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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LightPress Lightbox] [Plugin: WP jQuery Lightbox] Navigation ButtonsI would like this to. Maybe you can add this as a option
Jan I thought you fixed my problem.
Ok Ben I will do that, cause the problem is still there, but the text-input and button are horizontal now.
I’m sorry the (code) tag is not working in the editor..
What I did is I copied the html code into the editor of a WP page like this:
<form id="form-wysija-nl-php-1" method="post" action="#wysija" class="widget_wysija form-valid-sub"><p class="wysija-instruct">To subscribe to our newsletter simply add your email.</p><p><input id="form-wysija-nl-php-1-wysija-to" class="wysija-email validate[required,custom[email]]" name="wysija[user][email]" type="text"><span class="wysija-p-firstname abs-req"><input defaultvalue="" id="form-wysija-nl-php-1-abs-firstname" value="" class="defaultlabels validated[abs][req]" name="wysija[user][abs][firstname]" type="text"></span><span class="wysija-p-lastname abs-req"><input defaultvalue="" id="form-wysija-nl-php-1-abs-lastname" value="" class="defaultlabels validated[abs][req]" name="wysija[user][abs][lastname]" type="text"></span><span class="wysija-p-email abs-req"><input defaultvalue="" id="form-wysija-nl-php-1-abs-email" value="" class="defaultlabels validated[abs][email]" name="wysija[user][abs][email]" type="text"></span><input class="wysija-submit wysija-submit-field" name="submit" value="Subscribe" type="submit"></p><input name="formid" value="form-wysija-nl-php-1" type="hidden"> <input name="action" value="save" type="hidden"> <input name="wysija[user_list][list_ids]" value="1" type="hidden"> <input name="message_success" value="You’ve successfully subscribed. Check your inbox now to confirm your subscription." type="hidden"> <input name="controller" value="subscribers" type="hidden"><input id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="42e8b920d8" type="hidden"><input name="_wp_http_referer" value="/new_home/" type="hidden"><input value="1" name="wysija-page" type="hidden"><input value="9787924692" id="wysijax" type="hidden"></form>
On this page there was already this form which came from the generator from Wysija. This one:
<div class="wysija-register">YTo3OntzOjk6IndpZGdldF9pZCI7czoyMDoid3lzaWphLW5sLTEzNDA5MzE1ODUiO3M6NToibGlzdHMiO2E6MTp7aTowO3M6MToiMSI7fXM6MTA6Imxpc3RzX25hbWUiO2E6MTp7aToxO3M6MTc6Ik1pam4gZWVyc3RlIGxpanN0Ijt9czoxMjoiYXV0b3JlZ2lzdGVyIjtzOjE3OiJub3RfYXV0b19yZWdpc3RlciI7czoxMjoibGFiZWxzd2l0aGluIjtzOjEzOiJsYWJlbHNfd2l0aGluIjtzOjY6InN1Ym1pdCI7czoyOToiQWFubWVsZGVuIHZvb3IgZGUgbmlldXdzYnJpZWYiO3M6Nzoic3VjY2VzcyI7czo3MzoiVSBoZWVmdCB6aWNoIGluZ2VzY2hyZXZlbi4gQ2hlY2sgdXcgZW1haWwgb20gdXcgYWFubWVsZGluZyB0ZSBiZXZlc3RpZ2VuLiI7fQ==</div>
And also in the footer I placed this html code in a widget and it also works fine on this same page. So in this page three times the form, and all work well. See: https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/contact
But on the other pages is does not work although it’s inserted the same way with html on a page and in the footer.. For instance: https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/feestje (see footer).
Strange; on this page it works fine:
https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/contactBut when I copy/paste the code to the other page:
https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/viltenI get the error message..
Now there is a new problem. As a test I placed the code here:
https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/vilten The style is ok now,But when I press the send button (with or without filled in email)
I get a white page with this url: https://www.reinasnaaicafe.nl/vilten#wysija saying: “Security failure during request.” Can you also fix this?
Cheers mate!
Hi Ben,
That is exactly what I’m trying to achieve. Thank you for your help!
DaanHi Ben,
The example you refer to only shows how to change the style (different color, different border etc). What I want is a different positionfor the three parts (text,input and button).
Maybe I’m overlooking something, i do know css, but what is the id/name for the input-field en what is the name/id for the submit otherwise how can i place them in for instance a div and change the position..
What I want is:
“text-input field-submit button” instead oftext
submit buttonRegards,
DaanForum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMSGuestbook] [Plugin: DMSGuestbook] place a text above formHi Daniel,
“Insert the echo statement before $var_form1” was not a solution because the text was placed on top of the page while the form is, as said, on the bottom.
Your second solution: “or include your text in $var_form1 like: $var_form1 = “This is a text…” did work fine. I also added a div and a class and styled it from the .css.
So thanks for your time and attention!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMSGuestbook] [Plugin: DMSGuestbook] place a text above formHi Daniel,
“2) Insert a text in “default.tpl” on.. “
I’ve made a customized template. And I don’t know where to place the echo statement. As said in the admin panel I placed the entrie form at the bottom of the page. And just above that I want to place the echo..
