Forum Replies Created

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  • Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @harthur90, this was an unintentional change, and missed as the Feeds are not directly linked anywhere, so were not properly tested.

    This has been fixed with – The feeds should continue to work as they previously did.

    Thanks for reporting this!

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    @dd128 Have you run into any problems while testing the tests?

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hello @dd64 did you resolve this? or are you still testing?

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    I 100% understand it, but I 100% don’t offer active support for this plugin or have a want for people continue to use it.

    This plugin was built and designed for a problem which existed 10+ years ago. WordPress has come a long way since then. Unfortunately every time I’ve closed the plugin (I’ve done it 2-3 times over that time) there’s an outpouring of requests from users who still rely upon it in one way or another.

    I have zero concerns about someone ceasing to use the plugin due to a warning from a 3rd-party platform. I have zero concerns about a user choosing to use a different plugin due to the outdated warning. I have zero concerns about the plugin appearing lower in the search rankings. I have zero concerns of others seeing it as “not supported” or “potentially doesn’t work”; Either it works for you, or it doesn’t.

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Thanks for the heads up – but since this isn’t actually an issue, I’m not going to change anything just to make a security plugin that’s only trying to make itself seem more relevant silence itself.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hey @eliaspizarro,

    Can you try accessing other URLs such as this:

    curl -Iv

    Just to confirm where the block is coming from. When itself blocks requests you’ll normally get a HTTP error back, rather than just no connection.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @ziemot,

    You’ll need to test this without other plugins disabled I believe, as it looks like something else might be affecting the query. You could also try adding 'suppress_filters' => true to your query.

    I say that as both of your queries show that there’s two taxonomy queries occurring, not just the singular category query. You can see that by the part of the SQL in question having two table joins wp_term_relationships and tt1 – A straight category query like yours should have a singular join.

    You might also be able to inspect the contents of $htPosts->tax_query to find the second query.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @satollo and @impunk, this should now be resolved.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @xarlien, I’ve contacted the server admins to get the IP removed from the blocklist.

    The IP is on the blocklist due to incorrect reports from certain hosts who appear to be incorrectly recording WordPress sites connecting OUT to the API as being a brute force attack upon them, where as they should only be recording connection attempts IN to their network as being one.

    In the meantime, you can contact your webhost and ask that they whitelist in their firewall setup that’s using that Abuse database to be used.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Thank you very much for this information. I noticed that Litespeed has its own CDN and it’s free, which is QUIC.CLOUD. Please is it advisable to use CDN on a blog that has more than 35 posts in it?

    Unfortunately I don’t know anything about that CDN product, other than to say that the product you’ve mentioned is NOT provided by Lightspeed, and may be an integration your web host offers
    For most people, a CDN offers very little advantage, unless you’re serving a LOT of media (images, audio, video, etc and by a lot, I mean thousands of items). It’s also often beneficial for high traffic websites (hundreds of thousands of page views a day).

    I saw Litespeed installed on my WordPress the very first time I installed WordPress, but I uninstalled and then installed WP fast cache plugin

    Any caching plugin will generally do a good job in my opinion, I don’t recommend any specific one over another.
    If your web host has configured the caching correctly (I can’t verify this, but I assume they have), deactivating the Lightspeed cache plugin will have disabled that caching, and whatever caching plugin you’ve chosen to install should be doing the job now.

    In general, using the caching options promoted by your webhost is preferably, as they have a vested interest in your website performing well. But if you’ve already setup the site using another caching plugin, just use that.

    As long as you have some kind of caching plugin installed, and are comfortable using it, I would just stick with that. If you have issues later on, you can ask your webhost if they recommend their caching plugin and if it’d work better with your site.

    Moderator Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @discovarmore

    Lightspeed is software that your WordPress website runs on – similar to Apache or nginx. Your host has likely set it to be installed automatically due to that, and it’ll provide integration with their hosting configuration.

