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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Post Rating] Getting fatal error on PHP8I am getting the same error, multiple people have reported this before.
Sadly, it’s impossible for me to rely on the “edit the plugin’s file” solution because of our deployment system which basically re-uploads plugins automatically. This needs to be fixed.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] Wrong webp path lookup with BedrockI dug into the code and found this constant documented
/** * Trying to fix pure /.htaccess rewrite to /wordpress case * * Add <code>define( 'LITESPEED_WP_REALPATH', '/wordpress' );</code> in wp-config.php in this case * * @internal #611001 - Combine & Minify not working? * @since 1.6.3 */
So in my config/application.php file, I added
Config::define( 'LITESPEED_WP_REALPATH', '/web' );
and it seemed to resolve this issue. I’m marking this as resolved and leaving it here in case someone else stumbles onto this issue, but I’d still like an official opinion from Litespeed’s people to make sure I didn’t break anything else by doing that.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Jump Menu] Donate Link is BrokenSorry to chime in! Was this ever passed on? Or was the plugin put on Github? Just to know where I could contribute too (if not here on the SVN repo).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [LiteSpeed Cache] ESI + Pro Theme by ThemecoIf anyone stumbles onto the issue, this happens when saving a Gutenberg block that contains a nonce (like displaying a form) and will happen with ACF sometimes. You need to disable cache for logged in users which is enabled by default – if I’m not wrong. This problem still happens if the previously mentioned conditions are met on version 4.6 of the WordPress plugin.
- This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by davidwebca.
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] Does not follow WordPress standardsSorry if it came across rude, but I really struggled when I thought it was about to be easy. We decided to buy this plugin thinking it would save us time, but I spent way more than I would have if I had simply created a few Custom Post Types. Only thing I’m glad I didn’t have to fight with is the month / week calendar views, but other than that I’ve struggled every step of the way.
Here are my notes, and those come from an advanced developer and programming teacher of more than 15 years of experience working with WordPress for long time, so take that as you will.
1. Hijacks the main WP_Query
The plugin Hijacks the main WP_Query and global post object. Depending on the moment in the execution chain, it’s sometimes impossible to get the main post and global query which prevents or complicates a lot of customizations on the theme developer part, but also adds an insane amount of uncompatibility with other plugins.
2. Uses proprietary functions to load templates
Instead of using pure “locate_template” and its accompanying functions, the plugin uses a private class wrapper (accessing “$this” in a template) and uses it’s “template” function. This was probably done because of #1, but because of that, it’s impossible pass down data to the templates, except with a custom folder structure that totally defeats the purpose of having a specific template structure to override.
The template structure you use in your plugin isn’t the same as the one that is suggested for the theme developers and the legacy for the single views that is still supported makes a mess out of the views that we need to override (my theme currently has /tribe-events/, /tribe/events-pro/, /tribe/events/ and their v2 sub-folders each).
You should not hijack the main WP_Query like you do. You’re probably doing that to let users select a base template in the admin interface and “wrap” your content with it, but it’s just bypassing 99% of the useful action hooks and filters that developers use to inject content here and there. (Ex.: hook into locate_template to use a different view render engine like roots/sage’s blade or timber twig, namely).
3. Ajax should be an option
The new way that you refresh content in v2 is cool, but since it’s reloading the whole sub-view, overriding the header bar is repetitive and clunky. Plus, when an URL is faulty in the output, it’s harder to debug if there’s no global switch to deactivate it.
4. Faulty code wrapper around caching
Because of the complexity of the caching layer you’re adding over almost everything, I haven’t been able to pin point exactly why, but it’s impossible to save the rewrite URLs in the admin without them being cached wrong – (?:events) params are added to the cached urls which prevents switching views. I have to flush the rewrite rules (your transient / cache trigger) with wp-cli to force it to flush and regenerate correctly with the events slug. Plus, it’s only set to invalidate and hooked when you save permalinks, but because of the way some hooks are registered, flushing permalinks from the admin wouldn’t work so I had to use WP CLI.
The fact that I had to search for that and dig down into the code because I didn’t find any information on why would my views and URLs not rewrite and clear properly is indicative of an over-complex solution for what seems to be a non problem. Caching probably shouldn’t be implemented by this plugin, but added by end-developers on a case-by-case basis or added as an option or an add-on plugin. There’s only one option to disable one of the cache, but I wish I could also have removed your internal rewrite cache when I encountered errors in it because of translation issues (specified below).
5. Messy usage of text domains
The plugins have multiple text domain used each which clutters WPML’s string translation dropdown menu, namely ‘tribe-events-pro’, ‘events-pro’, ‘tribe-events’, ‘events-calendar-pro’, ‘event-tickets’, ‘tribe-common’ to name a few.
