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  • Why don’t you try writing some CSS to style the h5 elements in the Related Posts the way you want?

    If you style #omc-related-post h5 you should be able to differentiate the look. (Based on looking at the source of the page, I didn’t really test anything) There’s no good way to write the rule for the h5 headings in the article only that would exclude the related posts ones (as far as I know) since the article content doesn’t have any kind of enclosing class or ID that could be styled separately.

    You don’t even need a plugin to do this, just insert <!--nextpage--> where you want the pages to break in your post.

    See the Codex page for Writing Posts for more on post formatting.

    David Williamson


    I’m not really sure about how to fix the next/previous links on an attachment template. You might want to post that as a new question here on the forums.

    The only thing I can think of for your link to the parent post would be make sure that the images in your gallery are actually attached to the page (you can check in the Media Library, there is a column – Uploaded To – that indicated what post media images have been attached). Then I would think the post parent would be set correctly and you could create a link.

    David Williamson


    I would maybe try, I don’t really have any personal connections with WordPress developers. I’ve always just figured things out for myself.

    David Williamson


    For the centering issue a quick search of the forums produced this post which provides some information about how to center the navigation menu in the Twenty Eleven theme. I haven’t tried it, but it would be worth a shot, just make sure you’ve got a backup of your style.css file before you try it in case it doesn’t work.

    David Williamson


    Honestly I’m not sure of the best way to center the menu in the middle of the page, but changing the color is something I can help with.

    If you just want a solid white background you need to replace the 5 background lines in #access (see above – style.css line 550) with one line background: #FFF (#FFF is plain white – if you want other colors I recommend checking out a tool like this). You’ll probably also want to add a line with color: #000 so the text will show up (#000 is plain black, you can replace it with whatever color you want).

    If you want to maintain the gradient effect that is currently being used you’ll want to replace the #252525 and #0a0a0a in the various background lines with two different colors.

    David Williamson


    Excellent, I’m glad you found a solution ??

    David Williamson


    You would probably need to do it through the Go Daddy admin. If you’re not familiar with WP or hosting it may be better to try the plugin solution mentioned by ClaytonJames first.

    If you decide to try my recommendation here’s a link from the Go Daddy Hosting Support area with info about how to access phpMyAdmin. That article also has a link about how to backup your database before you work on it.

    If you get into phpMyAdmin and are completely lost post again and I’ll try and post a step by step walk through for you.

    David Williamson


    Yeah I figured you maybe moved more than that one line – it seemed like a better idea to just send you an updated file rather than try and figure out what you may have inadvertently changed.

    GitHub is a place where people can collaborate on development using the distributed version control system Git to keep track of changes. The GitHub Gist site is just a nice place to post large chunks of code to share with others (way better than trying to do it on the support forums).

    David Williamson


    I’m not sure if I completely understand what you’re asking for, so correct me if I’ve misunderstood.

    It sounds like you want to customize the page that’s displayed when you click an individual image in a gallery and look at a single picture at a time. If that’s the case you can create an attachment.php file (or image.php file) to handle that specific case. The codex page on Template Hierarchy has some info on creating attachment pages and some of the options you can use.

    David Williamson


    I downloaded the theme and looked at the template file. I figured it would take longer to write out how to fix it than to fix it myself and just post a modified copy of the file, so you can download a replacement for your search.php file here.

    The changes I made allow for the green “Search Results” bar to show up full width regardless of whether there are any results or not. The widgets also stay in the correct place on the right side of the page (I wasn’t able to replicate your problem where they jumped over, but then again I didn’t try too hard to replicate it when I saw that what I did seemed to work).

    Hopefully this helps.

    David Williamson


    There’s a FAQ Page on the Codex with a list of things to try if you think you’ve been hacked: FAQ: My Site Was Hacked.

    Try working your way through that list and see if anything there fixes it – there’s also links to some good articles about hacked sites on that page.

    David Williamson


    If it’s a fresh install of WordPress I don’t think it ships with a .htaccess file in the root directory. The file is created when you change the permalinks setting.

    Try going to Settings > Permalinks and changing to an option other than Default and it should create a file for you, then you can copy it.

    Also, looking at your site don’t forget to do Step 6: Edit your root directory’s index.php.

    1. Open your root directory’s index.php file in a text editor
    2. Change the line that says: require('./wp-blog-header.php'); to the following, using your directory name for the WordPress core files: require('./wordpress/wp-blog-header.php');
    3. Save the file.

    Looks like ClaytonJames beat me to this though it looks like we may have interpreted your question a little differently. Hopefully one of our answers helps, if it doesn’t let us know ??

    David Williamson


    Looking at the source code of the two pages you linked to, the HTML is different on both of them.

    On the page that works correctly the HTML looks like this:

    <div class="page-content">
      <h1 class="page_title single-heading">Category Archives: Energy Efficiency</h1>
      <div class="grid_16 alpha">
        <div class="content-bar">

    While on the search results page you’ve got this:

    <div class="page-content">
     <div class="grid_16 alpha">
       <div class="content-bar">
         <h1 class="page_title">Search Results for: furnace</h1>

    If you move that <h1 class="page_title">...</h1> (make sure to copy the line as it’s written in the template file otherwise you won’t have any text show up) to above the <div class="grid_16 alpha"> I think you should be able to make them look the same (I haven’t actually tested it, but it seems like that’s the major difference).

    David Williamson


    It’s always worth trying to deactivate all of your plugins and checking to see if the problem still exists.

    If it goes away with the plugins deactivated then you just have to try reactivating them one by one and see which one causes things to break again.

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