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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesOk – that is fine then. I should be good. Dang that was such an easy fix that should not have taken an hour -_-
Thanks for your help.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesOk, so I have to deactivate the Sidebar Widgets plug-in… Is there another plug-in that would allow the use of widgets without interfering with the sidebar?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesI removed the Pages widget, and all the pages vanished from the sidebar even if the code was still in the stylesheet…
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesI’ve tried ‘cort_column=menu_order’)… – that is what the site is set to now and I have all the pages listed in the order I want them to appear in the admin settings. However, if you go to the site you will see that Blog is still listed first. This should be, according to page order, Members.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesI have given an order to each page. I have Members being ‘1’ but I’m still getting ‘Blog’ as the first page on the list.
I am also still getting “Pages” at the top, despite editing the code so it is title_li=’)
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesI didn’t say seven years of designing websites with official domain names, did I? Please, I couldn’t afford it. I used free hosting sites moshu where I didn’t have to worry about FTP.
I edited the code so that it is now:
<?php wp_list_pages(‘sort_column=ID’); ?>
However it is still showing up in Alphabetical Order. Any ideas?
Also tried ‘menu_order’ and there is still no success.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesOk for one thing – I’m 100% new to WordPress and 100% new to CSS. For seven years I’ve designed with HTML simply for the fun of it. This is my first real site and I’m working on building it without any help from anyone other than people online.
I’m trying to figure it out, I’ve been trying to figure it out by myself for the past 2 hours, just like I spent 5 hours trying to figure out the WordPress 5-minute install because I’ve never used FTP software before.
I have a 5:00pm deadline to have made some progress, I’m only looking for some simple help from people who are clearly more experienced in WordPress than I am.Thank you, I see the sidebar stylesheet now.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesEvery page? See what I currently have is:
…But when I go to ‘manage pages’ – they’re in the proper order that I am looking for:
ContactThe above is how I want it to look no matter where you navigate to.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesOk, so there are all these style sheets that I can view but I don’t seem to find one for the pages. The closest thing I found was “Page Template” but I didn’t see any code to match what I saw on those links.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: How-To: Reorder PagesThis would be a lot easier if I understood this more…
Would it help any to give the url of my WordPress?’m eventually catching onto all these things, but I commonly work with HTML and just installed WordPress yesterday.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New To All Of This…Alright, and what if I find a theme later? I actually have a friend who i working on making one but it is not done yet. Will I be able to install that when it is done?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New To All Of This…Ok, so I’m leaning toward the Install4Free offer just because I really need to get this thing up and running.
So, I’m shifting to a new question… will I still be able to add custom themes if I don’t use my own FTP to install the WordPress?
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New To All Of This…edit: i said wp-content before… i meant to say wp-admin, sorry for the confusion there. I was thinking wp-content from earlier when I was trying to figure out how to place themes in the 1and1 wordpress that was available to my site.
I get an error message either way.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New To All Of This…Oh gosh, I’ve gone to so many places… I think it was here:
” Step 5: Run the Install Script
Using your favorite web browser, visit wp-admin/install.php within the directory into which you just installed WordPress on your web site.
* If you installed into a subdirectory called blog, you would visit
* If you installed into the root directory of your web site, you would visit following screenshots show how the installation progresses and the install script will now guide you through what remains of the process.”
But after looking at those FTP screenshots, I don’t even know that I have CyberDuck running correctly. I only see one window for that.
…Install4Free: how soon would that probably be completed if I change my mind and go that route? I’m really only skeptical because the person that was going to help me install this told me not to give out any of the info.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: New To All Of This…In the instructions it says go to go – no such anything exists when I try that.
Then in the detailed instructions there is a link that is supposed to take you to the file, that link looked for the file on my desktop. I haven’t gotten it to work today but it did show up last night but it was a page of complete jumble and all I could make out was that it said I already had it installed or something. This is true, but I have that one on a second database – that one is the one that came set up with 1and1.