6. Wrong registration of translation strings
For example, the slugs: src/Tribe/Main.php:2662 to 2667. The slugs translations should always be identified by your translation functions with a context – using _x() instead of __() – because there are 2 exactly same words “event” registered, but one of them is “lowercase event” and the other one is “slug for post type”. I had to dig in the code to find out why my default slug was “vnement” instead of “evenements”. It’s because “évènements” was entered in the French translation of that word which is okay for the first one, but not for slugs and somehow your function rips out accents instead of them being sanitized through WordPress’ default slug generation. The default WordPress slug generation creates “evenements” correctly, so you should probably rework the code to use WordPress’s internal functions down the road. TL:DR; – The plugin is effectively broken in French (maybe other languages) because your custom rewrite layer isn’t able to replace the post type query var because accents weren’t properly sanitized.
I hope these notes don’t feel like I’m rude or anything, but I had to make sure to pass these comments for the sake of your future buyers.
1. Oh, sorry! I meant for the post tags since there is a condition check for those. Otherwise, even without the filter, my archive-podcast.php gets picked up for the post type archive, so I was confused.
2. Nice!
3. Glad to hear.
4. No worries, I was just wondering.
Thanks for your follow-up and I wish you and your family Happy Holidays!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BCM Duplicate Menu] Bug when debug is activatedI just started developing another website since that that initial message and I had the same problem so hacked in a little bit of code to prevent the issue by filling the “menu” query string key manually with a fake value. This prevents the crash and lets WordPress show the last menu modified like it’s supposed to do.
add_action('admin_head', function() { $current_screen = get_current_screen(); if($current_screen->id == 'nav-menus' && !isset($_GET['menu'])) { $_GET['menu'] = '-1'; } });
Just thought I would share and write it down here in case someone stumbles on this.
- This reply was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by davidwebca.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Forms for ACF] Validation breaks after upgrade to ACF 5.9.5I’m updating this post for myself lel (and in case someone’s running into the issue).
In the end, forcing the translation of ‘af_form’ for polylang seems to solve the issue in a cleaner way. Some forms we didn’t want to translate for ease of use throughout the admin, but in the end, it’s way better to translate the damn thing.
add_filter('pll_get_post_types', function($post_types, $hide) { $post_types['af_form'] = 'af_form'; return $post_types; }, 10, 2);
You’ll have to manually assign languages to the ones created before applying this code. Polylang doesn’t offer the option to tick “af_form” in the admin for some reason (must be marked as a hidden post type) and in such, we have to add this code to force it to be translatable.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Forms for ACF] Validation breaks after upgrade to ACF 5.9.5I think I found the issue, so it might not be related to 5.9.5+ as I expected.
My issue is with Polylang = the function “af_form_post_from_key” gets used to request the form submitted in “forms-submission.php” and this function uses a WP_Query which doesn’t contain the “lang” param used by Polylang.
One would think that polylang’s filters would kick in and add that query param automatically to every custom post type that concerns it, but it doesn’t seem to be the case.
2 possible solutions :
- af_form_post_from_key could be edited to include a language param. Adding a check for “ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE” would add compatibility with WPML and Polylang at the same time.
- We add a filter ourselves in all WP_Query calls that contain “af_form” to make sure we force the “lang” param correctly (possibly with pre_get_posts + some extra checks).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Advanced Forms for ACF] Validation breaks after upgrade to ACF 5.9.5I’m also having problem with a form lately. I still haven’t been able to pinpoint the problem. I can’t submit a form, it always stops at the “Your submission failed. Please reload the page and try again.”
You can view the problematic form here: https://alta.firmecreative.com/demande-de-soumission/
The website is in staging, but nothing confidential. Feel free to submit the form as many times as you’d like. The nonce / sha256 decode doesn’t seem to be able to work, it never matches.
How does it encode the value?
I’m on latest 1.8 and latest ACF as well.
Plugins installed :
| acf-options-for-polylang | inactive | none | 1.1.8 |
| advanced-forms | active | none | 1.8.0 |
| bcm-duplicate-menu | active | none | 1.0.4 |
| polylang | active | none | 3.0.3 |
| wp-polylang-translate-rewrite-slug | active | none | 0.3.6 |
| safe-svg | active | none | 1.9.9 |
| duplicate-post | active | none | 4.1.2 |
| wordpress-seo | active | available | 15.9.2 |
| bedrock-autoloader | must-use | none | 1.0.1 |Plugins loaded through Bedrock’s must-use autoloader :
Advanced Custom Fields : CPT Options Pages 2.0.6
Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.9.5
Advanced Custom Fields: Editor Palette Field 1.0.7
Advanced Custom Fields: SVG Icon 2.0.4
Enable Media Replace 3.5.0
Favicon by RealFaviconGenerator 1.3.20
Intuitive Custom Post Order This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by davidwebca.
Hi! I’m definitely using the latest version, but one thing that I think could be the issue is that I’m using Soil from Roots (https://github.com/roots/soil). There’s a setting that allows a filter that removes all absolute urls and instead all links inside the database don’t contain the domain. If your plugin searches and tries to replace for a full url with the domain, I think it could be the issue.
On one hand, even though Soil is pretty popular, I would totally understand if you wouldn’t want to adapt your code to their flag for “relative-urls”. Is the codebase of the plugin on github? I’m going to look through the code and make a pull request when I have time.