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  • Hi there,

    Could you provide a link to your site and possibly links to any screenshots showing the issues for items 1 and 2?

    The other color settings are part of the platform. However, you can change the look of the site through the use of CSS by adding it to the Customize > Additional CSS area.

    Hi there,

    1) when I copy and paste a post from Google.Docs, the font and line spacing change. How do I reconcile? I was told that this happened in Word, and that Google.Docs would fix it, but it’s the same problem

    So this isn’t specific to the theme itself. MS Word and Google Docs don’t format text exactly the same as the WordPress editor, so things won’t look identical if you copy/paste. There are plugins you can try which might help you keep your formatting, though. I haven’t tried this, but here’s one I found today. If you need help using it, you can make a post in that plugin’s support forum.

    2) I’ve dragged the bars around in Menus Structure to list “Home-About-Contact” and saved, but the site remains “Home-Contact-About”

    It sounds like you may not have assigned the menu to a location on your theme. This guide walks through the menu setup process including assigning menus:

    You’ll want to assign your menu to the Primary Menu location.

    How do I change the colors of the menu and the tagline, hovered linnks and the date and “leave a comment”

    Those are all done by adding code to the Customize > Additional CSS area of your site:

    /* Menu item color */
    .current_page_item a,
    .current-menu-item a,
    .current_page_item a:visited,
    .current-menu-item a:visited {
        color: #1c7c7c;
    /* Tagline color */
    .site-description {
        color: #999;
    /* Page/Post Content Hover Links */
    a:active {
        color: #999;
    /* Date & Comments Links */
    .entry-footer a,
    .entry-meta a,
    .entry-footer a:visited,
    .entry-meta a:visited {
        color: #999;

    You can use any other color value to replace the existing colors.

    When “leave a comment” appears, nobody can quite see it to link. Can I make it more obvious? Bigger?

    You can use this CSS to increase the font size of that text:

    .comments-link {
        font-size: 1.0em;

    Just replace 1.0 with any larger value and the link will increase.

    When someone does comment, “leave a comment” changes to “1 comment,” which does not register with visitors, or worse, my personal email address

    Hmm, this doesn’t sound specific to the Penscratch theme, but I’m also not clear on what you’d like to accomplish here. If you want to learn about how to manage comments on your site, this article should help.

    Hi there,

    Gazette uses JavaScript to apply CSS classes when a featured image is present. Because of this design, it will always have a short delay in moving the image to the correct place. Really the only way to change it would be to rewrite the theme (or create a child theme) so that it handles this differently.

    You might have better luck if you can use some sort of caching on your server. There are plugins you could try if you want to explore that. For help with them, you can post in the support forum for the plugin you decide to use.

    You bet. Here’s CSS for the widget titles:

    /* Change Widget Title Color */
    .widgettitle {
        color: #000;

    Hi Rachel,

    is a way to get the logo on the top of the page to appear bigger

    Yes, but after a certain point, it will overlap things beneath it. Just copy/paste this into the Customize > Additional CSS area of the site:

    @media (min-width: 768px) {
        .site-branding .site-logo-link img {
            height: 100px;

    You can adjust the height using CSS to see what works best.

    Would it be possible to make the background images resize for mobile so you can see the full image?

    On mobile, there will be empty space above/below the images if you show the full image.

    You can apply this to see how it looks:

    .pique-panel-background {
        background-size: contain;

    And would it be possible to expand the menu so that instead of being behind the “…” you can see the full menu, same as on desktop?

    For that, you’ll need to first create a Child Theme:


    Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to make a copy of the header.js file and place it into your child theme’s folder structure like this:

    Finally, delete the following code from the header.js file, and it will no longer hide menu items behind the three dots on narrow screens:

    // If our nav is wider than our available space, we're going to move items
    if (navWidth > availableSpace) {
    	var lastItem = $( '#site-navigation .menu > li:not(#more-menu)' ).last();
    	lastItem.attr( 'data-width', lastItem.outerWidth( true ) );
    	lastItem.prependTo( $( '#more-menu .sub-menu' ).eq( 0 ) );
    	priorityNav(); // Rerun this function!
    	// But if we have the extra space, we should add the items back to our menu
    } else if (navWidth + 'width' ) < availableSpace) {
    	// Check to be sure there's enough space for our extra element
    	firstMoreElement.insertBefore( $( '#site-navigation .menu > li' ).last() );

    Do you have a backup of your site that you can restore to an earlier working state? If so, could you do that and I’ll have a look?

