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  • Thread Starter delamar



    change this:
    add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘jsPostToFAV’);
    add_action( ‘wp_footer’, ‘nxsFavFooter’ );

    for this:
    add_action(‘admin_head’, ‘jsPostToFAV’);
    add_action(‘admin_footer’, ‘nxsFavFooter’);

    Thread Starter delamar


    Great, thank you so much!
    That works easily enough for us.

    Thread Starter delamar


    Unfortunately it’s all about making the dashes to underscores…for file upload. We had trouble a few times when images had the same filename as an article (even though the extension was another).

    My first thought was to change the priority – but then the function does not do what it should when uploading.

    Another easy way would be to check, if it is the YARPP plugin using the sanitize_file_name and return without changing anything. But I am not sure how to check for that in the function.

    Something like this:
    if ( is_yarpp_asking == true ) return;

    function ssc__filename_lowercase($filename)
    	$info = pathinfo( $filename );
    	$ext  = empty( $info['extension'] ) ? '' : '.' . $info['extension'];
    	$name = basename( $filename, $ext);
    	$name = str_replace( '-', '_', $name );	// kein minuszeichen
    	$name = strtolower( $name ); // alles klein schreiben
    	$name = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9-_.]/','', $name );	// keine umlaute
    	return $name . $ext;
    add_filter('sanitize_file_name', 'ssc__filename_lowercase', 10);
    Thread Starter delamar


    PS: It is my own function that I have in the functions.php

    Any advice on how to solve this?

    Thread Starter delamar


    Thank you, Michael.

    I searched for “sanitize_file_name” with grep and I found these plugins using it:

    * Yoast SEO Premium (also the Yoast video plugin and the free version)
    * P3 Profiler (deactivated)
    * Contextual Related Posts

    * Better Search & Replace (deactivated)

    better-search-replace/templates/bsr-dashboard.php:55: $bsr_template = str_replace( ‘_’, ‘-‘, sanitize_file_name( $active_tab ) ) . ‘.php’;

    But actually I think it may be a function() I have in the functions.php for changing filenames when uploading images:

    add_filter(‘sanitize_file_name’, ‘ssc__filename_lowercase’, 10);

    So what would be your recommendation?

    Thread Starter delamar


    Hey, Michael.

    Thanks so much for your help. It is very appreciated.

    1. this is the call
    <?php if(function_exists('related_entries')) : ?><div class="row m-b-2"><?php yarpp_related(); ?></div><?php endif; ?>

    I also tried the older related_entries() but to no success.

    2. The comment says:
    Could not load custom template “yarpp_template_simple.php”. Its NOT named properly It does NOT exist. Falling back to default.

    The template names are:
    yarpp-template-footer.php (mine)
    yarpp-template-simple.php (yours)

    Both templates have the same problem and lie in the same folder as style.css – where the backend does indeed find them.

    Thread Starter delamar


    Thanks again for your help.


    ### wp-core ###
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    WP Broken Link Status Checker: version: 1.0.6, author: Pau Iglesias, SeedPlugins, Automatische Aktualisierungen deaktiviert
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    db_tables: wp_wpmailsmtp_tasks_meta


    [versions] => 
            [yarpp] => 5.10.2
            [wp] => 5.6.2
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            [mysql] => 5.5.68
    [yarpp] => 
            [settings] => 
                    [threshold] => 2
                    [limit] => 6
                    [excerpt_length] => 10
                    [recent] => 
                    [rss_limit] => 3
                    [rss_excerpt_length] => 10
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                    [show_excerpt] => 
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                    [rss_promote_yarpp] => 
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                                    [ssc__themen] => 3
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    [diagnostics] => 
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            [sitewide] => 
    [pools] =>
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 10 months ago by delamar.
    Thread Starter delamar


    Hey, Michael.

    Thank you for your response.

    The file name is:

    But I also tried the ones from your install:

    Thread Starter delamar


    Thanks for your quick response.

    Unluckily I can’t give you access to the installation ??

    It does save right, also the call comes from within the template.
    I tried different calls…

    Right now using this one:

    Do I need to change that?

    Thread Starter delamar


    Yes, I did the same. Thanks for your input.

    Same here

    Thread Starter delamar


    I’ll do…just installing on productions server…

    Thread Starter delamar


    Hello Ajay,

    thanks a lot.
    That was the fix I needed.

    Currently looking at the results.
    Look nicely as far…


    Thread Starter delamar


    Thanks ??

    I have the same issue here, but no network install.

    Some more facts:
    * Video doesn’t show in blog posts
    * Video does show, when I insert a 2nd shortcode before the <!– MORE –> tag
    * reverting to 1.4.3 doesn’t repair the issue
    * videos in old posts are still shown

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