Forum Replies Created
Same issue on my side… Deactivating WP Super Cache did not modify this behavior. I guess this has to do with some incompatibilities between Events Manager and WP 4.5 and I hope it is not serious.
Thanks a lot Samuel for the good news! I am looking forward to trying WordPress 4.5!
Thanks Samuel for the detailed feedback. Here are my two cents:
– I did not know the username convention inherent limitation (accepting @ characters). In this case, could it be possible to clarify a bit the login system to people by putting a grayed out example of the kind of data they have to enter in each login field? I have already seen this on other websites, and it is very effective for computer-illiterate people IMHO. For example:
– ID: grayed out johnsmith
– Email: grayed out [email protected]
– Etc.– I fully agree that the “enter password twice” system is due to the hidden password feature. But there are IMHO at least four alternatives to the current WordPress reset password system:
1) Go back to the “enter twice” option with a check-box “show password” (not very satisfactory, I agree).
2) Keep the single, visible password entry system as it is, but do not automatically generate a random password. Instead, provide a button “generate random password” for those people who wants it. (And change the label on the current OK button, which IIRC is labeled “generate password”, instead of a plain “OK” or “save password”.)
3) Enforce a certain password quality: if the provided password does not pass the current evaluation test, it is not considered and people have to provide another one… Very effective!
4) Enforce logging with third-parties authentication systems with two-step verification approaches (Google… and WordPress.com, in a sense).
A combination of 2) and 3) is my favorite alternative to the current reset password system.What do you think? Thanks again for your help.
Thanks a lot Jeremy for these explanations!
I followed your advice and activated the WP.me Shortlinks module. I will let you know if I encounter other issues.
Thanks again for your help!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export Users to CSV] Did not export the entire datasetDear essdsasktel, I am sorry to hear about that. Subscribe2 works perfectly on my side. Check your parameters, install/reinstall the plugin, remove temporarily the other plugins. All the best!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Export Users to CSV] Did not export the entire datasetThanks Batmanian for confirming! ?? Therefore I have stopped using this broken plugin… I am relying on the Subscribe2 plugin instead, which does a great job at exporting registered users to CSV. Enjoy!
P?r, I confirm that release 2.0.15 addresses all issues on my side. Everything looks fine now. Thanks again for your great Simple History plugin!
P?r, your latest release did not solve everything, alas. I sent you a private message on Google Hangout with my RSS feed address and the W3C validator info. Hope this helps. Thanks in advance!
Thanks a lot P?r! I will let you know about the results on my side.
P?r, I’m afraid that problems are back again after the latest release… Here is the report from W3C Feed Validation Service for the same website as before:
This feed does not validate. line 17, column 23: Invalid email address: wp_user (5 occurrences) <author>wp_user</author> line 83, column 31: XML parsing error: <unknown>:83:31: undefined entity <title>Updated page "Qu’est-ce qu’un Repair Café ?"</title> In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations. Your feed appears to be encoded as "UTF-8", but your server is reporting "US-ASCII" line 46, column 32: description should not contain relative URL references: (3 occurrences)
Hope this helps. Thanks in advance!
Thanks P?r for the code update today! I confirm that after installing Simple History v2.0.10 all my feeds are now parsed correctly from both Firefox and Thunderbird. Thanks again for this great bug fix on the first day of the year!
Thanks a lot in advance P?r! Happy new year to you and the WordPress community!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Subscribe2 - Form, Email Subscribers & Newsletters] WP 4.0.1 support?@mattyrob Understood, thanks for the tip! This wasn’t obvious at first sight… ?? I installed the update and will report here any issue. Thanks again!
Thanks a lot webmystery for this hint! I did not notice at first that it is also possible to specify cities in WordPress time settings. And it does solve the issue perfectly indeed! Both my RSS and iCal feeds are providing the right answer now, both under Apple Calendar and Thunderbird!
Here are my two cents for a small improvement in the WordPress backend UI:
- By default, WordPress is installed with UTC settings, and cities are located above the UTC settings in the drop-down list. Therefore, they are invisible at first glance.
- By shipping WordPress without default time settings and/or by providing two alternatives for time setting, with two drop-down lists (one for cities, one for UTCs) this would make this issue more explicit and avoid a lot of confusion IMHO.
Thanks again webmystery for your precious help!
Thanks a lot rdellconsulting for the feedback.
I have tried diagnosis #1 and #2 without any apparent changes: the animated circles nearly disappear on smartphone-size screens, even with the native Customizr theme and no plugins.
We have “addressed” this issue since we do not use the three buttons anymore! ?? However, the bug remains for others, I am afraid. Therefore, I let the topic open, if anyone wants to comment further on in the future.