    The CSS above wouldn’t have caused all of those changes, and can be removed from the CSS area if needed.

    It’s possible the plugin may not be working correctly, or there may be another step to take in using it. I recommend making a post over in the plugin’s support forum to see if the developers or other users have a suggestion on the next steps:

    Here’s some CSS that will make the two kinds of posts match a bit more closely:

    .entry-hero .post-thumbnail {
        display: none;
    .entry-header-wrapper {
        background-image: none;
    .entry-hero .entry-title {
        color: #000000;
        text-shadow: none;
    .entry-hero .entry-meta a {
        color: #777;
        text-shadow: none;
    .entry-hero + div .site-main {
        padding-top: 30px;
    .entry-hero .entry-header-inner {
        padding-left: 8%;
    @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
        .entry-header-wrapper {
            padding: 0;
            position: relative;
            margin: 60px auto 0 auto;

    Use it instead of the code from the other thread.

    Hi there,

    There’s a pre-existing report about this, so I’ve added a link to this thread to it for the developers to see.

    You can add this CSS via Customize > Additional CSS, and it should correct the image display with Photon active:

    @media screen and (min-width: 57em) {
        img.size-big, .caption-big {
            width: 696px;
    @media screen and (min-width: 66em) {
        img.size-big, .caption-big {
            width: 840px;
    @media screen and (min-width: 75em) {
        img.size-big, .caption-big {
            width: 984px;
    @media screen and (min-width: 84em) {
        img.size-big, .caption-big {
            width: 1128px;
    @media screen and (min-width: 93em) {
        img.size-big, .caption-big {
            width: 1272px;

    Here’s how it should look once the CSS is applied:

    A local … never heard of before, will look into that also

    Just to clarify, I meant that there might be a group on You can search there to see if a group might be near your location. ??

    Hi Tim,

    Sure, use this CSS:

    .site-branding {
        display: none;

    do you know what it would take give or take for an amount?

    That really depends on the developer you choose and how much their rate is. An experienced developer would be able to get it done quicker, but they would charge more. You might see if someone would be willing to take it on as a volunteer project. The site lets people list themselves as volunteers, so you might find something that way. You might also be able to get help if there’s a local WordPress group near you.

    Thanks for the screenshot.

    A few questions here for you:

    1. Did you set the site up using the same device (looks like iOS Chrome) as you sent the screenshot from?
    2. Did it work once and then stop, or did it never work for you?
    3. If you try editing from another browser (or device) does the same problem happen?

    As far as fixing it goes, try these steps and let me know if anything changes:

    1. Open the Customizer
    2. Navigate to the Static Front Page area
    3. Select the Your latest posts option
    4. Next, select the A static page option, and choose both your front and post pages.
    5. Save the changes.
    6. Without exiting the Customizer, reload the page
    7. Navigate back to the Theme Options area, and you should see the panel options there.

    Let me know if that works for you.

    Hi there,

    I’m using the Dara Theme and would like to know if I can shorten the number of copy lines in the Theme Options

    Are you referring to the amount of text that appears for the featured pages?

    Could you provide a link to a screenshot of the area you’re referring to?

    Hi Melody,

    So this would take a good bit of time for sure, and you’d need to be pretty comfortable with PHP, CSS, and HTML (or hire a developer who is) for this.

    If you want to try on your own, once you have your child theme set up you would need to compare the comments.php files for both themes. You would also need to compare the style.css file for both themes and reuse any pieces from Scratchpad that you want to move to your Button 2 child theme.

    If you prefer to hire a developer, I’d recommend checking out and

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