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  • Hi there,

    You can add this CSS to the site via Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to reduce the spacing:

    /* Remove extra space below portfolio content */
    .single-jetpack-portfolio .hentry {
        margin-bottom: 0;
        padding-bottom: 0;
    /* Remove extra space above footer */
    .single-jetpack-portfolio .site-footer {
        margin-top: 0;
        padding-top: 0;

    Hi there,

    So this actually has more to do with making your iframe responsive than it does with the Apostrphe theme itself.

    However the content in the iframe itself isn’t responsive, so you may be better off using the link you’ve created to your Amazon store for mobile users.

    If you like, you can show the iframe at large screen sizes where the store works well, and hide the iframe on smaller screens.

    You can add this CSS to your site via Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS to do that:

    /* Hide the iframe on smaller screens */
    @media screen and (max-width: 911px) {
        .post-4158 iframe {
            display: none;

    Since you already have a link for smartphones to see the store, that link will be visible instead of the store for smaller screens.

    If you want to hide the smartphone link on large screens, just add this CSS:

    /* Hide smartphone link on larger screens */
    @media screen and (min-width: 912px) {
        .post-4158 a[href*="astore"] {
            display: none;

    If you’d like to try making the iframe responsive, here are a few resources that might be useful to you:

    Hi there,

    So you could hide the widget title using CSS:

    #rss-3 .widget-title {
        display: none;

    Then you could add a text widget above it. Inside the body of the text widget, use an HTML link to point to your Soundcloud page:

    <a href="">CUSTOMIZE THIS TEXT</a>

    Hi there,

    You can change it by adding this CSS to your site via Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS:

    .menu-toggle {
        background-color: #59B658;

    Hi there,

    Does anyone know of a way to move the archive/search results title and the blog post titles on listed “blog pages” to the far left?

    I saw in another thread that you are using a child theme, so you can add this to the child theme’s CSS:

    @media screen and (min-width: 1180px) {
        .archive .page-header,
        .search .page-header,
        .archive .without-featured-image > .entry-header,
        .search .without-featured-image > .entry-header {
            margin-left: 0;
        .entry-body {
            padding-left: 0;
        .content-wrapper .content-area {
            width: 765px;

    That works well for me but it doesn’t allow your galleries to expand. To change that, you’ll need to add this to your child theme’s functions.php file:

    if ( ! isset( $content_width ) ) {
    	$content_width = 765; /* pixels */

    Feel free to change the 765 number to your liking, but if you change it, you should also change the 765 in the CSS to match.

    Hi there,

    I wan to configure the mobile menu, so that the submenus are closed by first touch and open by second touch.

    You can add this to your Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS area to make the mobile menu open by default, and close when you click Menu:

    @media screen and (max-width: 44em) {
        /* Set Mobile Menu To Open By Default */
        .main-navigation ul {
            display: block;
        /* Set Mobile Menu To Close When Menu is Clicked */
        .main-navigation.toggled ul {
            display: none;

    I wanna fix the mobile menu like the plugin mystickymenu. When I use the plugin, the nav-menu is fixed in desktop view, but not in mobile view.

    For help with using the plugin, you can visit its support forum:

    You may need to add more CSS to your site once the plugin is active in order to achieve the look you want there. Someone in the plugin forums may be able to assist you with altering the CSS for the plugin so that the plugin’s mobile menu appears the way you would like.

    It looks like IE doesn’t like the idea of setting something to visibility:hidden and then back to visibility:visible.

    I tried an alternative method and it is working for me on IE 11 and on an iPhone. Replace the code above with this and it should work:

    /* Hide original text */
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a,
    .posts-navigation .nav-next a {
        text-indent: -9999px;
        width: 250px;
    /* Replace "Older Posts" */
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a:after {
        content: 'Go Back';
    /* Replace "Newer Posts" */
    .posts-navigation .nav-next a:after {
        content: 'Go Forward';
    /* Set appearance of new buttons */
    .posts-navigation .nav-next a:after,
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a:after {
        margin-left: 9999px;
        color: #858d95;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        font-weight: bold;
        position: relative;
        right: 40px;

    Ah, I have a better understanding of what you’re after now. Give this a try:

    @media screen and (min-width: 1020px) {
        .header-wrapper.clear:after {
            clear: none;
        .navigation-classic .primary-navigation {
            clear: none;
            float: left;
            margin-left: 10px;
        .menu-primary {
            margin-top: 29px;
        .navigation-classic .primary-navigation .menu-primary > ul > li > a {
            padding: 16px 24px;

    Hi poormanwp,

    You can do it using CSS. When open the editor of your page, look closely at the URL to find a number.

