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  • Why not try something like this?

    <?php echo '<p>' . substr(get_the_excerpt(), 4, 1000) . '</p>'; ?>

    I had the same error; to fix it I modified the Admin.class.php file located in the directory at wp-content/plugins/exports-and-reports/wp-admin-ui/.

    Look for this line:

    $this->export_url = $this->base_url.'?download=1&_wpnonce='.wp_create_nonce('wp-admin-ui-export').'&export=';

    Below that line I added the following (using for this example):

    $this->myexport_url = '';

    Then I took this block for each file type (CSV, XML, JSON, etc…CSV block featured here)

    $this->message('<strong>Success:</strong> Your export is ready, the download should begin in a few moments. If it doesn\'t, <a href="'.$this->export_url.urlencode($export_file).'" target="_blank">click here to access your CSV export file</a>.<br /><br />When you are done with your export, <a href="'.$this->var_update(array('remove_export'=>urlencode($export_file),'action'=>'export')).'">click here to remove it</a>, otherwise the export will be deleted within 24 hours of generation.');
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">"'.$this->export_url.urlencode($export_file).'");</script>';

    And replaced each instance of this:




    So it ended up looking like this:

    $this->message('<strong>Success:</strong> Your export is ready, the download should begin in a few moments. If it doesn\'t, <a href="'.$this->myexport_url.urlencode($export_file).'" target="_blank">click here to access your CSV export file</a>.<br /><br />When you are done with your export, <a href="'.$this->var_update(array('remove_export'=>urlencode($export_file),'action'=>'export')).'">click here to remove it</a>, otherwise the export will be deleted within 24 hours of generation.');
                    echo '<script type="text/javascript">"'.$this->myexport_url.urlencode($export_file).'");</script>';

    Hope this helps!

    I just wanted to say thank you for providing such on the spot support. The wp-config/alpha package worked perfectly for me! A fix that took minutes!

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