Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Plugin Changing the addressHello Mike. Support for this plugin has moved to
Because the plugin is available at, WordPress keeps these support pages open, but almost no-one on the programming team looks at them.
Thank you!
I do see one part of this request which cannot be fulfilled: php.ini is owned by “root” in my server, so there is no way for a WordPress plugin to touch the upload_max_filesize = setting.
The other places this is limited might be nice to be able to modify easily.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Shortcode for next meeting not workingGreetings,
I don’t know the solution for your trouble, but I can tell you that Forums is no longer where support for this plugin is found. Support has moved: for all future support questions and issues, please Open a Discussion
I’ve poked around here: and I don’t see your exact issue listed, so this might be a new error the team needs to know about.
Thank you very much Abid. You make a good point that by hosting it locally, it won’t make a connection back to Google, so this is good.
As to why, I happen to host a web site which serves a (local) community of people with problems related to addiction. It is one of those twelve step programs which has “Anonymous” in the name. In keeping in the spirit of anonymity, I try as much as possible to keep web tracking technology out of the site.
If the Google font provides you with some iconic characters that are just too useful to abandon, copying them to be provided locally is an excellent solution. Thank you.
Would it be possible to not use the Google fonts at all?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] URL Validation for (was GoToMeeting)Hello Narundi,
This is the original place where support for the 12 Step Meeting List plugin was; but, it has since been moved to GitHub. I went ahead and posted your request here:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Unable to make changes or update meetingsHello Wilf,
Three things:
1) Support for this plugin has moved, and is now found at
2) Google Maps recently changed their terms of service, and (essentially) said people needed to update their credit card number on file or else (the maps would stop working). Most of the web sites using TSML have replaced Google Maps with Mapbox. My Google Maps stopped working, but the replacement with Mapbox was very easy.
3) I have had problems in the past where the Update button would not become clickable because the form did not recognize a change in a data field. It appears that the form checks for a change when a field is exited. I could sometimes get it to trigger by going back in (clicking within) a field and using the Tab key to exit the form field – so you might try various things to trigger a recognized change in data.
But really, you should ask for support over in the Git Hub site for TSML.
I hope this helps.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] BEST plugin everAgreed. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Page title for meetings pageOne thing pops into mind: perhaps you are using a widget to show the meetings? I know that WordPress has an Archives widget. I recently had to pull out one of my widgets and replace it with a Text widget; that allowed me to use the short code for the next five meetings to put things on a particular page.
I was able to do a work-around using my WordPress menu system. Appearance –> Menus –> Add menu items –> Custom Links
For the URL I entered https://your-domain-here/meetings/?tsml-day=any&tsml-type=ONL and also some link text.
I hit Add to Menu, and positioned this custom link next to my main menu on my site. So now the two menus are next to each other: “Interactive list of meetings” and “Online Meetings”
Hope this helps.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Planned Plugin ChangesI have updated the Github bug report with a more thorough description of steps I took, environment I am in, and such. I was not able to replicate the problem for different meetings at different locations. I was also not able to replicate with two meetings at the same Location but not a part of the same Group.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Planned Plugin ChangesSorry – I ran out of time to do the Github thing. I’m going to be late back to work. I’ll update it tonight.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Planned Plugin ChangesThank you. I did update to 3.6.1 and updated the first meeting. That’s the only change I made. Then, I do see the first meeting’s Zoom link in the second meeting’s page.
I’ll fill out the bug report now.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [12 Step Meeting List] Planned Plugin ChangesI may have found a problem in the new 3.6.0 plugin. I just updated to it, and have started tagging online meetings as such. I have two meetings for Monday morning at the same location: one goes from 7:15 AM to 8:00 AM, and the next from 8:10 AM to 8:40 AM.
I updated the first meeting with the online info, and saved it. Checked it out (not logged in as admin) and it looks very nice.
I updated the second meeting at the same location, and see that the first meeting’s data is pre-populated in data entry field. Huh, I thought. That’s nice that I don’t have re-enter the telephone number. I replaced the URL and saved the meeting.
I went back and looked at the first meeting, and it now has the second meeting’s URL in it.
I suppose it could be that my browser is auto-filling in stuff it should not be; but, I don’t think so. If it is a bug, we probably want to quash it early.
If it helps: and
The Zoom URL on those two should be different.
- This reply was modified 5 years ago by degrees57.