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  • I’e looked at that link esmi … nothing there or in the handbook I could find about contributing ideas/suggestions, voting, surveys, feedback etc. … unless I’m missing something?

    I’d like to see the add media button being able to work nicely with PDFs … also the adding hyperlinks button – currently referencing a pdf in a page or post is very clunky.

    Ipstenu … one of the reasons we moved to WordPress is because we don’t (shouldn’t) need to code to build and manage sites. Our mainstream activity is copywriting, not web development. The mainstream web developers we provide copy for don’t use WordPress … they’re using much bigger and more complex systems … but then they’re programers.

    Re Dolly: It’s been stated on another thread that the image manipulation features were taken out because they were only used by a minority. As (probably) and even smaller minority of people build their own plugins, what’s the rationale for keeping Dolly in?

    Re Askimet: If fighting spam is so important (and I’m not saying it isn’t) and it’s something that would benefit ALL users, why isn’t there an anti-spam feature in the core?

    I’m with PJR … especially surveys to ask what people want, the results and the ability to comment.

    Can’t help feeling recent releases have been somewhat three steps forwards, two back … I can’t help with programming (unless Basic or Cobol’s any good!), but I’d like to add my voice.

    Let’s hope the devs don’t remove every feature not used by all WordPress users … wouldn’t be much left.

    I don’t see the issue being in the themes … when I modify the images using the advanced stuff, it on an image by image basis … not a general ‘add padding to all images’. I don’t see how themes could deal with that.

    In any case … we are were we are today, with thousands of implementations which don’t have a way of controlling his without painstaking manual adjustments to images using the text editor. This is not progress.

    I was hoping the image editing would be extended so images with captions can be easily moved/padded … up to 3.8.3, changing image padding moved the image outside the caption area … not good.

    Can’t we just have switch somewhere which applies the filter?

    I’m with johnanna … we have dozens of client sites, and now we’re getting dozens of emails (and so are some clients).

    I don’t do/know php and NEVER edit files. I don’t need to as we use Headway and only ever have to touch CSS.

    So, for all of us who build websites but are not programmers, please can we have a switch.


    Started a new site on Friday … the script installer installed 3.9

    I found all the image mods/edits missing too. I’ve looked a a few threads here about that and other missing stuff … and the response seems to be ‘use a plugin’. On one thread one of the developers didn’t even know the image padding/borders was part of the core! Beggers belief.

    Please can we have this back in the core.

    Developers, please listen to your users.

    Thread Starter davidmcc3


    It’s just the emails I want to stop … doesn’t this stop minor updates too?

    Having to edit the files for dozens of sites is worse than installing a plugin!

    Yet another setting which should be controlled by a simple admin-only switch.

    Thread Starter davidmcc3


    Thanks for the update satrya – much appreciated.


    Just found this plugin, but also need it to see custom post types.

    Thanks for creating something simple and working.


    I’ve just noticed the 3.9 planning meeting post … no mention of considering feedback. Shouldn’t that be no.1 on the agenda?

    My solution, if anyone is interested, is to use Duplicator to copy the site onto a spare domain I maintain just for this purpose, so I can test the upgrade without breaking the site.

    If you just upgrade a site without testing, you can’t have ever worked in an IT department.

    I also maintain a ‘library’ of WordPress installations (back to 3.3.1) on another spare domain, which I can copy and implement when I need to build a site on a particular version of WordPress (using the magic of Duplicator, of course).

    The idea that ‘outdated’ versions of WordPress are “a major security risk” is rubbish.

    Are you saying (in the semi-official capacity as a ‘Volunteer Moderator’) that until 1st August (when 3.6 replaced 3.5.2) was supplying a seriously flawed product? Oh, and up to 24th October when 3.7 replaced 3.6.1 … etc. etc.

    The security of sites is more about good user names, secure passwords, checking plugins for malicious code, some site hardening and a secure hosting platform.

    Just because 3.8 is out, doesn’t mean anyone can forget about security.

    The biggest decision about upgrading WordPress will always be “does it break anything” not is it (notionally) more secure.

    Andrew … not suggesting customisable colours – the point is, fixed colour schemes are pointless because they can never be the right combination – one of the reasons I don’t use ‘standard’ WordPress themes.

    You are joking about using the browser zoom? So, WordPress (and all who sail in her) think zooming in and out when going from Dashboard to viewing site to building the site (in Headway) and back is a good idea? And it isn’t a good idea to be able to set it up just the once?

    Is it a generational thing? After 35 years in IT (I started young!) I understand the quickest way to get somewhere/do something is with the fewest mouse-clicks/key presses. Does no one else know this?

    There is too much change for the sake of just being different (and not enough progress), with no thought for people who want to stick with what they had before. Microsoft haven’t learned yet (even with the backtracking in Windows 8), and that’s why Windows XP is still on more PCs in the UK than either Vista or Win8.

    It’s the lack of thought which bugs me most.

    Just completed a fresh install.

    Colour schemes were a waste of someone’s time if we don’t get to customise them (don’t want to create plugin – customising should be within the Dashboard)
    Biggest negative is increased font/spacing sizes … with no way to change them – it would mean more scrolling up and down & eye/head movement … great ‘improvement’!
    Not sure it’s worth the effort to see if anything good/useful has changed.

    Fortunately, I keep a blank install of every WP version … so I’ll use Duplicator to build my next WP client site on an earlier (more user-friendly) version.

    About time the WP crew took a long hard look at the product could be, and stop messing with the interface.

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