    For instance:

    Here, the 128 is the post’s ID. So you can combine that with CSS to hide the title of the page.

    If you wanted to hide a post with the ID of 128, you would add this to the Customize > Additional CSS area of your site:

    .post-128 .entry-header {
    	display: none;

    Just change the 128 there to the number that matches your post’s ID. (It’s okay if it uses more/fewer than three digits.)

    That code will hide the page title on your home page and also on the direct URL for the page. If you want to limit the scope of this code so that it only hides the title on the home page, just use this:

    .home .post-128 .entry-header {
    	display: none;

    Let me know if this helps.

    Hi Christina,

    is there a way to “un-collapse” the primary menu at all

    Would using a theme like Pictorio (grid-based homepage & menu visible by default) work for you?

    If so, you can download it for a site by using the Download button towards the bottom of its documentation page.

    I assume they can’t they do that on a site?

    @gary-barrett: That’s correct.

    The site isn’t currently using Shoreditch, but is.

    Once we know the URL, we’ll be able to offer some suggestions.

    Ah, sorry, I overlooked this:

    If I create a new post it works, but for all my other imported posts it doesn’t.

    In that case, the theme is working, but your imported content is not.

    Did you end up trying to import a .xml file of your content, or did you only import the database?

    If you haven’t tried to do the .xml option, please try that and see if the imported content works that way.

    The other thing you could do is hire someone to look into your database to see if they can fix how/where the content is stored:

    When you make your new post, the content is being properly stored in the database, which is why the theme will show it. The imported content looks to be improperly stored in the database, so that will need to be fixed before the theme will show that content.

    in order to display it I had to copy paste (via the administration) all my posts contents in their excerpts.

    Hmm, you shouldn’t have to do that.

    What is this theme doing with the excerpts ?!

    The theme pulls this text automatically from the post content, without need for creating a manual excerpt. The Read More button will only display when there is not a manual excerpt for a post.

    Can you make a brand new test post without a manual excerpt? (Don’t try to use an existing post, but instead go to Posts > Add New and publish something.)

    When you do that, does the text and read more button appear for that new post?

    Thanks for the link. Here’s some CSS code that will allow you to change the text:

    /* Hide original text */
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a,
    .posts-navigation .nav-next {
        visibility: hidden;
    /* Replace "Older Posts" */
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a::before {
        content: "Go Back";
    /* Replace "Newer Posts" */
    .posts-navigation .nav-next a::after {
        content: "Go Forward";
    /* Set appearance of new buttons */
    .posts-navigation .nav-previous a::before,
    .posts-navigation .nav-next a::after {
        visibility: visible;
        font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
        background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.2);
        color: #858d95;
        display: block;
        padding: 0.62em 1.62em;
        text-transform: uppercase;
        transition: opacity 0.3s ease 0s;

    Feel free to change Go Forward and Go Back to any text you want.

    As of WordPress 4.7, you can add this code via Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS.

    Let me know if this helps.

    Hi there John,

    Sometimes this happens if there’s an error made while editing the theme’s files. If you’ve made any changes to the theme files, make a backup of the theme folder so that you can have a copy of those changes for later. Any changes to a theme should be made in a Child Theme to prevent the changes from being lost when the theme is updated.

    Once you’ve made your backup, go ahead and delete the Libre theme from your site, and install it again by downloading it from Appearance > Themes > Add New.

    If everything works as it should, you can start making a child theme if you need to change something about how the theme works. If you’re new to child themes, here are some resources to help:


    Once your changes are completed, you can just activate the child theme.

    Let me know if that helps.

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