    As such, since your hosting environment has Lightspeed caching enabled, that plugin would be better than some other dedicated caching plugins as you’d have double-caching if you used another plugin.

    You also have Cloudflare in use on the site provided, which also does some caching. I expect Lightspeed caching + Cloudflare would suffice for most caching needs, but you could explore adding a different caching plugin if you ran into performance issues – I would verify with your host that it wouldn’t conflict with the Lightspeed cache however.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 1 month ago by Dion Hulse.
    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    Hi @laurelkeyes,

    The plugins would have been installed due to however WordPress was updated – although WordPress itself doesn’t re-install these plugins when an update is performed through it’s UI, some 3rd party tools are known to re-install the plugins incorrectly. This is not uncommon with older security management tools that install updates automatically.

    This isn’t the fault of the Akismet or Hello Dolly plugins, and without any information about how WordPress was updated, it’s not possible to guess how it happened.

    The “Database Update Required” step is unrelated, as that’s triggered after WordPress files are updated. It’s ensuring that the options and other data stored within the WordPress database are consistent with what the new version expects. When WordPress performs an upgrade itself, it will perform this as part of the upgrade. The fact you saw the ‘Database Update required’ screen implies that the WordPress files were updated by something other than WordPress, which explains why those plugins were re-installed.

    You should talk to your website / server administrator, whomever updates the software on your site, to determine if they’re aware that the update method they’re using is not ideal.
    They may be interested in using wp-cli for updates: wp core update

