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  • Thread Starter dedalos


    I dactivate all the others plugin to test it but the problem remains.

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Please some help…

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Hi Mike;

    I pasted in the first message the link to the cart module (cart.php). This is:
    <li><a href="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/ajCart/cart.php?cart=true&height=220&width=600&CARTDIR=<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/ajCart/&PPEmail=<?php bloginfo('admin_email'); ?>" class="thickbox" title="Shopping Cart" >Shopping Cart</a></li>
    I have worked with Page templates without problems in other times in order to customize themes of wordpress: creating a normal web page in WP, editing the default “page.php” and selecting this page as a new template with other name. I know the way to do that but those files has to be in the main folder of the theme. As I told you, and as you can see in the code above the cart module is in a folder (ajCart) inside the main folder of the theme, so this technique will not work. The selector of page templates, when you are creating a new page, will not list that page.

    Thank you Mike
    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Sorry mfields I’ve been rude without excuses, it’s too easy to be desperate with code.
    I test what you said and whooami said, in the most simple way (without cart.php module) inside the theme folder in a clean php file with no results (absolute paths and relative).
    I mean to say that the way to build and link a Php file calling the header, sidebar, and footer should be documented in the Codex, not that the codex have to be a solution for my case…
    Probably we are missing something, maybe is the fact that I can’t link directly the page.php (for example) like <a href="page.php">example</a> but page.php works inside the mechanism of wordpress but I don’t know how is working all this…
    Can I call “cart.php” as a page template??? is inside a folder above of the theme files….
    So how can I do it?! How can I call (link) this php with the header, sidebar, etc. that’s the question.

    I’m not very good with english language niether with php…
    Please don’t take my last message as personal criticism, that was my personal frustration.

    Thank you anyway.

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Bad replies, no solution. This should be well documented in the codex, don’t reply with crap…
    For me isn’t working your code. waste time!

    Bad replies, no solution. This should be well documented in the codex, don’t reply with crap…
    For me isn’t working your code. waste time!

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Thank you Roy I’ll make a try

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Thank you Roy! ??

    I’ve been trying to write a rule using the output class as you mentioned without succes. Anyway I don’t understand very well why there is a space in the output tag “page_item page-item-11″…
    I’ve been trying this CSS:

    ul #nav li .page_item page-item-11 {

    in this HTML:

    <ul id="nav" class="clearfloat">
      <li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/" class="on">Tu web en 3 pasos</a></li>
    <?php wp_list_pages('title_li='); ?>

    In other hand I’ve been trying this (style”background:#fff”) in html without success:

    <ul id="nav" class="clearfloat">
      <li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/" class="on">Tu web en 3 pasos</a></li>
    <span style="background:#000;"> <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&exclude=185,69,71'); ?></span>
      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&exclude=185,71,67'); ?>
      <?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&exclude=185,67,69'); ?>

    No problem I think I could do it hard coding, but it could be interesting if there is a way to define styles in lists called dynamically…

    Is there some documentation where I can check out this questions, maybe in the wordpress codex or someplace like that?

    Thank you ver much.

    Roy again, but from Madrid

    I downgrade my WordPress 2.7 to 2.6.5 the difference is noticiable.
    2.7 is not working for me because of the problem mentioned here.

    WordPress should test more the new releases…

    kind regards,

    Thread Starter dedalos


    I love you Bekabug!

    It was not so complicated…, but as I can’t understand php… I didn’t find out the problem.

    Thanks again,

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Please, Can somebody help me?

    Thread Starter dedalos


    Hi Bekabug;

    Thank you for your tips. But the first way I used to link the image it was with an absolute path. The URL of the image was OK (I test it in the browser) but it doesn’t works in the custom field.

    I don’t use the media gallery or uploads from wordpress either (but in this case I tried this option too). In other themes I have linked images from other webs (flickr, for example) with absolute paths without problems.

    If it’s not working with an absolute path (I try relative also), probably the problem is not in the path…

    I give you the download link of the theme if you want to check it out:

    * I’ve been tried what you say…, with no results.

    Kind Regards,

    PD If you want check it out , for the Lead-main post to appear it has to be in a category with ID=1. This the ID number of “uncategorized” by default.
    I fill the custom field with “Leadimage” ID and URL inside the first post of the category with ID=1. (this should be the Leading post).

    The same problem. I don’t know what happens with this function but doesn’t work for me

    Thread Starter dedalos


    It’s the same…; this error appear and disappear with no apparently reason.
    This is my url:
    And I can see the error come and go with no reasons…
    I’m using the feed widget that provide wordpress.
    It’s very frustrating this error…
    The urls of the feeds are corrects.
    you can check at my web:
    sometime are all ok, sometimes not
    I don’t understand…
    Please some help

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: RSS Widget Error


    I’m not sure that this the solution. (firewall).
    There is a ver significant detail. When I change my theme the rss problem solves itself temporaly.

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