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So how could Apple say it is DEFINITELY not them when this all worked (and still does) on apple products prior to iOS 15 and works with every other email client and browser rendering, including SAFARI on my iOS 15 device?
Nothing has changed in the SSL certs for my sites on Bluehost, and, as mentioned above, all of this works in other email clients (no issues with certificates).
In your interactions with Apple, have they been able to open up a debug log or something to see what the code is actually doing in choosing not to display the image (just alt text). It would seem that would be easy to recreate, and trap the issue. If an message was being displayed that it did not trust the certs (like it does when that is actually the issue) then I might believe that. However, since we get no such messaging, it seems clear the iOS 15 code is sensing a particular issue and taking an alternative path in the code to do what it is doing.
I would not likely get access to Apple level 4 like you might as a provider of a paid service, so perhaps getting them to answer the above might prove beneficial for all.
Yes, I have performed all of those things. I have tried everything I can find on the internet that others have tried and failed as well. There seems to be something about the way the image is referenced or about the something it seems.
My original question is important to determining the issue:
Is MailPoet using their own sending service, or is there something special about the template they are using that iPhone mail does not take this action on?If the answer to this question is yes, then it may not be a mailpoet issue as the marketing image is being displayed, which is also a url of an image.
Follow up detail to my previous comments:
1. No errors in connecting to PayPal (either production or Sandbox) Gateway in GiveWP.
2. Using PayPal IPN Generator/Testing tool, PayPal indicates GiveWP is replying successfully.
3. Disabled WordFence – no change.
4. Disabled Cache plugin – no change.
5. PayPal sees all payments successfully.
6. Same symptom for both PayPal Donations and PayPal Standard gateway.
7. Wordfence seems to see a 200 return code on the Give Listener.
8. No way to verify the webhook or IPN is being honored by GiveWP as the transactions are all Pending, no confirmation email is sent, nor donation-confirmation screen displayed.
9. PayPal auto-return is set to the proper url for the donation-confirmation screen.
10. If I initiate a browser url of teh donation-confirmation page on the screen that has the spinning wheel (waiting) it does display the data from the giving, but does not send out an email or mark the gift as completed.All of this seems to indicate that GiveWP is not getting what it needs in the response packet from PayPal (or getting it at all).
Any help is appreciated as I have followed every help article I can find and tried disabling all I can disable, tried different approaches, etc.
Using the Test Donation gateway works without issue.
I have the same issue. Multiple websites using GiveWP getting the same issue, which is using PayPal Donations gateway, donation just hangs (spinning wheel on donate now) or white page after donation. Donation goes into PayPal successfully, no confirm page displayed nor emails delivered. PayPal payment gateway is successfully connected, so that is not the issue.
I cannot find that email in any email box for the contact email I have on my account with MailPoet, and I do not have an email address to reply to them directly. That is why I am reaching out to get help with this.
The site is finished, but I have no way to contact anyone.