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  • Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Unfortunately that’s not something that this slider can easily accomplish. That is basically the result of multiple sliders being put into one tabbed interface. While that can be done, it would require a great number of changes to this particular slider to work.


    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Hi Chris,

    Thanks for the positive feedback! Currently there is not, but I’m going to push a new plugin soon that incorporates the suggested features that I’ve gotten, to avoid bloating this one with options. While these things are generally easy to incorporate, I want to keep the plugin itself lightweight and make a more advanced version for those who need more features.


    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Currently there is not, but I can look into adding this to the next update cycle. Right now the best bet is to use a specific category to display from if you want some not to show up. I realize this is not a perfect scenario, but part of my goal is to keep the number of options in the plugin low and clean.


    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    For now it works only in a widgetized area, but I can extend it to include a shortcode. For now, however, a plugin like this can help:

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Do you have those images set as a featured image? While the plugin tries finding the first image in a post if there is no featured image, this isn’t perfect.

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    I just pushed an update to the plugin that fixes a few styling and backend issues, including this one that you raised. Thanks for bringing it to my attention, hope that it helps!

    Hi Marc,

    My thought right now is that due to the load time that is taking place for some of those photos, they are timing out. Jetpack uses a server for some images to improve the way that the mosaic works. If they’re too large for whatever reason, it will time out to avoid causing issues with the server, which will make some images simply not load.

    Unfortunately the best way to fix that is just to reupload a smaller image.

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Sorry for the late reply, I’m going to be pushing an update once I have a few other things in order, but the issue is setting an overflow for the slides. I don’t want to push too many updates in a short time for users, but for the moment this should work, if you know how to add CSS to your stylesheet (if not, I can help).

    .slides li {overflow: hidden;}

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Hi Yogie,

    I’ll clean up the CSS a bit and include a few tips in the documentation for the next update. Thanks for testing and for using the plugin!

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Hi Daè,

    Just want to confirm that the solution that I sent via email worked for you, and thank you again for catching my mistake!

    Plugin Author david wolfpaw


    Can you give me an example of what you’d like? I can look into incorporating it for future use.

    In the original version of the widget I offered the ability to choose the image type, but realized that it wasn’t the most user friendly, since the slider fills the area that it is put into.

    Thank you for using and reviewing!

    Ok, the site is loading fine for me now.

    The reason that the float isn’t working is because you are floating it within that list item, which is the width of the search bar, meaning there is nowhere for it to float.

    Instead, float the list item itself to the right. Add a class to the list item, like $items .= '<li class="searchbar">' . $searchform . '</li>';, then add .searchbar { float: right; } to your stylesheet.

    If you deleted it there, it should delete and create a new DB for you. I was just confirming that nothing written to the DB that might interfere was remaining.

    That is an odd issue. Off the top of my head I can think maybe contact your host to see if you are exceeding your size limitations, but that doesn’t seem likely if you can create a page but not update it later.

    Right now I’m seeing a PHP error on the site that is most likely caused due to there being blank space in your header.php file before the opening <?php tag.

    Since I can’t see the site, I’m making the assumption that your nav menu is displaying at the full width of the header, in which case I would just take that search box and float it to the right.

    What you’d want to do is find the class that your comments are using in CSS and change them to suit what you want. Something like this should work:

    .comment { display: inline-block; width: 25% }

    Assuming that your comments all have a class of “comment”. You would also want to change the CSS to match any paddings/margins that you want to separate the comments. The reason that I set display to inline-block is to have the comments only take up the space that they are actually using on the page, then made them 25% of the width of the area that they are in, so four should fit together without any margin or padding.

    I’ve avoided using float: left; so that comments of varying length don’t make them line up weird.

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