<?php /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Be free to change what you want... @ your own risk :-) Would you like to use your own template? 1.) Copy this code in a other file and save it with the .tpl prefix (e.g. myfile.tpl) 3.) Customize your template and save it 2.) Select your template on DMSGuestbook admin page for use Guestbook input form CSS variables: css_form_text = define property of titel (name, email, url, message) css_form_textfieldspace = define space between each text fields css_form_errormessage = wrong input text error message css_form_successmessage = success input text message css_form_namefield = name field css_form_emailfield = email field css_form_urlfield = url field css_form_additional_option = additional selectbox css_form_messagefield = message field css_form_antispamtext = antispam text css_form_antispamcontent = antispam image or mathematic figures css_form_antispamcontent_position = antispam image or mathematic figures position css_form_antispam_inputfield = antispam input field css_form_submit_position = submit button position Edit these CSS settings on DMSGuestbook admin panel (CSS section) Function variables: $error1 = name error $error2 = email error $error3 = url error $error4 = message error $error5 = antispam error $error6 = gravatar error $success = success message $gbname = name $gbemail = email $gburl = url $gbmsg = message $gbadditional_selectbox = additional selectbox (user defined) $captcha1 = visual captcha $captcha2 = mathematical captcha $var_mandatory_char = mandatory char $var_mandatory_email = display $var_mandatory_char if it set in the admin page $var_mandatory_url = display $var_mandatory_char if it set in the admin page $var_additional_option_title = display additional selectbox title $countchars[0] = javasript gbmsgLen() function for textarea (allowed message text length) $countchars[1] = line break if chars count left is displayed $countchars[2] = number of chars left $countchars[3] = field where number of chars is displayed Edit these variables on DMSGuestbook admin panel Language text variables: $lang_name = name title $lang_email = email title $lang_message = message title $lang_require = require title $lang_antispam = antispam description text $lang_submit = submit button title Edit these variables on DMSGuestbook admin panel ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ $var_form1 = " <!-- define the space on top of the form --> <div class='css_form_textfieldspace'></div> <!-- error & succes messages --> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error1</div> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error2</div> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error3</div> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error4</div> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error5</div> <div class='css_form_errormessage'>$error6</div> <div class='css_form_successmessage'>$success</div> <br /> "; $var_form2 = " <!-- name field --> <div class='css_form_textfieldspace'> <input class='css_form_namefield' type='text' name='gbname' value='$gbname' maxlength='50' /> <b class='css_form_text'> $lang_name $var_mandatory_char</b></div> "; $var_form6 = " <!-- message field --> <div class='css_form_textfieldspace'> $countchars[3] $countchars[1] <textarea class='css_form_messagefield' name='gbmsg' rows='0' cols='0' $countchars[0]>$gbmsg</textarea> <b class='css_form_text'> $lang_message $var_mandatory_char</b></div> <!-- require text and the requirement char --> <div style='text-align:left;'><b class='css_form_text'>$var_mandatory_char $lang_require</b></div> <br /> "; $var_form7 = " <!-- visual captcha if selected --> <div class='css_form_antispamtext'>$lang_antispam</div> <div class='css_form_antispamcontent_position'> <img class='css_form_antispamcontent' src='$captcha1' alt='captcha' /></div> <div class='css_form_antispamcontent_position'> <input class='css_form_antispam_inputfield' type='text' name='securecode' /></div> "; $var_form8 = " <!-- mathematical chaptcha if selected --> <div class='css_form_antispamtext'>$lang_antispam</div> $captcha2 <input class='css_form_antispam_inputfield' type='text' name='securecode' /> "; $var_form8_1 = " <!-- reCHAPTCHA if selected --> <div class='css_form_antispamcontent_position'>$recaptcha</div> "; $var_form9 = " <!-- submit button --> <div class='css_form_submit_position'><input class='css_form_submit' type='submit' value='$lang_submit' /></div> "; $var_form10 = " <!-- define space after the submit button --> <p style='padding:10px 0px 0px 0px;'></p> "; $var_form11 = " <!-- define space between form and navigation --> <div style='padding:30px 0px 0px 0px;'></div> "; $DMSGuestbookContent .= "<!-- Message text chars left counter --> <script type=\"text/javascript\"> <!-- function gbmsgLen() { maxLen=\"$countchars[2]\"; var text=document.forms[0].gbmsg.value; if(text.length>maxLen) { document.forms[0].gbmsg.value = text.substring(0,maxLen); document.forms[0].counter.value = \"0\"; } else { var length = maxLen-text.length; document.forms[0].counter.value = length; } } --> </script>"; ?>
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [DMSGuestbook] [Plugin: DMSGuestbook] place a text above formHi Daniel,
“1) Insert a text in your wordpress guestbook page.”
This does not work for me because I place the entrie form at the bottom of the page. I’ll check the second sollution..Daniel, how can I add a title above the entry form? I cannot find where to do that. I would like to add a phrase something like: “Please leave your reaction:” followed by the name, email, website, message field, etc.
Dani, thanks for your help!
Hi Daniel,
Thanks for the Questbook.
I do have the same question as Rashmirathi. The entry-form, in my opinion, is to dominant. In my case 90% of the visitors of the site just want to read other people experiences. Now they first have to scroll down (on small screen like a laptop), they don’t even see written experiences only the entry form, before they can start reading.
I’m not able to fix this like Rashmirathi can. In my case just a link (“add entry”) in top of the list to the entry-form page would be perfect. Maybe you can take this option as a setting in a next version, or do you have another sollution? Thanks again!