Hi weczone, Hi All,
I have the same issue in my wp 2.3.2 installation. Using the rss widget that comes by default in wp.
I don’t expect that this issue were so hard to find (explanation, solution). And I’m not sure what is exactly the solution, in despite of the comments of wczone.
If you introduce in google this string:
“wp-includes/rss.php on line” The first argument, map_attrs
You will find a lot of “error logs” of other wordpress with the same problem.
My error-log is:
[03-Feb-2008 19:16:18] PHP Warning: array_map() [function.array-map]: The first argument, ‘map_attrs’, should be either NULL or a valid callback in /usr/home/dedalos/public_html/wp-includes/rss.php on line 166
[03-Feb-2008 19:16:18] PHP Warning: join() [function.join]: Bad arguments. in /usr/home/dedalos/public_html/wp-includes/rss.php on line 166
And, as I see, this problem could be solved temporally by switching the theme of the blog.
Please, Could someone give me some explanation about that?. I’m sure it’ll very appreciated not only for me.
Thank very much.