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  • To make the above work I had to (and I think you will too) change the line:
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !..+$

    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !\..+$

    This is because in regular expressions the . character has a meaning. Escaping it with \ makes it a literal ‘.’.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    I have solved the wpPaginate problem, and this is a funny one. The problem was my own modification: setting LIMIT to 18446744073709551615.

    As I said earlier, this is exactly what the MySQL documentation recommends, but apparently the documentation has a bug. With LIMITs over 4294967295 (unsigned int), MySQL does weird stuff.

    This was on MySQL 4.1.11. YMMV.

    I found this thread while searching for info about this problem. I may have a solution.

    It seems that cmyk (as opposed to rgb) jpegs sometimes have this problem, especially when created by Photoshop. If the image is cmyk, change it to rgb and save. This may work.

    I haven’t researched this thoroughly, but it seems to work. YMMV.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    $num above is posts_per_page. The rest is (I think) fairly self explanatory.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    Oh yeah, a little more info on the paginate problem:

    wpPaginate runs two queries, one slightly modified (with posts_per_page=-1, and paged=1) for the purpose of determining the total number of posts returned (which is then used to determine the number of pages).

    The problem is in the result of this first query. Here’s a snippet of the code in question:

    $tempposts = query_posts($tempquery_string);
    $num_of_pages = ceil(count($tempposts)/$num);

    The problem being that count($tempposts) is always 1 when search reloaded is activated.

    I’ll post here if/when I learn more.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    Paginate creates a set of links: one for each page of results (like the o’s at the bottom of Gooooooogle’s results).

    Custom posts per page allows one to set post_per_page dependant on type of query (category, author, date, etc…)…I think…

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    Oh yeah, nice plugin. Thanks for all the work Denis-de-Bernardy.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Plugin: search reloaded

    Bug report:
    posts_per_page can be set to -1. If this is the case, search reloaded creates an invalid LIMIT clause in sql queries.

    I hard-coded an override in mine:

    if ( !$posts_per_page )
    $posts_per_page = get_settings('posts_per_page');

    I added:

    if ( $posts_per_page == -1 )
    $posts_per_page = 18446744073709551615;

    In reality, if posts_per_page is set to -1, there should be no LIMIT, but this is the workaround suggeted by the MySQL Documentation. Interesting number.

    On a side note, search reloaded doesn’t seem to play nicely with wpPaginate. I have version .2.2 of wpPaginate “for wp 1.5”.

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