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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress page editor blankThanks. I’ll try that
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: stopping notificationsThank you. I have tried that several times with no effect but I’ll try again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Gutenberg] Gutenberg Content Editor backgroundApologies – please ignore. It’s my theme
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariThank you. That solves it.
Great plugin, excellent support.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariOh well, not being paticularly technical I’m not sure how to do that so I”ll just leave it as it is. Thing is that sometimes when it goes to the problem full screen both the exit and full screen buttons do not appear so there’s no way to get back to the thumbnails. Only option is to use the browser’s back button which takes you elsewhere.
Apple stikes again: ‘It just(doesn’t) work’.
Thanks for your help Jacob.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariOn my site, with both settings at ‘Normal’ thumbnails almost always open Lightbox. Tapping on the full screen button always displays the problem.
On your test site all of the thumbnails now bypass Lightbox & display the problem.
What would work for me would be if I could switch off the full screen button. I can’t find that option in Settings.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariOddly, although they mostly open in full screen, if you then tap on the now almost invisible full screen button they often revert to Lightbox.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariTesting with Chrome & Safari. The majority now bypass Lightbox & open directly to the faulty full screen. The few that do open Lightbox initially then go to the faulty full screen when tapping on the full screen button.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariOK, I tested the page with both Safari & Chrome on the iPad & I think you’re correct: timing issue.
On both browsers some of the images opened correctly into Lightbox & tapping the full screen button gives the result as in my original screenshots. Some of the images bypassed Lightbox & went straight to the faulty full screen.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariThe full-screen button seems to be the biggest problem. Is there an setting that will remove it?
Also setting Table IV-G10 to ‘normal’ is less problematic than ‘padded’.Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariSo, to eliminate Safari I installed Chrome on the iPad. The results are much the same. I’ll email you the screenshots
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariThe main problem I’m having is that it seems to be intermittent. Sometimes both the iPad & Android tablets work correctly & sometimes not. The worst kind of problem!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariBack to the iPad: Setting Table IV-G10 to ‘normal I’m now having difficulty finding a thumbnail that doesn’t display Lightbox correctly but tapping on the full screen button gives the same effect as in the screenshots.!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariThere is also an issue on an Android tablet.
With Table IV-G10 set to ‘padded’ tapping on a thumbnail, more often than not displays the photo full screen with just the Exit symbol showing, however no description or title appears. Also there is often a significant delay (5 seconds+) when the screen is black, before displaying the full screen photo. If I change the setting to ‘normal’ then on the Android it seems to work as expected.- This reply was modified 6 years, 9 months ago by davidallen23.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [WP Photo Album Plus] Lightbox problem in iPad SafariRotating the iPad has no effect.
Have set Table IV-G10 to ‘normal’ & tried again.
With either setting the problem is still there & you are correct – even when lightbox works normally the full screen button doesn’t work correctly & gives the same result as in the screen shots.