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  • Thread Starter decaren


    I was thinking about this topic today and although I abandoned WP_Graph_QL for the project, I did find the answer to this when trying to work with the REST API. A Custom Post Type that is created by another plugin was not showing in the REST API and I had to use the register_post_type_args filter to get access to the CPT as explained in this article I did check and adding those arguments works just the same, ie $args['show_in_graphql'] = true. I thought I would add this here just in case anyone is ever looking for the same answer or I eventually come back to WP_Graph_QL.

    Thread Starter decaren



    As stated in my other issue thread, we have decided to no longer attempt to seek support for this issue. We have already started the process of rebuilding our site from scratch to get the other issue resolved. We do not currently have all the integrations with BadgesOS and BuddyPress set up in the new site so I won’t know if this is still an issue at this time. I will open a new ticket if the problem arises after rebuilding.

    Thread Starter decaren



    The decision was made today to no longer attempt to seek support from you on this issue. We have already set in motion the process of rebuilding our site from scratch with the knowledge that we would lose the previous user data due to your inability to answer in a timely fashion. The PO decided that we would simply tell the users in the the next round of user testing that the site has a known bug. Should any other issues arise, we will file a new support thread/ticket.

    Thread Starter decaren



    As stated in my other issue thread, I will check with my PO and PM to see if we can give you access to the site. If so I will file a support ticket.


    Thread Starter decaren



    Thank you. Having the user earn an achievement fixed the issue. It only seems like it needed to be one user. After that the other users no longer had the issue on the profile page either. I’ll set this one to resolved.

    Thread Starter decaren



    Again, please stop setting my issues to resolved. I’m glad you have responded, but again it has been a month since your last response and 3 1/2 months since I filed this issue. Since your lack of response, we have already started the process of completely rebuilding our site and achievements and dealing with the fact that our previous user data will be lost. That being said our old site will be used in a few weeks for some more user testing as our new site will not be finished by then. It would be great to not have to explain the issues to the users. I will check with my PO and PM to see if I could allow you access to our site as you stated in the email you sent prior to updating this thread.


    Thread Starter decaren



    Please stop setting my issues to resolved when they are not. I clearly stated that I did go through the process of creating the pages when I upgraded. I still have the issue. I was asking for other ideas. Are existing badges considered Open Badges, or do I have to recreate all my achievements new? Keep in mind, I upgraded to 3.6 and had many achievements already created before the upgrade.


    Thread Starter decaren


    Thread Starter decaren



    Is there any update here? I emailed you the same day you asked but have not heard back through here or email. Please advice.


    Thread Starter decaren



    I went through this process after first upgrading. When I visit the OB Integration page, I have listed the 4 pages (Assertion Page, Issuer Page, Badge Page, and Evidence Page). At the end of the list it simply says “All of the open badge pages are configured.” When I view the Assertion, Issuer, and Badge pages I see the JSON associated. When I visit the Evidence Page, I see a blank page but the [badgeos_evidence] shortcode is present when I edit. Please let me know what else I should try.


    Thread Starter decaren



    The site currently uses the following plugins:
    amr shortcode any widget
    BadgeOS Badge Builder
    BadgeOS Community Add-On
    BadgeOS Group Management Add-On
    BadgeOS Interactive Progress Map Add-On
    BadgeOS Leaderboards Add-On
    BadgeOS Reports Add-On
    BadgeOS Social Sharing
    BadgeOS Suggested Achievements Add-On
    BuddyPress Invite Codes
    BuddyPress Notifications Widget
    Health Check & Troubleshooting
    Nav Menu Roles
    SM Replace Howdy
    Sucuri Security
    Tabs Responsive
    Title Remover
    User Submitted Posts
    WP Offload Media Lite

    Please let me know if you need any further information.


    Thread Starter decaren



    So then the fix will make the banner go away from pages in admin section as this doesn’t pertain to my site?


    Thread Starter decaren


    @learningtimes sorry for the delay, I was on vacation last week.

    The hierarchy hasn’t changed since the first post over two months ago, but as you asked, I will email you again…

    Thread Starter decaren


    @learningtimes . Any help would be greatly appreciated. I’ve spent so much time trying to figure this out. Right now I’m only running the BadgeOS plugin with no add-ons and deleted all the data when I uninstalled the plugin then reinstalled. Set everything back up and still it earns the achievement when it completes one step. I’ve been waiting months for this fix and it only seems to work on a brand new site. Can you provide any help, idea, direction as to what kind of artifact is left in the data that would still be causing this, or is the answer basically to get it to work that I would have to scrap all my data and build my site from scratch again?

    Thread Starter decaren


    @binarywc Thank you for the suggestion. I did try using ACF to create the fields in the post types, but WPGraphQL doesn’t recognized them. I’m not sure if ACF causes the field to be names something else. I might try to add them again and use @bcworkz var_dump idea.

    @bcworkz Thank you for your suggestion. I tried the var_dump() but it doesn’t show all of the fields that are bing registered with the post type. I used this example from wp-mix

    // View all WP Post variables
    function wpmix_display_globals($content) {
    	return $content . var_export($GLOBALS['post'], TRUE);
    add_filter('the_content', 'wpmix_display_globals');

    I’m curious though because you said they are an array and the items in the initial array show with the var dump, but not the additional items including the ones I need to add. Here is is the code from the plugin that I have modified. What are the fields considered after the array?

    		register_post_type( sanitize_title( substr( strtolower( $achievement_name_singular ), 0, 20 ) ), array(
    			'labels'             => array(
    				'name'               => $achievement_name_plural,
    				'singular_name'      => $achievement_name_singular,
    				'add_new'            => __( 'Add New', 'badgeos' ),
    				'add_new_item'       => sprintf( __( 'Add New %s', 'badgeos' ), $achievement_name_singular ),
    				'edit_item'          => sprintf( __( 'Edit %s', 'badgeos' ), $achievement_name_singular ),
    				'new_item'           => sprintf( __( 'New %s', 'badgeos' ), $achievement_name_singular ),
    				'all_items'          => $achievement_name_plural,
    				'view_item'          => sprintf( __( 'View %s', 'badgeos' ), $achievement_name_singular ),
    				'search_items'       => sprintf( __( 'Search %s', 'badgeos' ), $achievement_name_plural ),
    				'not_found'          => sprintf( __( 'No %s found', 'badgeos' ), strtolower( $achievement_name_plural ) ),
    				'not_found_in_trash' => sprintf( __( 'No %s found in Trash', 'badgeos' ), strtolower( $achievement_name_plural ) ),
    				'parent_item_colon'  => '',
    				'menu_name'          => $achievement_name_plural,
    			'public'             => true,
    			'publicly_queryable' => true,
    			'show_ui'            => current_user_can( badgeos_get_manager_capability() ),
    			'show_in_menu'       => $show_in_menu,
    			'show_in_graphql'    => true,
    			'graphql_single_name' => str_replace(' ','', $achievement_name_singular),
    			'graphql_plural_name' => str_replace(' ','', $achievement_name_plural),
    			'query_var'          => true,
    			'rewrite'            => array( 'slug' => sanitize_title( strtolower( $achievement_name_singular ) ) ),
    			'capability_type'    => 'post',
    			'has_archive'        => true,
    			'hierarchical'       => true,
    			'menu_position'      => null,
    			'supports'           => array( 'title', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'author', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes' )
    		) );
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by decaren. Reason: fix code formatting
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 24 total)