Forum Replies Created
My issue is not resolved. I am waiting for a fix to the block editor. The website is I have removed the form block because the pages with the form block will not load. If a user visits these pages, an error is displayed to them.
Another option I would like to see is the taxonomy drop-down that is present with the tag cloud block. That way, I can choose to display custom taxonomies as well as tags in a list.
No. It seems they are now working.
I am still experiencing this error. I deleted the pages with the forms because they just displayed the error. I created new pages without the forms.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Add New Post Button When Viewing a Post@joyously If you don’t care about what people think about the project why keep the forums open? Is it to keep the perception that the WordPress developers care about what the users think?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Basic Form BlockI don’t understand why WordPress asks for feedback and suggestions if you are not open to feedback and suggestions. I am just making a simple request to bring functionality that is already in to
The feature is already available without a plugin on the website. Why is it such a big deal to make it available to everyone in the core? I don’t understand why the 80/20 rule applies to but not
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Basic Form BlockI don’t know the complexities of creating a block. Adding a form to a WordPress page or post requires a simple PHP script and the creation of a template. The script isn’t that more complex when adding additional fields. already offers a basic form block. Why can’t this feature be added to
It seems like was able to create this block.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Add New Post Button When Viewing a PostAs a WordPress contributor/developer, if you really felt that way, then why did you add full-screen mode?
If your answer to suggestions to improve features is going to be to not use the feature, then why do you have a “Requests and Feedback” forum?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Terms & Conditions GeneratorI am in the United States. A privacy policy is only a concern on websites that collect personal data on residents in California. Even then, the law is difficult to enforce on residents in other states. Otherwise, a privacy policy is not really necessary based on your criteria.
If a website collects personal data, it most likely needs a terms and conditions page. All websites need a terms and conditions page to protect the content they create on the website. Unless the content on the website is not under copyright. This is not most websites.
Also, WordPress has the ability to add multiple users and allow users to make comments. I don’t know the share of websites that enable commenting or allow multiple users but the terms and conditions would be useful for websites that do enable these features.
If WordPress did not allow multiple users and users to comment, create posts, etc, I think an arguement can be made that a terms and conditions generator is not necessary.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Support Page on SEO Providing MisinformationThe up-to-date page references the retired page.
Meta Tags #Meta Tags
Meta Tags contain information that describes your site’s purpose, description, and keywords used within your site. The meta tags are stored within the head of your header.php template file. By default, they are not included in WordPress, but you can manually include them and the article on Meta Tags in WordPress takes you through the process of adding meta tags to your WordPress site.Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Custom Meta TagsI agree that it’s good for a majority of sites, but not everyone wants or needs it. I personally have done 5 sites for clients so far that don’t want SEO of any kind (for various reasons).
People that don’t want SEO on their websites have the option of not filling in the title and description meta tags. I am not suggesting these should be required fields.
On top of that, different people/companies want different things from whatever SEO plugin they use, so there won’t be one overall consensus of what’s the “right way” to do something.
I don’t understand what you mean by this. As far as I know, there is only one correct way to add meta tags to a webpage.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Add New Post Button When Viewing a PostYour solution still doesn’t eliminate the extra step when creating a new blog post. You have to switch from fullscreen mode to add a new blog post. Then you have to switch back to fullscreen mode when the new blog post is visible.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Schema.orgI understand how to do it manually. It is very difficult and time-consuming to enter in structured data to a WordPress website manually. The best option is to use a plugin.
The issue with using a plugins is that if you want to switch plugins for any reason, the data is lost and must be reentered. That locks a user into a specific plugin or it makes the time it takes to update the website very time consuming.
Maybe this can be implemented as a custom block?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Terms & Conditions GeneratorHow is a terms & conditions builder generic but a privacy policy generator isn’t?
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: Basic Form BlockWhat additional code would be needed to handle the data besides a simple php script?
WordPress has all of the funcitionality built into it already to handle this. The developers would need to just create the form block. Maybe there is something I am missing.