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  • Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Yet again, another huge update 9.3.0 hidden in the changelog by a quick fix 9.3.1. This is not a “feature” request, it’s more an opportunity to help the WooCommerce users to see what has been done in the actual release.

    Same issue for me, the latest version 1.7 is completely hiding the flat fee and it leaves only local pickup. I can’t revert to 1.6 because there aren’t any tags set for the versions to be able to quickly revert. The only way to fix it fit the moment is to disable the plug-in. Can you please set the version tags, so that I can revert easily to 1.6? @riaanknoetze

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Hello @soupbowl

    Thank you for your reply, the site is a WooCommerce shop using Polylang Pro for translations, Wordfence Premium for WAF. The emails are primarily from WooCommerce(orders) or from Wordfence(logins/attacks). The thing that I’ve also seen is that someone from the team had also installed for logging emails (actually it was installed before Simple SMTP as the emails were sent before using MailPoet).

    I’ve disabled the Mail logging plugin, and MailPoet and I’ve purged the journal to see if the warnings will appear again once an email is sent out.

    I will keep you updated.

    Thank you for your time and for developing this plugin.

    Have a great day !

    @frile Can you please check if the module is HPOS compatible and latest version of WooCommerce, and if yes please update it’s compatibility statement. Thank you for your work.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Thank you for your reply, Barry !

    Yes, I’ve done some tests and it seems that Google Analytics is taking the preloading into account and it seems to not affect it much, at least this is what I’ve seen with the GA4 version, because in the past I had some issues with the Universal that was registering the preloads (or at least I don’t know exactly what tricks the caching plugin was doing in order to preload the content).

    This may be useful to be written in the plugin description so that the users will be on the lookout for Analytics that might show more visits than they are in reality (some would think that because they have a “performance” plugin installed, suddenly they have way more visitors…).

    Hopefully this technique will be implemented into other browsers in the future.

    Wishing you a great day !

    Si noi incercam sa emitem factura automat, am pus chiar un modul sa treaca statusul comenzii din procesare catre finalizata dar modulul SmartBill blocheaza aceasta trecere automata pentru ca asteapta “confirmarea” de generare de factura, deci trebuie schimbat statusul manual pentru a putea emite factura.

    Precizez ca noi vindem produse digitale/virtuale cu plata online, deci o data ce s-a efectuat plata comanda este finalizata automat dar acest lucru nu mai functioneaza din cauza modulului de facturare care blocheaza procesul in asteptarea confirmarii crearii facturii aferente.

    CC @smartbill

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Hello @jonkastonka

    I haven’t read that FAQ because we as users of the plugin, we are not getting any notifications if you are adding any new text in the plugin description or in the FAQ, so it’s hard to keep up with any new documentation especially regarding a very important change, more than this for those who have automatic updates it’s practically impossible to know something changed. If I may suggest, it would be useful to add a notification banner in the admin dashboard in case the plugin is changing a behavior that can break stuff… in this way the users of the plugin would be notified and would take action.

    Another thing is that, in that FAQ you are pointing there’s only a mention on how to activate that option, but it doesn’t explain what it does, and especially the fact that this option is disabled by default and in that case it’s behavior is to completely disable the conversion tracking (so from my point of view is actually changing the way the plugin worked before, maybe it was better to have it the other way around, activated by default so that when someone does consent to tracking it would let the conversion tacking work correctly as before ?

    Like I’ve said from the start I appreciate your work, so this post is just to understand how things have changed or if there’s a bug in the latest version.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Having the tags helps us debug faster an issue that can arise with an update, this will also help you lower your burden of treating support requests. Just look at my support ticket #119 regarding the slider and this 8.0 version, we’ve both lost time on this and the issue is not fixed and it’s actually easy to spot as you can see in the screenshots once sent you, but I cannot easily rollback to the previous version of the plugin because there aren’t any tags, so I need to dig through site backups to recover the older version of the plugin that was working fine.

    You are doing a great job with the plugin and I’m glad that I’ve purchased the rest of the add-ons, but try to understand that we need a simple way to rollback in case something happens. There are features that we can’t test with each release and we might spot the issue after a while and without having a way to easily roll back we are stuck in a never-ending support system.

    Thank you for taking this into consideration.

    Hi @bisratlearn

    Thank you and the WooCommerce team for the update, the fix is working ok for me.

    Have a great day.

    Having the same issue, there is a report on the official GitHub repository , hope to see a quick fix, meanwhile revert to the previous version of WooCommerce to fix the issue.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Thanks for the reply, @abzlevelup. Editing the year doesn’t actually do anything because it’s reverting to 2017 at save.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Hello @abzlevelup

    Thank you for your reply.

    I’ve seen that there’s a date range limitation but I cannot seem to find any setting to change that, otherwise I will have to change it directly in the code of the plugin (I’ll have to search for the code that builds the datepicker, haven’t yet found the right file), but I find this limitation a bit odd to have it in the first place and yes I know that there aren’t many users trying to add past events that old.

    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    There was only one entry :



    And after deleting it, the customiser has restarted showing the Google Fonts list. Can you please add maybe a check to clear this option(and maybe others that I don’t know that are cached) from the blocksy addon/helper ? maybe it will help other users in the future to clear these cached values and maybe rebuild the css or whatever compressions you are making to speed up the site after some custom options are set. This is just an optimisation to lower the need to do support in the future on stuff like this.

    Thank you again for building this theme and for your help.
    Have a great day.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Hello @creativethemeshq

    Thank you for your reply, seems that WP didn’t sent me a notification regarding your reply so haven’t seen it till today when I updated the theme to the latest version, and to answer your question regarding caching plugins, yes I did clear the cache, deactivated all plugins, reactivated theme, changed the theme, reactivated the theme, and still cannot see the Google fonts in the list, and it’s not on a single site that I’m facing the same with the latest updates, can you please check and see if you haven’t limited this feature to the pro version ?

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter Dan Claudiu G.


    Also tried to deactivate the theme(change it to the default one) and set it back, but it’s creating a complete mess, losing elements from the header and footer, all the sidebar widgets…. fortunately have backups… otherwise it’s a no no….

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