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  • yes, excerpt + content is one approach. using the more or nextpage tag (handled properly) might be another. excerpt+content is possibly easier to implement AND understand, so long as excerpt is NEVER used in templates otherwise! ??

    Alternate approach would be to have a custom field with a second post ID, have those posts in a category that otherwise isn’t shown, and then the template grabbing the main post sees if there’s a secondary ID, if so it grabs it. Actually, you could possibly have multiple secondary IDs then… Then the content for the sidebar is independent from the main content (good for some companies/editors).

    Alternate alternate is to embed just in custom fields the extra data. Plaintext ‘about’ description, logo graphic, web link, grab those and build your aside. That ensures the formatting is proper…


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: AJAX Banner Rotator

    Ummm, you realize that JS makes it non-SEO-friendly? That is, if the banner is loaded (and rotated) in JS, no bots will ‘see’ it…


    Ummm… some misuse of terms here.

    ‘Trackback spammer’ would indicate people hitting your site with trackback spam. They don’t generally have blogs.

    If you mean ‘RSS aggregators’ or ‘Rebloggers’ grabbing your content, that’s a completely different case. Solution is generally to not feed full content, unfortunately. You can also embed advertising or other elements into your feed.

    I’m not sure if there’s something you could embed that newsreaders would ‘filter out’, but that in raw HTML would give some effect — likely not. You could always embed an invisible 1×1 tracking image if you want to ‘see’ who is reading your posts, from ‘where’ — assuming that the rebloggers grab all the content and blindly repost it, including images being remote and not local, then that’d work to tell you who’s using your content, MAYBE.

    If it’s really trackback spam you are trying to stop, just get one of the anti-spam plugins (bad behavior, akismet, et al).


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Memory exhausted in 2.1.3

    Yes, certain queries, certain plugins, can easily cause the memory size to grow beyond 8MB. I think I pushed for 32 on my current site just to not worry about it.

    Some of it has to do with what the plugins are doing and how they do it, and what content you have on your site.

    But, definitely just ask you host to increase your max php mem size, pick a number (20M?), even if it’s just temporary.


    Just put them in categories, and if you need to use one of the post-rating plugins to add star ratings to the posts. That’d be the easiest way. No reason to necessarily pull them out of the blog context as separate data…


    I’d definitely try wp-cache again. That usually resolves most load issues.

    However, if you look at the logs and you are a ‘lite’ site but are seeing multiple hits on index.php PER SECOND, that could be:
    – search engine crawl (which there are ways out there to slow them down)
    – DOS attack type thing
    – spammer(s) hitting your site.

    Just a few thoughts to throw back at BH, since this has seemingly occurred for MANY people over the past 6-12 months.


    I’ve been trying to find time to widget-ize CG-FeedRead. You could certainly add it to a sidebar via PHP, and get links with limited descriptions. but again, no Widget-ready version yet.

    CG-FeedRead will show full length bodies with HTML, but if you want to have a length-limited preview, it falls back to stripped plaintext.

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: particular feedreader

    CG-FeedRead could be modified to customize the output, but you’d need to know a little bit of PHP… ??

    I’ve been looking at a future version that would work off of customized templates, but haven’t had the time or resources..


    If you need real ad management (people buying a certain amount of pageviews per month, or other complex mgmt), go with That’s a full ad system, it IS complex, but it does everything you’d need. I’ve seen some other smaller systems, but none that I’d trust for really running anything major. ??


    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: Static output


    Correct. Because much of WP lives on dynamic output, adjusting themes without recreating the entire site, etc.

    I’ve seen a few people discussing working on a static html ‘capture’ thing, don’t know if anyone did it yet.

    Staticize Reloaded is the grandfather of WP-Cache2 — it caches the content at a given URL for a certain period of time (or until somehow declared ‘stale’), as a php stream that can just be reoutput without much overhead. However, unlike completely static HTML, you can still embed dynamic php code in the generated wp-cache’d output, so that certain parts of the page generation remain dynamic.




    it is rare that a reinstall will cure things. ??

    Which plugin is it specifically? Did you try contacting the author?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: 5 digit post ID for newsite


    You can go into the MySQL db, and set the auto-incrementing value to be 10000, then everything will be 5 digits automatically. That’s the best way to do it, IMHO.

    alternative would be a custom permalink format where you ‘expand’ the post ID as part of the format to have leading 0’s, likely would want to be done as part of a string (

    Just some thoughts.



    “without all the extra stuff the typical blogs have”
    what extra stuff? you can tune the theme to your liking.

    “import a post that I write into the main page so that it work fluidly”
    speed/performance? caching is the best way.

    Okay, that all said, if you want to have a PHP main page that isn’t connected to WP, the ‘best way’ I generally recommend is to use some kind of RSS aggregator script (like my CG-FeedRead, which also happens to have a WP plugin) to get the latest entry from your blog and display it on your ‘other site’. That way the content is actually cached local, no DB hits (well, except every N hours) per pageload.


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: MySQL crashing


    not to mention that, in theory, php code shouldn’t ‘crash’ mysql. bad mysql code crashes mysql! ??

    I’d agree, it’d be good to know what queries or calls were causing the crashes.




    I’m confused. You want to track people arriving via AdWords? Or, you want to track them through some process (say, an order), so as to tag that as a conversion? (that is, converted the ppc into an ‘order’..)

    If you just want to track ‘landings’, referrer tracking would do the job, or tracking via custom landing in the URL.

    If you need to have someone come to your site, and THEN execute some JS, you need to define the ‘flow’ — as I don’t understand what you are ‘converting’…


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