:

    – The plugin version
    – The version of WordPress
    – Your PHP version (if known)
    – The debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)


    Hi lukecd. This is actually the expected behaviour.

    Currently, the plugin only supports Automatic Placement for ads. Refer to the Instant Articles Ad Placement documentation for more detailed information.

    I’m marking this issue as resolved.

    Hi, lukecd. Thanks for the feedback.

    This more likely than not is related to the markup on your page not being recognized by the transformer that converts your post to valid Instant Articles markup. Some context:

    Our plugin makes use of the Facebook Instant Articles SDK for PHP which contains a Transformer that does all the heavy lifting of converting general markup into valid Instant Articles markup. The way that it knows how to transform source elements into the valid Instant Articles markup is by a set of rules which defines the mapping of how to parse the content of the post/page.

    Our plugin contains Rules which have been pre-defined to satisfy the most common WordPress source markup. Your content may contain elements which are not covered by the packaged ruleset.

    Fortunately, you can override and/or define your own rules in the Settings page of the plugin under: Plugin Configuration > Publishing Settings > Custom transformer rules.

    For more information please see the Selector Rules section of our Quick Start guide.

    Given this information, let us know if you find a solution. If not, could you provide some more which would help reproduce the issue?

    – What’s the debug output shown in the post edit screen on the Facebook Instant Article box (after clicking the “toggle debug information” link)?
    – What version of the plugin are you using?
    – What version of WordPress are you using?
    – What version of PHP are you using (if known)?

    Thanks again!

    Thanks for the feedback @errawr and for chasing down the source of the problem!

    The format of the output document should match what Facebook is expecting to receive. In this case, XML is actually the more appropriate format.

    Give us a chance to reproduce the issue in order to see what the appropriate solution is in this case. We’ll get back in touch for some more information if we aren’t able to reproduce on our end.

    Thanks again!

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