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  • The details they provide do look pretty confusing.

    It’s worth trying the database server IP address they provide in place of ‘localhost’ in define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);. The database may be on a different server to your site files, in which case ‘localhost’ won’t work.

    I’d try followed by

    Forum: Localhost Installs
    In reply to: Nom d'Hote

    I don’t speak French but I think you’re facing a permissions issue.

    Open terminal in Ubuntu (ctrl alt+t) and enter:
    sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/html/yoursite

    This recursively gives ownership to your site files to www-data (the apache group). You should then be able to import themes/plugins etc through the WordPress dashboard.

    Once you have done this, if you need to change ownership back to your user (maybe you are editing theme files) enter:
    sudo chown -R $USER /var/www/html/yoursite

    Good luck

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