Forum Replies Created
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: virables in function vs real numbersHI Jacob,
I call the values of all the variables using the get_post_meta method in the following manner.
$mnbdgtlmt = get_post_meta($post_id, 'wpcf-min-budget-limit', true);
the values are custom field (set as number) in a custom post and expected to be
$mnbdgtlmt = 4000
$minval = 2
$prcntg = 0.75BTW thanks for calling out the potential issue with Strings vs. Integers.
- This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by davidzohar.
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: using a variable inside do_shortcode()Hi Jacob,
Thank you so much!!!
this solved the issue i had.David
the visual editor solved this…
thanks for the quick response.David
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] fep_shortcode_new_message_form not workingThanks Shamin,
yes, i have seen this and that’s how i use it.I was able to resolve this by using:
[fep_shortcode_new_message_form to='[wpv-user field=”user_nicename” id=”[types field=’be-asgnd-advsr-id’ format=’FIELD_VALUE’][/types]”]’]Thanks,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Front End PM] Hide directory listingdahhhh….
i guess i overlooked this one. so easy!
Thank you so much for the information.I’m using “toolset views” plugin to allow for views based on filters i.e. Author is the current login user.
Now I’m trying to allow selected vendors that have their own clients leverage my engine and have them allow their clients create posts on my site, read them and edit them directly from the vendor site.
so I need to find a way to authenticate the vendor client before allowing access only to his account.the scenario is as follow:
1. user login to a vendor (3rd party) application
2. user want to get data from my website using the vendor application
3. in the backend I invasion that the vendor application will do the fallowing
3.a create an account for the user on my site – is it possible using the REST API?
3.b vendor application get the user name and password for my website and store it for the client
3.b vendor application create a custom post on my site with the user credentials
3.c vendor application pull the custom post for the client and render it on the vendor applicationI want to prevent vendors seen other non vendor clients data. or someone read all the custom posts of other users just by changing author id in a query.
any thoughts?
Forum: Developing with WordPress
In reply to: call child post calc function when parent post value update@howdy_mcgee
thanks for the quick response on this.
my scenario is a bit different as I work on custom post types so I had to modify the code a bit.
for some reason this was not working for me. instead its acting as if the parameters from the parent are zero and the calculation return zeros instead of the actual calculation.
I dont understand why as when I save the child post using the add action save_post the calculation is running correctly but when I try to run it from inside the parent post function I get zeros…my code inside the parent function at the end of it is:
// update li child with parent values //Parent Post ID $networth_parnt_id = get_the_ID(); // get all LI child posts related to the parnet $li_chld_posts = get_posts(array( 'numberposts' => -1, 'post_type' => 'life-insurance-need', 'meta_query' => array(array('key' => '_wpcf_belongs_net-worth_id', 'value' => $networth_parnt_id)) 'fields' => 'ids', ) ); //if it returns some LI posts if( $li_chld_posts ){ //now get the single LI posts fields values foreach( $li_chld_posts as $li_single_post ){ //get each LI post data $sngl_li_data = get_post($li_single_post); //get each ID $sngl_li_id = $sngl_li_data->ID; //get each posts field value //run the child claculation by calling the child calc fucntion $lawl_idk = calculate_li_need( $sngl_li_id ); } }
any thoughts?
- This reply was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by davidzohar.
Thanks Abdullah,
I dont understand your answer. it doesn’t make sense.
my need is simple. prevent users from login after setting a max number of concurrent logins for the same user.
so if I set the number to max 2 concurrent logins a 3rd login will be denied and that works.
the problem is if the initial users that logged in didn’t logout and left their session the plugin doesn’t recognize it and think they still logged in so if they go to another machine and try to login again they are locked out.
I have this scenario in a class where we are limiting the number of students login during class. when they are finish if they dont logout properly the other class in another room cannot login to the site…BTW I sent you the previews post to your email but never heard back from hence the message here.
Please advise,
the issue was resolved.
the solution was to pint to the correct return url
https://[my domain name].com/?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Moneticothanks,
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpiderCalendar] Question – hebrew calendarThanks for the response.
allow me to elaborate.
Hebrew calendar is a lunar based. the months have different names and the number of days in the month is different.
I cannot create recurring event on the same date of the Hebrew calendar based on the Gregorian calendar.
you can see examples at google other calendar form more information or Microsoft outlook…please advise,
DavidForum: Plugins
In reply to: [SpiderCalendar] Question – hebrew calendarThanks,
how about using Hebrew calendar? i.e. schedule reoccurring event based on a Hebrew date.
is this supported?Thanks,
closing this ticket from my perspective
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Media files dont show in libraryNot sure why but today all the media files are in place with no problem….
Hi Cory,
Yes, I have done that. With no success to display the images.
When I checked to day to see what is the status of this issue i.e. is it still in effect I was surprise to see that its no more…I’m not sure what have been changed if at all. I’m starting to suspect a long hang out to read and display the media library (even though that I was waiting for the page to render for along time with no success. today it render in less then 2 sec.
Bottom line I don’t think this relates to the Duplicator plugin.
On another note I do think that its bad that GoDaddy don’t support the plugin to run easily (a response from their support team). It took me a few trials before I revert to the manual extract that save the day.
It doesn’t work on IE 11 as well.
I test it on safari and it’s working there.
on my windows phone its workingthanks