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    namespace WordPressdotorg\Forums;
    use WP_Block_Patterns_Registry, WP_Block_Pattern_Categories_Registry;
     * Customizations for the Support Forum and the Blocks Everywhere plugin.
     * To enable this file to be loaded on a bbPress install, activate the Blocks Everywhere plugin.
    class Blocks {
    	public $forum_enabled_by_default = false;
    	public function __construct() {
    		if ( null !== get_option( 'forum_block_editor_enabled', null ) ) {
    			$this->forum_enabled_by_default = get_option( 'forum_block_editor_enabled' );
    		// Enable bbPress support.
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_bbpress', '__return_true' );
    		// Enable block processing in emails.
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_email', '__return_true' );
    		// Enable theme compatibility CSS.
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_theme_compat', '__return_true' );
    		// Theme Tweaks, these should be moved to the theme.
    		add_filter( 'after_setup_theme', [ $this, 'after_setup_theme' ] );
    		// Customize blocks for the Support Forums.
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_editor_settings', [ $this, 'editor_settings' ] );
    		// Enable the blocks on the server-side.
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_allowed_blocks', [ $this, 'allowed_blocks' ] );
    		// Allow the oEmbed proxy endpoint for any user who can publish a thread/reply..
    		add_filter( 'rest_api_init', [ $this, 'overwrite_oembed_10_proxy_permission' ], 20 );
    		// Hack to make Imgur embeds work. This should be fixed by Imgur.
    		add_filter( 'oembed_remote_get_args', [ $this, 'oembed_remote_get_args' ], 10, 2 );
    		// Add block patterns.
    		add_filter( 'init', [ $this, 'register_predefs' ] );
    		// Add user opt-out.
    		add_action( 'bbp_user_edit_after', [ $this, 'bbp_user_edit_after' ], 11 );
    		add_action( 'bbp_profile_update', [ $this, 'bbp_profile_update' ], 10, 1 );
    		add_filter( 'blocks_everywhere_bbpress_editor', [ $this, 'blocks_everywhere_bbpress_editor' ] );
    		// Add forum opt-in/out.
    		add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'admin_init' ] );
    		add_action( 'save_post', [ $this, 'metabox_forum_optin_save_handler' ] );
    		// Reverse twemoji replacements. Before bbPress sanitization gets to it.
    		add_filter( 'bbp_new_reply_pre_content', [ $this, 'reverse_twemoji_upon_save' ], 5 );
    		add_filter( 'bbp_new_topic_pre_content', [ $this, 'reverse_twemoji_upon_save' ], 5 );
    	public function after_setup_theme() {
    		// This will make embeds resize properly.
    		add_theme_support( 'responsive-embeds' );
    	public function allowed_blocks( $blocks ) {
    		// See ::editor_settings();
    		$blocks[] = 'core/image';
    		$blocks[] = 'core/embed';
    		return array_unique( $blocks );
    	public function editor_settings( $settings ) {
    		// This adds the image block, but only with 'add from url' as an option.
    		$settings['iso']['blocks']['allowBlocks'][] = 'core/image';
    		// Allows embeds and might fix pasting links sometimes not working.
    		$settings['iso']['blocks']['allowBlocks'][] = 'core/embed';
    		// Adds a table of contents button in the toolbar.
    		$settings['toolbar']['toc'] = true;
    		// Adds a navigation button in the toolbar.
    		$settings['toolbar']['navigation'] = true;
    		// This will display a support link in an ellipsis menu in the top right of the editor.
    		$settings['iso']['moreMenu'] = true;
    		$settings['iso']['linkMenu'] = [
    				/* translators: Link title to the WordPress Editor support article. */
    				'title' => __( 'Help & Support', 'wporg-forums' ),
    				/* translators: Link to the WordPress Editor article, used as the forum 'Help & Support' destination. */
    				'url'   => __( '', 'wporg-forums' ),
    		$settings['iso']['allowEmbeds'] = array_values( array_diff(
    				// Disable screencast, it seems not to work.
    		) );
    		// Add patterns.
    		$settings['editor']['__experimentalBlockPatterns'] = WP_Block_Patterns_Registry::get_instance()->get_all_registered();
    		$settings['editor']['__experimentalBlockPatternCategories'] = WP_Block_Pattern_Categories_Registry::get_instance()->get_all_registered();
    		// Enable the custom paragraph that converts HTML and PHP code into a code block.
    		$settings['replaceParagraphCode'] = true;
    		return $settings;
    	public function overwrite_oembed_10_proxy_permission() {
    		// A register_route_args filter would be handy here... See
    		$oembed_proxy_route_args = rest_get_server()->get_routes( 'oembed/1.0' )['/oembed/1.0/proxy'] ?? false;
    		if ( ! $oembed_proxy_route_args ) {
    		// Flip it from [ GET => true ] to [ GET ]
    		$oembed_proxy_route_args[0]['methods'] = array_keys( $oembed_proxy_route_args[0]['methods'] );
    		// Overwrite the permission_callback, allow any user who can create replies to use embeds.
    		$oembed_proxy_route_args[0]['permission_callback'] = function() {
    			return bbp_current_user_can_publish_topics() || bbp_current_user_can_publish_replies();

    This is a bunch of code from the Blocks Plugin.

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    To “uninstall” the plugin, simply deactivate and delete the plugin from your site. You can do this through the wp-admin/plugins.php page or by removing the files on disk.

    The plugin, by design, alters the WordPress database in irreversible ways – by importing the content specified. You cannot reverse this process by removing the plugin, and there is no way other than using a backup you created prior to running an import.

    If you install the plugin, but do not perform an import, no changes to the site are made.

    Plugin Author Dion Hulse


    Meta Developer

    When you say you deleted the posts, did you clear the Trash as well?

    As far as I know, there’s no specific “do not run again” flags stored, however, if it detects that a post has already been imported (through having a matching entry in the database) it will skip that file and not process it.

    IMPORT_DEBUG only outputs errors that are encountered, not general status data, so it’s expected it wouldn’t have shown anything.

    Either way, I’d have expected to see a message like Post MyTitleHere already exists.. or Failed to import post MyTitleHere. So to confirm, no messages what-so-ever are shown?

    You can browse the importer code in GitHub here:

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Dion Hulse.
Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 790 total)