Deddo Wiersma
Forum Replies Created
Thanx, never heard of the WP-CLI interface so just installed it, nice!
Did a fresh install of the normal version 8.0.2 and noticed that the latest Dutch language pack (.mo+.po and 100 json files) was already included, nicex2!
Have the Pro version 7.0.3 on another development site and see the ithemes-security-pro.pot file in the /wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/lang directory.Copied and renamed the two files (.mo+.po) from the free version to the wp-content/languages/plugins/ithemes-security-pro directory and renamed them to:
it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro-nl_NL.moThe .pot file contains 2.506 empty msgstr. The .po file which seems to contain 1.483 translations (wordcount msgstr), so a 1.023 difference. I have now some translated texts visible, but many not.
One of the texts which is not translated is ‘Choose the security features you’ which I don’t find in the .po file but in two .json translationfiles of the free version:
– /better-wp-security-nl_NL-54e08d7f6f9238b1c44f0e30ed2fd162.json and better-wp-security-nl_NL-1e6d71d8fd86a4d9ffb4e628d7a4d8d0.json but not in the .pot file of the pro version and in /wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/core/admin-pages/entries/settings/pages/modules/index.js and /wp-content/plugins/ithemes-security-pro/dist/pages/settings.min.js.So I assume we need all translated texts in the .po file and json files together. Tried to copy also the .json files to the pro version directory (and also renamed them to it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro-nl_NL i.s.o. better-wp-security-nl_NL), but no effect ??
In good English ‘left or right’ we will get there, so I am ready to start translating, can you help me with:
– how this works exactly/explaining what will be the end result: one .po file or a combination of files?
– how can I start translating/ can you send me your it-l10n-ithemes-security-pro-nl_NL.po file?Regards,
Thanx for helping out. I am new to and also not that experienced in WordPress,but learning fast.
Did some small batches until now but for sure can do more, so count me in for at least 50% of the transalations of both versions. This week will be more difficult for me as I am away from home, but next week for sure, maybe a Sinterklaas present ??