Delana Taylor
Forum Replies Created
Yep, UM can do that.
I’m using UM and WPUF combo for a brand new venture I’m working on for a review site, launching “now” (shortly). It’s here:
Authorized Reviewers specifically and expressly vend the memberships from their profile page so I’ve set it up with that in mind. The Reviewer Lite members are not authorized for it so their profiles do not have the text area to add more content than the basic info.
As for a dummy account, you’d have to set that up yourself in the forms / profile area and add the placeholder or displayed text yourself. If they don’t fill it out then the default info is shown.
Have a look at the RR and the sample member profiles to see if that is something that would fit your needs.
However, the path for the profile name is connected to their username because it works as an “author page” of sorts. The path would be
I renamed user to reviewer. You can see the individual paths for each member role. These are the equvalent of a dummy account so people can see what their membership profile will include.
I’ve gone through UM so much I’m doing it in my sleep. It is a robust membership plugin and I highly recommend it. Even the free version is a great solution. I couple it with WP User Frontend so revewers can post reviews. There are additional plugins I do use with UM that show who’s online, the shortcodes in the directory to show how many of each member role there are, the login option, etc. If you think UM will work for your project hit me up here or via the RR site and I can help where I’m able.
No screenshot. I’ve taken the site offline to go a different direction with it and will bookmark this info for use on the next version.
Here is the other site it is used on, for the sign up page
an attempt at an imgur hosted screen shot…otherwise you can see it on the site itself.
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by Delana Taylor.
Someone asked this question and Champ posted a link to an extended file
I thought it might be helpful for the video not appearing on save so I downloaded and installed all of them. Found they didn’t work or apply to my problem so I removed all of them except the math challenge and the country flag.
The math challenge has an answer field that stretches clear across the page instead of being a short one so I was asking where about I’d need to shorten the width of that field without affecting all the other fields um uses.
And how to add a space between that and the show / hide terms and conditions link. I like things spaced out, not all one after the other.
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by Delana Taylor.
If I am understanding it right, this inserts a video above the nav bar, which isn’t suitable for what I’m after.
I have a text area designated for a bio section where the member can input a larger body of content including html, etc. I want them to be able to insert a video url (youtube, basically) right in there the same way they can do with a wordpress post in the editor…and when the profile is saved, the video appears in the content where they put it.
I’ve dropped the url right into the content, saved, no video.
I’ve added the link via the insert media option, saved, no video.
I’ve added the link via the insert video option, video appears in the editor text area, saved, no video.It works with images but not video. I’m asking if there is a way to make the video show up in the saved version of the profile ??
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post Counts & Custom Taxonomies Please AssistRight now I am using wp dtree plugin which still works and has the simple navigation tree list I want and allows the nested menus to be closed, unlike wordrpess standard navigation menu tree.
The plugin devs haven’t answered a question in over 6 months. I don’t have that kind of time. If I need to use a different plugin that gets the job done, so be it. But I’d prefer to keep that plugin and find a solution to show the number of posts in each category in the list itself, as indicated in the original example.
- This reply was modified 3 years ago by Delana Taylor.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post Counts & Custom Taxonomies Please AssistThanks but as I said in the post, the plugin support seems abandoned. And it doesn’t need to specifically be for that plugin. I just need to know how to get the categories to show associated post number. I know it can be done, I’ve seen it done. Filter Everything plugin also does it but that plugin is not what I need.
All I need is a method to show how many posts per category in the menu tree list.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Post Counts & Custom TaxonomiesThanks but that is not my question. It’s not a cache issue. I am asking HOW TO display the post counts for custom taxonomies at all.
I do use the menu tree for that plugin because it shows the custom taxonomies I set up with pods.
What I want is for the subcategories to display a post count for all posts in those subcategories, as noted above.
Main Category: Food
SubCategories: Apples (2) < 2 posts
Oranges (15) < 15 posts
Grapes (20) < 20 postsI still want the hierarchical menu tree. Just need to know how to make it where the posts are displayed.
The plugin does not have this option. If there is a code snippet I can add to its functions or the overall site functions, that will work too.
If there is a different plugin – free – that provides a clean, hierarchical menu tree that works with custom taxonomies and shows post counts, that works as well.
Usually a cache problem. Clear your UM user cache first – Settings / Dashboard and see the module for User Cache.
If that doesn’t resolve it, clear cache with any cache plugins you might be using.
If that doesn’t resolve it, clear your browser(s) cache.
If that doesn’t solve it, wait on Champ…
Just in case…
You can use WP User Frontend to allow members (by UM role) to create and publish blog posts without access to the wordpress dashboard. You can add the WPUF shortcodes to the UM Account page and add simple links to the blog form.
But that was 3 weeks ago…you probably got it sorted out already.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Filter Everything — Product Filter & WordPress Filter] NOT UselessI updated this one. Apologies again!
Yep, that was exactly the problem…the theme I’m using.
I apologize for jumping to conclusions. I will also edit the review if it’ll let me. I got it working and it’s actually pretty helpful.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Delana Taylor.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GridMag] GridMag and other themese sticky menu problemNevermind. I got it with position:static!important on the menu. Now it’s all scrolling together. I wasn’t overriding the current position. Marking it as resolved.
Thanks for the quick response all the same.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [GridMag] GridMag and other themese sticky menu problemWow, did not expect any reply. Thanks for that so quickly.
I’m using the free gridmag theme. I will edit the code, just need to know where exactly it needs to be edited and what to put there. Thanks!
For the record, the tricks and spinning and twirling is unprofessional. People might like it because it’s cute but clients do not and they always want that to stop as much as I do. I love these themes. I use them quite a bit. GridMag and TidyMag are my favorites. I made it stop on TidyMag but the same code doesn’t work on GridMag or GridWP…which is why I am asking for this one. I figure it’ll be the same since they look the same.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Delana Taylor.
A week and a half later and still no response from devs, on top of the word it was recently hacked, not a good fit for my needs. Hard pass.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Job Manager] Resumes made publicI don’t know anything about this plugin so they will have to answer, but I believe there are content restriction plugins that will redirect to a 404 for unauthorized use of a page or file. Look for content restriction plugins, page restriction plugins, media content restrictions, etc.
Basically, you’d create a category or taxonomy called “restricted” or whatever term you preferred, make it available for the resume files. If anyone not logged in, or not part of a specific assigned user group tries to access the file it’ll kick back a 404 or restricted access message.
Also, in light of that, check out another plugin called Ultimate Category Excluder. You create the restricted category name in the primary WP categories, not custom taxonomies, and then check all the boxes so it doesn’t show up in searches, archives, etc.
It might be more what you’re looking for.